关于”描写重庆“的英语句子22个,句子主体:Description of Chongqing。以下是关于描写重庆的中考英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Description of Chongqing
1、LAI Han School of Computer Science and Information Engineering; Chongqing Technology and Business University; Chongqing 400067; China;
2、Huang Zili. A Collection of Hundreds of Schools of Expositions in the Traditional Chinese Medical Science. Chongqing: Chongqing Publishing House. 1998.
3、Created awareness of Chongqing’s unique heritage and helped raise the profile of Chongqing as a city of culture.
4、Ec. Chognqing Xibainian Hotel, Chengdu Liansen Hotel and Chongqing Caixiangyuan Chain Restaurant.
[8] 苏周成。 车辆转弯制动稳定性动力学控制研究[D]。 重庆: 重庆大学, 2007。
5、SU Zhoucheng. Study on the Dynamic Control of Vehicle Turning Braking Stability [D]. Chongqing: Chongqing University , 2007.
6、So It Is nessary and Impossible to creat trate pedestrian streets with the traits of chongqing.
7、These corporations include but are not limited to Chongqing Wanguo Shareholding Co. , Ltd. , Chongqing Ice Water Ltd. , and Chongqing Shuanggui Industrial Garden Ltd. Mr.
8、Chongqing hot pot! I have came! ! ! ! !
9、Major cases in Chongqing's crackdown on organized crime will be written into a novel, local media reported.
虽然这看起来很奇怪,这也是重庆的一部分。 重庆市有多重特点的自治区。
10、Strange as it seemed, this too was Chongqing: a multiple-personality municipality.
11、Chongqing with a long history and rich culture has many human landscapes and scenic attractions .
12、Chongqing Vehicle Test & Research Institute(CVTRI in short)is the formerly known as Chongqing Justice Quality Test Co. , Ltd.
13、Fog-Chongqing Chongqing is the fog city, mist covers is the common matter.
14、and 28 percent in the inland province of Chongqing, a lower-wage region to which manufacturing has only begun to relocate.
15、Chongqing Wujiang Industry Group is predecessor of the Wujiang Power Group founded on October 10th, 1994.
16、Chongqing Taifeng Mining Machinery Co. , Ltd. , former Chongqing Mining Machinery Factory, was founded in May, 2001 after reformation.
17、It is located in the industry base of China—Chongqing.
“重庆新世界百货装饰工程” 获重庆市优质建筑装饰工程奖;
18、The decoration project of New World Department Store, Chongqing Branch won the title of Outstanding Architeture Decoration Project of Chongqing.
19、Huang HuiStrategical Planning College; Chongqing Technology and Business University; Chongqing 400020;
20、Franchise Association is currently in Chongqing, Chongqing hot pot Association.
21、Chinese Chongqing Airlines flights to the minimum 380 Luoyang, Chongqing, Yinchuan route to the minimum 450.华夏航空公司重庆至洛阳航线最低380元,重庆至银川航线最低450元。
22、Also these deployment descriptors are overwritten every time the deployment code is generated for the BPEL.同时,当每次生成用于 BPEL 的部署代码时都会重写这些部署描述符。
23、Chongqing B&F Advertising Design Co. , Ltd has a supporting factory established in Chongqing.重庆不凡广告设计有限公司是在重庆成立有生产制作工厂。
24、Exhibition for Luo Zhongli Scholarship winners, Chongqing Art Museum, Chongqing.“罗中立奖学金”获奖作品展,重庆美术馆,重庆。
25、I write Chongqing mid-term exam in 2009 composition whether this calculates a catch question for father opens the door waiting , writes being thankful, or not.xx年重庆中考作文我写的为父亲开门等,写感恩,这算不算偏题。
英文句子26:,26、I'm Christina, teaching IELTS Reading and Writing at Chongqing Longre Training Center.我是克里斯蒂娜,在重庆朗阁培训学校教雅思,主讲阅读和写作。
27、The idea of the Chongqing Fire Phoenix was collected into the article The Position-setting Research of the Image of Chongqing in the bluebook of the 2009 Chongqing Development.“重庆火凤凰”概念进入《2009重庆发展蓝皮书》中《重庆城市形象定位研究》一文。
