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关于”r开头“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Start with r。以下是关于r开头的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Start with r


1、The f switch tells the command to automatically fix errors and the r switch locates bad sectors and recovers readable data.


2、See, at very, very high values of r, one over r dominates.


3、The yen also rose against the Australian AUDJPY=R and New Zealand dollars NZDJPY=R.


4、And this equilibrium spacing is denoted r sub zero or r naught.


5、Generally, if it pays c dollars for every period, the present value is c/r.


6、In mega-science epoch, the traditional R&D "pie" will become D&R "layer cake".

简化 O/R 持久性。

7、Simplified O/R persistence.


8、r So the circumference is

2 pi r.


9、The effects of improving fatigue strength is dependent on the base. The stress ratio (R) also has some effects on the improvement, but it is not great.


10、I had a killer weekend. I got some great R&R.


11、m For a mass m at distance r,let's call r this distance.


12、New I/R preventing strategy was provided to develop the latest cytoprotector in I/R preventing, establish new usage of coenzyme NADH.


13、Black currants are related to European ( R. nigrum ) and Asian ( R. ussuriense ) species.


14、Our result is Theorem

1 Let R be a ring such that zero divisors commute. Then R is nonsingular if and only if R is semiprime.

1 设R 是零因子可换环,那末R 是非奇异的当且仅当R 是半素的。


15、The profoundest thought or passion sleeps as in a mine until an equal mind and heart finds and publishes it. ( R. W. Emerson )


16、For a G —graded ring R . We show the following results: (

1) If R is graded regular ring, then any graded left R —module are all graded divisible;


在 Domino …

17、The most visible addition to R&R functionality in Domino

7 is that we have Sametime-enabled the R&R database, both at the view level (see figure


7 中,R&R 所增加的最直观的功能是我们拥有启用了 Sametime 的 R&R 数据库,且两者均处于视图级(参见图



18、The results also show that enterprise's R&D investment (technology development) and external technology purchasing are substitutability.

作为一个开发环境,R 最大的优势可能是 Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN),这是类似于 Perl 的 CPAN 的一个软件包档案文件。

19、As a development environment, R's greatest advantage might be the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), a package archive homologous to Perl's CPAN.


20、Billy: I had a killer weekend. I got some great R&R.

21、College R&D, the main body of Knowledge Innovation System in Regional Innovation System, plays a fundamental role of headstream.作为区域创新系统中“知识创新体系”的执行主体,高校R&D具有基础的源头作用。

22、But their longer and sowing date sensitive of days from flowering to maturity (R 1~R 但开花至成熟天数长,对播季敏感,与春大豆品种明显不同。

8) was contrary to that of two spring soybean cultivars.

23、For example, -R is different from -r, and will do different things.例如, -R 与 -r不同,会去做不同的事情。

24、There are three leading motives for the transnational corporations to conduct R&D abroad(outside the border).跨国公司开展国(境)外R&D亦有三种主要动因。

25、-2:0 -R !-2:0 -R !

英文句子26:,26、The factory has established the R&D center for new production.工厂设有新产品研制、开发中心。

27、Public tours of our top-secret R&D labs will be every Tuesday and Thursday from 我们最高机密的R&D实验室将于每周二和周四,九点到五点开放公众旅游。

9 to


28、Current M2000 Software Development Engineer R & D group.现任M2000软件研发组开发工程师。

29、rgb(r,g,b) - (r,g,b are decimal numbers)rgb(r,g,b) - (r,g,b 是十进制数)

30、Cv+R=Cp Cv is equal, oh Cv plus R is equal to Cp it's a relationship that we had up here that we wanted to prove.我们就得到了,我们一开始,想要证明的。

31、We even added some new R&R-related features to the mail template, to make using R&R even easier.我们甚至还向邮件模板中添加了一些与新 R&R 相关的特性,目的是进一步简化 R&R 的使用。

32、So the integral of one 1/r over r squared gives you one over r.所以就有了,我们在上面提到的1/r^2和。

33、Therefore, China shall increase the R D investment and optimize the allocation of R D capital in different fields so as to generate the concentration effect.为此,我国应加大研究、开发的投入强度,优化研究、开发资本在行业间的合理配置,形成聚集效应。

34、Charles R. Shrader;查尔斯r。寻觅;

35、R. re ectfully informs the inhabitants of P. that he has succeeded to the grocery and oil busine formerly conducted by Mr. W.谨告知P。处的居民, 原由W。先生继承。

1、先生所经营的罐头、酒等杂货食品及食油业务, 已由R。

36、The profoundest thought or passion sleeps as in a mine until an equal mind and heart finds and publishes it. -R. W.Emerson 最深刻的思想或感情就如同地底的矿藏,在等待着同样深沉的头脑与心灵去发现和开采。

37、"Q," "W," "E," "R," "T" and "Y" are the first six letters.T和Y是最开始的六个字母。

38、Department of Head and Neck Surgery; Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center; P. R. China;中山大学肿瘤防治中心头颈科;

39、At very, very low values of r, one over r to the 10th dominates.在很小很小的r是,1/r的10次方占主导。

40、There's also this backslash R. Anyone know what backslash R is?这还有\r,谁知道\r代表什么?

