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植物翻译为英语的写法为: [植] Plant,还经常被译作7725 This technique can be applied in principle to any flower plant.,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到68个与植物相关的释义和例句。


1. [植] Plant

植物翻译为 [植] Plant 。

示例:缺水会妨碍植物生长。 Lack of water will stunt the plant's growth.


2. 7725 This technique can be applied in principle to any flower plant.

植物翻译为 7725 This technique can be applied in principle to any flower plant. 。

示例:沙漠植物适于耐酷热。 Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat.


3. vegetable -

植物翻译为 vegetable - 。

示例:人不能消化草类植物。 Humans cannot digest plants such as grass.


4. botany


示例:They shared a common interest in botany. 他们都对植物学感兴趣。



1. periimplant( 植物植物)

2. phytosymbionts( 植物植物)

3. ombrophilous plant(避雨植物; 好雨植物; 喜雨植物; 适雨植物)


4. vegetation(植物

5. phytonic(植物)

英语短语&俚语, ferns Pteridophyta filicales ( 蕨类植物 )

Plant Sciences Botany and Plant Science ( 植物学 )

aquatic plant ( 水生植物 植 )

plant hormone ( 植物激素 植 )

Gymnospermae gymnospermous plants Gyrnnospermae Gymmospermae ( 裸子植物 )

herbaceous plant ( 草本植物 植 )

Royal Botanic Gardens Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne ( 皇家植物园 )

Paleobotany ( 古植物学 古植 )

Phytosterols beta-sitosterol ( 植物固醇 )


1. Those plants are poisonous!


2. Vegetable plants, pizza plants...

译文:蔬菜,比萨植物。 。 。。

3. What faith does a plant have?


4. The plants of Sinopteris are evergreen small xerophytes.

译文:该属植物为常绿旱生小型植物。 。

5. The population of Sabina vulgaris are mainly typical mesophyte, secondly the xerophytes, super- xerophytes; the proportion of Phreatophyte is very small.

译文:臭柏种群的植物类型以典型中生植物为主、其次为典型旱生植物,超旱生植物、湿中生植物的比例很小。 。

6. Just look at those plants.


7. This is a herbal to end all herbals,

译文:植物学 这本书包含所有植物。

8. They are devided into Spermatophyta and Pinophyta.

译文:它们被分为种子植物和松生植物。 。

9. it's for the plants, Stan.


10. i mean, if you talk to them, they grow.

译文:为什么? 跟植物说话 植物会长大。

11. These were the angiosperms - flowering plants.

译文:这些是被子植物 就是显花植物。

12. List of cultivated plants in South China Botanical Garden, Academia Sinica .


13. And this problem is: where are the plants?

译文:植物在哪里? 。

14. Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the family Leguminosae, which includes peas, beans, clover, alfalfa, and other plants.

译文:豆科植物的豆科植物的,属于豆科植物的,具有豆科植物特点的,这种豆科植物包括豌豆、蚕豆、翘。 。

15. Many members of the mustard family, spurge family, legume family, and grass family are top hyperaccumulators.

译文:芥科植物、大戟科植物、豆科植物和禾本科植物中的许多植物都是顶级的超富集植物。 。


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