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关于”30个经典“的英语句子47个,句子主体:30 Classic。以下是关于30个经典的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:30 Classic


1、Volvo, the Swedish brand it is buying, displayed an electric version of its C-30 small car.


2、The typical luxury automobile today has

20 to 30 microprocessors in it, more computing power by far than was inside the landing-craft that took the first astronauts to the moon.


3、A: Yes, the economy model is about 30% less.


4、Coins placed on both eyes, the right one identified as a type of Roman copper coins produced in 29 and 30 AD in Jerusalem.


5、After a 30-minute wait, a frazzled receptionist showed up.


6、This dictionary has over 30, 000 entries.


7、Its new report predicts the economies of its 30-member states will shrink by

4.1% this year.



8、Ms Whitman turned a start-up with 30 employees into a

15,000-person colossus.


9、Once you’re past that 30-day mark, the habit will become much easier. If you fail, do not beat yourself up.


10、The 30-year-old knows Greece well as he often goes on vacation in Athens and Mykonos.


11、He has done in the hotel industry for more than 30 years, is an experienced expert.


12、Author Ethan Bodnar created over 30 unique tasks and gave each contributor a task that was different from their typical work.


13、It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.


14、I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dream.


15、Up to 30% of patients suffer from cardiac disorders and up to 10% suffer from digestive (typically enlargement of the oesophagus or colon), neurological or mixed alterations.


16、After a patrol in Musa Qala on Jan. 30, Marines engage in a little horseplay.


17、A: Yes,the economy model is about 30% less.

梁先生在广东省作为一个职业经理人有30 年的经验。

18、Mr Liang has 30 years of experience as a professional manager in Guangdong province.


19、But Della Raymena Jovanka, 30, a mother of two preschoolers, has developed misgivings.

一个典型的 GT PRO运行通常只需从预置值或自动产生的数值中改变30个输入参数。

20、A typical GT PRO run may involve changing only 30 of the inputs from their defaults or their automatically-generated values.

21、AT WORK: They are called managers.在工作:这个典狱官改名为经理。

22、After 6-30 months of follow-up study, 经6~30个月随访,6例均骨性愈合,枕颈部恢复至伤前活动范围。

6 patients recovered with fracture healing to the normal motion ranges.

23、You pay every year a fixed amount on your house to the mortgage originator and then after so many--n is 30 years, typically--you would then have paid it off.你每年在房子上支付定额给抵押主,然后在比如n为xx年后,典型的,你那时已经还清。

24、According to that, the typical poor household has roughly 据此,典型的贫困家庭大概拥有30种设施中的14种。

14 of 30 amenities.

25、He arrived at Athens at about the age of 30.他大约在xx岁的那xx年到达了雅典。

英文句子26:,26、You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.你知道,有62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333431336162些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。

27、What if the person is someone who caused you extreme embarrassement during school 如果那个人是在读书时另你非常不悦呢,而且已经事隔

20 or 30 years ago?


28、Rome is such a cherished city.罗马真是个懂得收藏经典的城市。

29、There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours. Hope.译文:有些东西在内心,不能到达,不能触摸,只属于你。

30、Part of this process involved the radical devolution of economic power to over 30 provinces, fostering a kind of anarchic federalism.这个进程包括把经济大权下放给超过30个省,培育了一种无法无天联邦制度。

31、"It\'s a classic case," Hanlon adds.Tim Hanlon补充道,“雅虎是个经典案例。

32、After 30 years of mind-bending economic growth, everyone knows about brand China — but very few people can name a Chinese brand.经过xx年匪夷所思的经济增长后,每个人都知道了一个崭新的中国——但是很少有人知道哪怕一个中国品牌。

33、So far we have received 30 seriously injured, there will be more people being sent.目前为止我们已经收到了30个重伤者,还会有更多的人被送来。

34、This Neet is already 30 years old but still lives off his parents.这个啃老族已经xx岁了,但仍然依靠他的父母生活。

35、Here are the industry says the arrage average customer is middle class, from 30 to 45 years old most be gone jeweryand pawns mostly gold or jewelry.当地的典当行表示来的顾客大多是中产阶级,年龄在30-xx岁上下,典当的大多是黄金珠宝饰品。

36、恐。惧野兽,现在是一个瞬发技能,同时范围。扩大到30码。--------------游戏玩家最经典的对白。Scare . Beast: T. he range on this spell has bee. n increased to 30 yards and it is now instant cast…

37、朋友圈经典个性说说 the classic and individual "saying something" of a circle of friends

38、Of 30 non-nociceptive modulating neurons, 另30个非伤害调制性神经元中,微电泳CORT引起12个(40 % )神经元兴奋,10个(32 % )神经元抑制,余8个(

12 (40%) neurons were excited,

10 (32%) neurons inhibited, and the rest of

8 (28%) neurons remained unchanged following iontophoresis of CORT.

2 8% )的神经元没有反应。

39、The non-public owned economy has undergone three phases in China's 30 years' reforms and formed ten major theoretical innovations .在中国xx年的改革中非公有经济的发展经历过三个阶段,并且形成了十大理论创新。

40、Now looking back all the books I have read in this month:"A Collection of Fiction", "30 Western Classic Stories" and a few other books.现在回想我在这个月读的书:《小说选集》,《西方经典故事30篇》和一些其它的书。

41、However, the work of nearly 30 consecutive hours of Xing-ice has been exhausted.然而,已连续工作近30个小时的陈星冰已经疲惫不堪。

42、The path from the perfused mouse heart to the investigation of the human heart has been completed in these 30 years.从灌注心脏口到人体整个心脏的研究已经在30内完成了。

43、For Nancheng left a family classic.为南城留下一个居家的经典。

44、If we hand it a classical bit (0 or 如果我们传给它一个经典的二进制位(0 或

1) as an argument, it will return a classical bit.


