公共事务用英语怎么说 公共事务英语翻译

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公共事务用英语怎么说 公共事务英语翻译



1. publicaffairs


示例:Peter Osnos, the founder of PublicAffairs Books, says the biggest challenge small publishers face is managing their inventories.



2. m.p.a


示例:The arrival time is 45 P. M. Thursday,

3:45 P.M. Thursday,


3. publicservice

4. intrarepublic


1. intrarepublic( 公共事务)

2. public affairs officer(公共事务官员)


3. publicaffairs(na. 公众事务\n 公共事务出版社;


4. m.p.a( 公共行政学硕士;


5. publicservice(n. 公职人员\n 公共服务;


1. The governance of URT is a portion of public affairs governance, which involves multiple governance bodies.


2. FAPA, Formosan Association For Public Affairs


3. - V.P. For public affairs.

译文:- 公共事务的副总裁。

4. Yeah, it's just their public affairs team.


5. Because it's the only way ordinary people can get ahead and ordinary people can't get ahead by wages

译文:{\pos(300,191.36)} 菲利普·布朗德 英国智库公共事务负责人。

6. No report that date and address.

译文:市警局公共事务部 没有那个日期和地址的记录。

7. Limitation of Church influence on public matters.


8. Democracy could not work without the citizens deliberating, debating, taking on public responsibilities for public affairs.

译文:民主需要人民通过 商议、辩论、承担公共事务中的责任 对公共事务进行决策。 。

9. Now, we recognize the importance of struggle not just in the public sector between our branches of government.

译文:现在,我们了解了斗争的重要性, 不仅仅是在政府各分支之间的 公共事务上, 。

10. i now proudly present this year's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and international Affairs graduating class.

译文:现在我很骄傲为大家介绍 威尔逊学院 公共事务暨国际关系系的 应届毕业班。

11. i have too much respect for the department... to make this a public matter.

译文:不要担心。 我有太多的尊重 该署... 使这个 的公共事务。。

12. That's assuming it doesn't get tossed out on public policy grounds.


13. This decision has been made less difficult to me by the sure knowledge that my brother, with his long training in the public affairs of this country... will be able to take my place without interruption or injury to the life and progress of the empire.

译文:我的弟弟受过长期的良好训练 懂得如何处理国家公共事务 不会在接替王位时 对人民生活和帝国发展造成伤害。

14. What has really suffered is human relationships, family life, the things that really matter to us, and in the end the only thing that makes human beings happy isn't money it's very clear that past a certain level you only get marginal gains from wealth

译文:真正受损的是人际关系 家庭生活 {\pos(300,191.36)} 菲利普·布朗德 英国智库公共事务负责人。

15. Civism is essentially the citizens 'value and belief toward the Commons. The vibrant citizens and efficient public administration complement and supplement each other.

译文:公民精神实质上就是公民对公共事务所持有的价值与信念,充满活力的公民和有效的公共行政是相辅相成的。 。


标签: 翻译 公共

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