台历用英语怎么说 台历英语翻译

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台历用英语怎么说 台历英语翻译

台历的英语翻译是" calendar",在日常中也可以翻译为"desk calendar",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到22个与台历相关的翻译和例句。


1. calendar

台历翻译为 calendar 。

示例:他还送她礼物,通常是些无害的东西,像拖鞋、台历、相框、铅笔和钢笔套。 He took to sending her presents, usually innocuous things like slippers, Day-Timers, picture frames, pen-and-pencil sets.


2. desk calendar

台历翻译为desk calendar。

示例:他对上帝、真爱以及人生意义的思考时常出现在贺卡和台历上。 His musings on God, love and the meaning of life grace our greeting CARDS and day-timers.


3. diy

台历翻译为 diy 。

示例:翻过去的台历是我们的人生积淀,接下来的日子需要我们认真思索。 Turn over the past calendar is our life, accumulation, the next day we need to seriously ponder.


4. shinee

台历翻译为 shinee 。

示例:Okay then. . lets make some things clear now about tonight's concert especially about SHiNee and fans. 好吧,让我们把这次演唱会尤其是关于SHINee和粉丝这件事澄清一下



1. perpetual calendars(万年历;


2. year planner( 台历及年历表;

英语短语&俚语, desk calendar stand diy ( 台历架 )

WallCal Calendar ( 桌面台历 )

Calendar Desk Calendar Design desk calendar the calende ( 台历挂历 )

calendars ( 专版台历 )

Puzzle Calendar ( 拼图台历 )

Desk Calendar old calendar ( 老台历 )

JQ-D xg-A ( 高档台历 )


1. inheritance of Chinese-style elegant life, the GUOGUAN of the first desk calendar - 2017 month, which was born.

译文:传承中国式雅致生活,国馆首款台历--xx月令,由此而生。 。

2. He took to sending her presents, usually innocuous things like slippers, Day-Timers, picture frames, pen-and-pencil sets.


3. Lorin Stein, editor of the Paris Review, is on his 10th New Yorker desk calendar.


4. The same thing happened to my desk calendar, after the 28th.

译文:同样的事发生在我的台历上 xx日之后的。

5. "Today i found all the pages of my desk calendar... torn out after October the 22nd."

译文:"今天我发现我台历上所有页... 在xx月xx日之后的都被撕掉了"。


标签: 翻译

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