45、Another set of CD-ROM also presented more than 30 in the first classical Chinese folk music, so that readers use, you can also enjoy high-definition digital music.另外这套光盘还赠送30余首中华经典民乐,使读者在使用时,可以同时享受高清晰的数字音乐。

46、In 30 years of reform and opening up, individual economy with the fastest growth has become an important part of China private economy.改革开放xx年,个体经济成为中国民营经济中起步最早、发展最快的重要组成部分。

47、By then 30 emails have climbed up to 40.等到了那个时间点的时候,我的30封邮件已经涨成40封了。

48、The program also has Advanced Dictionary Manager for a dictionary-based attack.该项目还得到了一个基于字典词典攻击高级经理。

49、The findings will appear in the Jan. 30 issue of Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging.这个研究成果将发表在xx月30号那一期的《精神病学研究:神经图像》杂志上。

50、Paecilomyces sp. are ubiquitous microorganisms. There are 拟青霉是普遍存在的微生物,已经有9-30个已知种。

9 – 30 known species of Paecilomyces.

经典英文句子51:30个经典,51、In my experience, it takes about 30 days to change a habit, if you’re focused and consistent.按照我的经验,如果能专注、坚持的话,30天左右就能改变一个习惯。

52、Fear can hold you prisoner,hope can set you free.译文:怯懦囚禁灵魂,希望还你自由.

53、The country’s 该国的17个核电站——包含55个反应堆——已经提供了自身电力需求的将近百分之30.

17 nuclear plants — boasting 55 reactors — have provided about 30 percent of its electricity needs.

54、The aged Swede, known as 'Tin Can Curt, ' spent 30 rs roaming the streets of Skelleftea in northern Sweden in his blue jacket and ragged pants, collecting tin cans and bottle for cash.这个年迈的瑞典人绰号叫“破烂王”, xx年来他不停地游走在瑞典北部谢莱夫特奥市的大街小巷,穿着蓝色夹克和破旧的裤子,靠捡易拉罐和瓶子换钱。

55、The patient was well without any evidence of recurrence after a 30-month follow-up period.经过30个月的追踪,目前并无复发的迹象。

56、A typical home--a conventional thirty-year-- this is what most people get today and that's--except for subprime.一个典型的住宅,期限一般是xx年,除了次级贷款之外,今天大部分抵押贷款期限都是xx年

57、Over 30% hens presented typical broodiness, and the duration of each broody cycle was about 29 days.超过30%的母鸡表现出典型就巢行为,其平均就巢持续时间约为29天。

58、Six East Asia economies make the list of top 30 economies in the world in terms of the report’s ease-of-doing-business index.六个东亚经济体在报告的企业经营环境宽松度指标方面进入全球前 30 个经济体之列。

59、It now has more than 30 brands and more than 60 breweries in China.现在在中国,它旗下已经拥有了30多个牌子和60多个啤酒厂。

60、Yes , the economy model is about 30% less.是的,经济型的大年夜约便宜30%。

61、Timex has also designed a model of the Ironman 30 lap especially for women.Timex公司还设计了一个铁人三项30圈,特别是对妇女的典范。

62、When: The Codex Executive Committee meets from 30 June to 时间:食典委执行委员会从xx年xx月xx日到xx月xx日举行会议向食典委提出关于选定问题的意见,食典委将在xx年xx月4-xx日举行会议。

2 July 2005 to advise the Commission on selected issues, and the Commission meeting takes place from 4-9 July 2005.

63、I’ve spent several happy evenings jumping in the water and being washed 100 metres up river in 30 seconds, lying on my back with a classic African sunset spotlighting my course.有几个傍晚我欣然跳入水中,在30秒钟之内就被激流冲走100米。 我躺着欣赏经典的非洲日落,它照亮了我的前程。

64、Scare . Beast: T. he range on this spell has bee. n increased to 30 yards and it is now instant cast…恐。惧野兽,现在是一个瞬发技能,同时范围。扩大到30码。--------------游戏玩家最经典的对白。

65、The construction of 30 years' literature classic in the new era require the involvement of the literary critic, literary historian and readers.新时期xx年文学经典的构建,需要文学批评家、文学史家和读者的积极参与。

66、Results:80% (24/30) of HBVGN renal tissues showed non-typical membranous nephropathy.结果:在HBVGN病例中,有80%(24/30)的肾组织表现为不典型膜性肾病;

67、I’ve lost about 30 pounds so far, and would like to lose another 20-30.到目前为止,我已经减掉了30磅,而且看样子今后还要减掉20-30磅。

68、The clinical manifestations were mental decline(44 cases), having no appetite(32 cases), fever(30 cases).临床表现不典型,以精神萎靡(44例),不思饮食(32例),发热(30例)居多。

69、Despite only graduating last month, Zhang Hui Li said she had already applied for 30 jobs.张慧丽称,虽然她上个月刚刚毕业,但她已经投了30份简历。


标签: 英文 经典

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