41、Replication: two copies of both data and metadata (set using -m, -M, -r, -R)复制:数据和元数据都有两个拷贝(使用 -m, -M, -r, -R 设置)

42、R&D internationalization becomes a trend.国际化开始成为一种趋势。

43、His professional career began in 1960 when he joined L. A. R&B ensemble the Upfronts.xx年,他加入了洛杉矶R&B合唱团“前沿”,开始了他的职业生涯。

44、Finally, u2 is just r, and we are evaluating the derivative at the point r = v.最后一个等式中,u2=r,我们考虑r = v的导数。

45、Let R be an abelian ring ( all idempotents of R lie in the center of R), and A be an idempotent matrix over R.设R是一阿贝尔环(R的所有幂等元都在中心里),A是R上的一幂等阵。

46、I encourage developers to start out using CMP entity beans to model their domain and handle the O/R mapping to their database.我建议开发者开始使用 CMP 实体 bean 来将他们的域建模并且处理他们数据库的 O/R 映射。

47、dE/dr=0 We take dE by dr equals zero at r equals r naught.当r等于r圈时。

48、If anaphylaxis or other serious hypersensitivity reaction occurs, R-Gene 如果出现过敏反应或其他严重过敏性反应,R-10基因,应停药并适当的治疗开始。

10 should be discontinued and appropriate medical treatment initiated.

49、Note that, whereas earlier imap examples all used = to invoke a Vimscript function call, this example uses = instead.注意,考虑到前面的 imap 示例都使用 = 调用 Vimscript 函数调用,因此本例使用 =。

50、The concept oi R-type function and it's construction rules are presented. The general method solving the parameters of the open-circuit impedances or short-circuit admittances is also given.本文提出了R型函数的概念及构造R型函数的规则,给出了求解开路阻抗或短路导纳参数的一般方法。

经典英文句子51:r开头,51、Method for production of the R, R (or S, S) configuration of glycopyrronium stereoisomers.制备R,R(或S,S)构型的格隆铵-立体异构体的方法。

52、R-DOUBLE BAR : The average of the R-Bars, used in statistical process control.双R 型柱:R 型柱状图的平均值,用于统计过程控制。

53、Fog cleared up, full ahead, R/O engine, cancelled lookout and switched off radar.雾消散,全速前进,定速。撤消了头,关闭雷达。

54、The company mainly produces the products involving PP-R ball valve, angle valve, stop valve, check valve and pipe fittings.本公司主要生产PP-R球阀、角阀、截止阀、止回阀、管接头等产品。

55、This article introduces the Real Options Theory into the field of R&D project investment. How the Real Options Theory is applied to evaluating R&D project is discussed.本文将实物期权理论应用到R&D项目投资领域,探讨了如何应用实物期权理论评估研究开发项目。

56、Under condition of dynamic the velocity distribution at the intake entrance shows non-uniformity, which degree dependence on R. "Draught" phenomena appear when R exceeds certain value.在流动环境下,蘑菇头式取水口的进水流速呈不均匀分布,其不均匀程度随R的增大而增大,当R大于某定值时,取水口内有水流穿过。

57、This is minus one over r, so I get m MG over r with a minus sign, and that has to be evaluated between infinity and capital R.这是r的负值,所以在mMG/r上加-号,它处于,无穷远和R之间。

58、Now use the down arrow to bring cursor below the import lines, then type Control-r for Read File, and type /root/addme.现在使用向下箭头键把光标移到 import 行下,然后为 Read File 键入 Control-r,然后键入 /root/addme。

59、Here, the dfiPRrvw list looks for -d, -f, -i, -P, -R, -r, -v, and -w.这里,dfiPRrvw 列表查找 -d、-f、-i、-P、-R、-r、-v 和 -w。

60、R&D of related processes related to film-work technology.膜结构技术有关程序的开发研究。

61、Interestingly, these T - R cavities employ old-fashioned spark gaps, complete with ozone smells and crackling sound tones.有趣的是这些收发开关里头使用的旧式火花隙会生成臭氧并发出轻微的爆裂声。

62、And this applies only at, obviously, r equals r naught.这表明,r=r圈。

63、Press the Windows Key and R to bring up a run box, type diskmgmt.msc and press enter.按下 Windows 键和 R 打开运行框,输入 diskmgmt.msc 然后按 enter 键。

64、Use -d recurse or its synonyms -R or -r. For example, use可以使用 -d recurse 或其同义词 -R 或者 -r。

65、The radius r--I'll give your light back because it may be nicer for you... The radius is 半径r,我把灯打开,便于你们听课。,半径是15米。

15 meters.

66、In 1941, the Japanese started the big scouring, actually is to mineral resources, and develop a plan of the R.xx年,日军开始了大扫荡,实则是为了矿产资源,并且制定了R计划。

67、And we have written before at ReadWriteWeb about the increasing popularity of the open source statistical programming language R.之前我们读写网也介绍过开源统计编程语言R也变得越来越流行。


标签: 英文 开头

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