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15 classic good sentences。

英文句子模板1:15 classic good sentences


1、Not incidentally, Gazans, like that Swedish Ikea designer, made their own culture from the bricolage of global choices.


2、Good taste is therefore a receptive attitude of mind which works backwards through artist's visual expression to his vision…


3、BTW – WestPoint is almost within the shadow of Indian Point.


4、He hurried past me without stopping to speak.


5、It is the first time for me to write to my penfriend abroad.


6、He worked with the CEO of one Fortune 500 company who has a policy of silence for the first

15 minutes of meetings. He does not utter a single word, although he is an extravert.


7、Results: 54 cases were treated with classic method, of which

15 cases were excellent and

16 cases were good.


8、Put another way, S&P drastically underestimated one-year default risk in 80% of those cases.


9、The class spent

15 minutes teasing out the metaphorical meaning of a line about “places with no carpet on the floor.”


10、Selling Proposition) near the top of your resume. Also called a "Personal Branding Statement, " this is a short, one-sentence "pitch" that describes who you are in about

15 seconds.


11、Then there is a word that Hollywood producers will hold the hands of a total of

15 plays, over the years is on this basis, additions and deletions to repair and cross-infection.


12、This is the Oxford English Dictionary in electronic form, on a CD-ROM disk

15 centimetres wide.


13、For example, the statement “Men are taller than women” is an empirical generalization.


14、People are better able to recall lists of related words and the connections between them after a night's sleep than after the same time spent awake during the day.


15、You could ask the parrot any verse in the Bible, and he could quote it word for word.


15 shows a typical process model that has adopted such a “short-hand” modeling notation.

15 显示了采用此类“速记”符号的典型流程模型。

Chapstick经典唇膏含有13种润肤成份和SPF 15抵挡来自太阳的有害紫外线保护嘴唇。

17、ChapStick Classic contains

13 moisturisers and SPF

15 to protect your lips from the sun's harmful rays. Ideal for use all year round.


18、Every time he dozes for more than

15 minutes we think we've turned a corner.


19、Now Lenovo has also updated its

15 inch T-range classic with cutting-edge technology with the Arrandale CPUs.


20、And the idea is he has economic codependence with these people.

21、Nadia Gilchrist offers 拥有xx年的现代占星和古典占星的经验。

15 years of experience in Evolutionary and Traditional astrology.

22、You can't believe a word she say because she is bats in the belfry.她说的话你一句也不能相信,因为她神经失常了。

23、The raconteur mentioned that the quotation was from the Bible.说故事的那位来宾,指那句话是出自圣经!

24、You could ask the parrot any verse in the Bible, and he could quote it word for word. What a gift that would be.这只鹦鹉接受了xx年的训练,能一字不落地背诵整部圣经,并且不论你问他什么,他都能从圣经里原句引出。

25、"Artistes are very troublesome. " Our company's internal meetings, colleagues often said that what he was saying.我们公司的内部会议中,同事们经常说这句话。

英文句子26:,26、These decorations are wonderful. I love the table cloth/balloons/flowers.装饰得太棒了,我喜欢这块桌布/这些气球/这些鲜花。 问学堂句典翻译机。

27、The project will be tested in Beijing, where officials have chosen 北京将作为试点。15首京剧教学曲目已经确定。经典京剧唱段将正式进入中小学课堂。

15 pieces of opera, including both classical and modern, for the syllabus.

28、The way in Sweden is 在瑞典,可发生性关系的法定年龄年龄是xx岁。


29、The legend is that Mr. Jobs asked Sculley, "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?"乔布斯对斯科利说过一句非常经典的话:“你是想把余生都花在卖糖水上呢? 还是想要个改变世界的机会?”

30、The Buddha in the Dhammapada says of nirvana that it is "the highest happiness".在法句经中佛陀说涅槃是“最高的幸福”。

31、This line has four commands in it already. Let's crlf.这一行里已经有四个命令句了,改改行吧。

32、If you don"t know what to order, ask for the suggested menu. The chef likes to showcase his best dishes there."问学堂句典翻译机,大厨喜爱在此将他最拿手的菜作一番橱窗展现。

33、"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. " mark 他又对他们说,你们往普天下去,传福音给万民听。 马可福音16节15句。


34、A typical tourist would spend 53 percent of his or her money on shopping, adding HK $ 一个典型的旅游者会将他或她的53%的钱用于购物,这也使得当地经济xx年增加15亿港元。

15 billion a year into the local economy.

