健康饮食翻译为英语的说法为: Healthy Food,还可以翻译为 Healthy Eating,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到82个与健康饮食相关的翻译和例句。
1. Healthy Food
健康饮食翻译为 Healthy Food 。
示例:你应该把锻炼和健康饮食结合起来。 You should try to combine exercise with a healthy diet.
2. Healthy Eating
健康饮食翻译为 Healthy Eating 。
示例:她妈妈是健康饮食的忠实信徒。 Her mother was a dedicated apostle of healthy eating.
3. Healthy Diet
健康饮食翻译为 Healthy Diet 。
示例:他喜欢宣传健康饮食的重要性。 He likes to spread the word about the importance of healthy eating.
4. healthy diet
健康饮食翻译为healthy diet。
示例:Good diet, healthy senior citizens. -良好饮食,健康耆老
1. healthy diet( 健康饮食;
2. healthy eating(健康饮食; 饮食与养生)
3. health coach( 健康教练;
4. macrobiotic diets( 长寿健康饮食法)
5. food and drink(饮食)
英语短语&俚语, Atkins diet ( 阿特金斯健康饮食法 )
Healthy Eating Pyramid Healthy Weight Pyramid healthy diet pyramid ( 健康饮食金字塔 )
Dieting and Healthy Eating ( 节食与健康饮食 )
Sobre una Dieta Sana ( 关于健康饮食的讨论 )
the healthy-eating trends ( 健康饮食趋势 )
Unhealthy diet ( 不健康饮食 )
healthy eating habits dietary health habit ( 健康饮食习惯 )
Talking about Healthy Food ( 畅谈健康饮食 )
National Eating Healthy Day ( 全国健康饮食日 )
1. Guxiang No.
9 adheres to the philosophy of green, nutrition and health.
译文:谷香九号坚持绿色、营养、健康的饮食理念。 。
2. Set consistent, healthy mealtimes.
译文:设定一个一致的,健康的饮食时间。 。
3. i have been told that i'm glorifying obesity.
译文:我被形容为不健康饮食的宣传者, 。
4. The British Dietetic Association said more young parents needed to be educated about healthy eating.
5. Her mother was a dedicated apostle of healthy eating.
译文:她妈妈是健康饮食的忠实信徒。 。
6. There is clearly a range of materials that constitute healthy food.
译文:一个健康的饮食方式中 有许多不同食物。
7. And it was designed to be a robot diet-and-exercise coach.
译文:他被设计为一个机器人健康饮食锻炼教练。 。
8. it's a new diet, b-b-but there's A great place down the street, And it'll be my treat.
译文:现在健康饮食 街那头有家餐馆 我请客。
9. There is clearly a range of materials that constitute healthy food.
译文:一个健康的饮食方式中 有许多不同食物 。
10. Ultimately, let you choose a poor choice of meals.
译文:最后 不要让你选择 健康的饮食。。
11. Healthful eating increases energy.
译文:健康的饮食增加你的能量。 。
12. is this your idea of a healthy animal diet?
13. i kind of try to stick to a nutrition and workout schedule.
14. Be carefull what you drink and eat in the future. i need you healthy.
15. You would probably move faster
标签: 饮食
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