28、All this money is bringing rural job-seekers flocking into Chongqing (the city proper, see chart).所有这些钱正在带动农村劳工涌入重庆(重庆市区,见图表)。
29、A mooncake stuffed with crocodile meat was unveiled in Chongqing, local media reported.据重庆媒体报道,一款包入“鳄鱼肉”的月饼亮相重庆。
30、Apartments in a high-end development in Chongqing have severe quality problems, according to a report in the Chongqing Evening News.据《重庆晚报》报道,重庆某一高档楼盘内的住房被曝出现严重质量问题。
31、The Chungking negotiations, the old Political Consultative Conference held in Chungking and the Nanking negotiations were all debates.重庆的谈判,重庆的旧政协,南京的谈判,都是辩论。
32、Chongqing Chuangli Industry and Trade Ltd. was founded in Chongqing in the early year of 1995.重庆创力工贸有限公司于xx年初在重庆成立。
33、These consciousnesses are an important characteristic of Chongqing and have become the mechanism of the survival and developmen…这是重庆文学的另一重要特征,它们成为重庆文学的生存机制和发展机制。
34、Today i see a very interesting news, that a Cantonese girl is finding a friend who's from Chongqing.我都很喜欢重庆的,今天在重庆贴吧那看到一个广东女孩想诚招一个重庆人做朋友。
35、East left floor plaques: IP also great - the EC- Mrs writing.东左匾:大有庆也——清杜大统书写。
36、We have not commenced operations other than in connection with the execution of the license agreement with Chongqing Yahu described below.除了执行与以下描述的重庆雅狐咨询的许可协议以外,我们从未从事过其它业务。
37、If you someday come to Chongqing, then you must to eat the hot pot.如果你哪天来到了重庆,那么一定要尝尝重庆的火锅。
38、Companies such as Lotus, Mira and Romax are active in Chongqing and offer new energy efficient technologies.Mira以及Romax这些公司在重庆非常活跃,给重庆提供新的节能技术。
39、Chongqing medical industry becomes one of the top 重庆医药行业已成为重庆地区的五大支柱产业之
5 pillar industries in Chongqing district.
40、All the designing of the hall concentrate on showing the theme "The Landscape of Chongqing, The Performance of The Whole World".门头的设计以“重庆”为主, 背景为重庆山水演艺元素杂糅,集中展现“山水重庆、演艺天下”的主题。
41、He is a sign up writer of Chongqing literary college.重庆市作家协会会员,重庆文学院签约作家。
42、Luo Wen-dong Chongqing Academy Social Sciences;重庆社会科学院;
43、Jiangbei District is one of the most important parts of CBD in Chongqing.重庆江北城位于重庆中央商务区(CBD)的金三角极核区。
44、" AD 1189, Prince Gong Song Guangzong first sealed, then Jidi Wei, claiming that "double happy" or Christine the state government of Chongqing, Chongqing, hence the name, dating back over 800 years.公元xx年,宋光宗先封恭王,后即帝位,自诩“ 双重喜庆”,升恭州为重庆府,重庆由此得名,距今已有800余年。
45、Excuse me expert of Chongqing department of gynaecology what is inflammation! Chongqing, the Great Wall, hospital need not ah!请问重庆妇科专家什么是炎症啊!重庆,长城,医院可以不啊!
46、How many mafias are there?重庆到底有多少黑帮?
47、Dazu County, located in the southeast of Sichuan province, is 271 kilometres away from Chengdu and 163 kilometres away from Chongqing.大足县在重庆市的西北,县城距重庆百余公里。
48、She is chongqing.她是重庆人。
49、On a packet of snacks: "Chongqing Strange Taste Horsebeans".有一种零食的包装袋上写着:“重庆怪味马豆”;
50、XIONG Jiang (Department of Computer Science; Chongqing Three Gorges College; Wanzhou 404000;重庆三峡学院计算机科学系重庆万州;
经典英文句子51:描写重庆,51、The city's first five-star public toilet will be branded Friday in Bishan.周五,重庆市将在璧山为重庆市首个“五星级公厕”授牌。
52、Chongqing is a facet originated in Chongqing, is one kind of local characteristics Han traditional snacks.重庆小面是一款发源于重庆市,是一种汉族的地方特色传统小吃。
53、It's important because it allows you to describe recursion in terms of rewrites, rather than computation steps.之所以重要,是因为它允许使用重写代替计算步骤来描述递归。
54、City·culture – Chongqing impression exhibition as an important part is organized by Chongqing performance company.作为活动重要内容之一的《城市·文明——重庆印象图片展》由重庆演出公司承办。
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