35、Treat as above for first degree burns for 按照一度灼伤的处理方式处理约15~30分钟,最好使用经过消毒的水。

15 to 30 min- utes, preferably using sterile water.

36、Instead the classic McKelway piece says: “Very, very few people act this way, which is what makes the ones who do so interesting.”然而,马克威的一个经典之作中有这么一句:“绝大、绝大多数的人是不赶潮流的,这就使那些喜欢追求时髦的人让人很感兴趣。”

37、The BA 561 is due to arrive from Athens at 从雅典来的英国航空公司561航班定于13点15分到达。


38、This is particularly the case for earthquake insurance, which typically has a 10% to 15% deductible.地震灾害保险是最典型的例子,通常都有10%至15%的扣除额。

39、But a lot of people hear that and they think that's from the Bible.但是很多人以为,这句来自圣经。

40、Things couldn't be worse, financially: in short , we're bankrupt.在财务方面已经糟得不能再糟了: 总之一句话, 我们破产了。

41、The word was on the tip of Jo's tongue to ask, but she checked herself in time.这句话已经冲到裘的舌尖,可她还是及时刹住了。

42、For all mortals, birth is suffering, ageing is suffering, sickness is suffering, dying is suffering.“这句话的意思是”凡众生必经四苦,生苦,老苦,病苦,死苦。

43、If you already have some official appointment, then it must share.如果已经有一官半职,那对这句一定感同身受。

44、The economy would recover before Congress could finish reciting those 28 words.这样经济将会在国会念完这句话之前就开始恢复了。

45、Men of Athens, there is not much time for exhortation, but to the brave a few words are as good as many – Hippocrates.雅典的人们啊,已经没有多少时间用来动员了,所幸对那些勇敢的人,几句话就能起到长篇累牍的效果。——希波克拉底(希腊名医)

46、We Buy 我们经销12厚普通,传统经典的毛毛虫、满天星花色;我们有10-xx年质量保证的工程板;

12 general thick, traditional classic Caterpillar, Gypsophila paniculata variety and we have

10 to

15 years in quality assurance engineering board;

47、Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear. —1 Peter 金句: 「有人问你们心中盼望的缘由,就要常作准备,以温柔、敬畏的心回答各人。」(彼得前书3章15节)


48、Good vintage can only reach its peak after 12-15 years of aging.好年份的酒要经过xx年才能达到巅峰状态。

49、This retort angered Carrie. She had had a dreary day of it herself.这句回答惹恼了嘉莉。她自己已经为此生了一天的闷气。

50、These 下面这15例作品就体现了复古的未来主义色彩,太空旅行的主题当然也包含了一些经典甜妞形象。

15 examples highlight these visions of retrofuturistic space flight and the dreams of what could be including, of course, some classic babes in space.

经典英文句子51:15句的经典好句,51、Would you stop being a backseat driver? I don"t need you to teach me how to drive."你可不能够不要再啰哩巴唆了?我不须要你教我怎样开车。 问学堂句典翻译机。

52、You may be possible to skip this check using the /, a failed download or a virus; NCRC command line swith(NOT RECOMMENDED.你有可能忽略这个检查使用/,用有道词典翻译后是这样一句话。

53、There is, in other words, plenty to reassure them that it has actually been a good start to the season, however chastening this defeat.换句话说,他们大可放心,这已经是个很好的开季成绩了,当然这场失利值得警醒。

54、Charles XII inherited the crown of Sweden in 1697 at the age of 查理十二世在xx年他xx岁时继承了瑞典王位。


55、To quote his favorite passage from the Talmud, an ancient book of Jewish law: "Saving one life is like saving an entire world.引用《犹太法典》(一本古犹太法典)上他最喜欢的一句话:“拯救一个生命就相当于拯救了整个世界。”

56、Do billionaire 那些活跃的亿万富豪随便编几句话说说,就指望能推动股市?

15)activitists, so to speak, to coin that phrase there or use that phrase there, are they moving markets?


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