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关于”介绍唐诗“的英语句子59个,句子主体:Introduction to Tang Poetry。以下是关于介绍唐诗的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Introduction to Tang Poetry


1、This web page excepts introduce the department research and also have introduction of faculty and course.


2、Introduction to the topic .


3、Plot description: Chi was originally a 10-minute summit in Amsterdam Chinatown gangs, he was hostile gang was out of Chinatown, and soon he made a comeback-they gang Niuer.


4、Second, introduces the reason for the explosion of economizer, which mainly is erosion, abrasion and vibration.


5、An astronomical geodetic survey was organized by Zhang Sui (LHsing), the Tang Dynasty astronomer, more than 1200 years ago.


6、Tang Lin, I want to introduce my friend Jane.


7、Now that you've seen field and method descriptors, you're ready to hear about signatures.


8、This article mainly introduces the location, design idea, overall arrangement complex design and style of the Memorial of Tang Dynasty Xun Zang , a Buddhist monk.


9、Introduction of macro and implementation.


10、Introduce the nomenclature of acupoints.


11、I'll give you Bailian introduction.


12、The experiences to use converter gas in heating furnace of the rod rolling mill in Tangshan Iron and Steel Company are introduced.


13、It consists of four chapters. The first chapter is about the poet's life and gives a brief introduction on his landscape poems.


14、Chapter Two presents in details Tang Biao's conception of language teaching and his methods of teaching reading, writing and calligraphy.


15、Please submit resume and intro.


16、From the Tang Dynasty Music and Dance in institutions tributary people, it introduces different tribute people in music and dance institutions.


17、The chapter ends with the author's claim to originality, based on his survey of worldwide Thomas-Mandelstam criticism, and an indication of the theories used in the thesis.


18、That's Tang Lin. Come on. I'll introduce you.


19、This text mainly introduces the automation control of 1700 Slab Continuous Casting Machine in TangGang Steel and it's production sequence.


20、Present product information, including technical information, accurately through a step-by-step

6 positions sell program.

21、Chapter One starts with a brief introduction to the stylistic features of English poetic advertisement and its constraints in translation.第一章介绍了英语诗型广告的文体特征以及它在翻译中的制约因素。

22、III symphony and symphonic poem of the two genres were introduced and compared for further information after the symphonic poem laid the foundation of this genre.第三节对交响曲和交响诗这两种体裁进行了介绍和比较,为之后进一步介绍交响诗这一体裁打下了基础。

23、T he video shows the geographic location, surrounding environment, historical changes, trail facilities and scenic areas, as well as wooden wagons and a display area for wooden wagons .介绍跑马古道地理位置及环境介绍、历史变迁、步道设施、景观等等。还有木马及木马道展示区等相关介绍。

24、So in this case, you should first introduce Mr. Wang, then Mr. Li.所以这种情况下,应该先介绍王先生,再介绍李先生。

25、As an introduction, Pablo said.首先,Pablo介绍说

英文句子26:,26、Oh incidentally I'm allan-a-dale a minstrel .哦,顺便介绍一下,我是艾伦。戴尔,一个诗人。

27、Let me introduce Judy.让我来介绍朱迪。

28、The operational effect and economical benefit after using SYP obtained by TANGANG et al. enterprises were discussed.较全面介绍了唐钢等企业应用SYP烧结增效剂后,所取得的效果和经济效益、社会效益。

29、Let me introduce him.让我来介绍一下。

30、The second part mainly focuses on introducing the content of Mao Shi Pu.《毛诗谱》主要内容介绍。

31、This article makes a research for the historical material value and its art value by introducing Zhang Fang and the stone inscriptions collected in his Qian Tang Zhi Zhai.对张钫及其千唐志斋所藏石刻进行了介绍,重点研究了千唐志斋石刻的史料价值和艺术价值。

32、Have introduced the theory boundary argument to the useless problem introducing the bribery crime existing still detailedly.再详细介绍了理论界对介绍贿赂罪的存废问题的争论。

33、This article introduces Professor Tang Hanjun's clinical experience in the treatment of peripheral vascular diseases.介绍唐汉钧教授治疗周围血管疾病的临床经验。

34、Here I'll introduce to you some elementary knowledge of poem & Yinglian by the virtue of their development, especially about Duizhang & Pingze.诗联在旅游文学中占有重要地位,这里以它们的发展过程为线索介绍一些诗联的基础知识,对仗和平仄尤需注意。

35、During the past xx年间在京津唐地区完成了八条地震转换波测深的剖面工作,本文介绍所取得的主要成果。

4 years (1975-1979) eight seismic profiles have been compiled by using the method of earthquake-generating converted waves in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region.

36、Ms Wang of the hearing impaired support group and Ms Tang of the autistic classrooms presented JHF's model of community based therapy and education.聋儿项目的王女士和自闭症班的唐女士在会上介绍了建华以社区为基础的康复和教育模式。

37、The article introduces the kiln of the Tang Dynasty in Gong county.文章介绍并研析了唐代巩县窑的生成、沿革、结构、产品与影响。

38、This article first ladies draw on the Tang Dynasty emergence and development of the social and historical background and briefly introduce the life of Zhou Fang.本文首先阐述唐代仕女画产生和发展的社会历史背景,并简要介绍周昉生平。

39、The article introduces technology application of soil-air type land source hot pump through main building engineering of TangShan institute north school region.本文结合唐山学院北校区主楼工程介绍土—气型地源热泵技术应用。

40、Then I introduce the relic distribution of the Zhi City, which help us know the inner placement of the City of Tang Dynasty.接着介绍了智城遗址的情况,从其中的遗物遗迹分布可以描绘出上林唐城的内在布局。

41、The practice of transporting and loading continuous casting billet in high temperature in Steel Rolling Mill of Tangshan Guofeng Iron and Steel Company is introduced.介绍了唐山国丰钢铁公司轧钢厂实现连铸坯热送热装炉的实践。

42、If Tang Lin drive she on cautioning, hurriedly stammer is 唐若琳被她一提醒,连忙结结巴巴向陶笛儿介绍雷家二人。

2 people in the house to the ocarina son introduction thunder.

43、The first double deck diesel multiple unit in China has been developed inhouse by Tangshan Locomotive and Rolling Stock Works.介绍了由唐山机车车辆厂自行研制开发的国内首列双层内燃动车组。

44、The production and technical situation of thin slab continuous casting with FTSC process in Tang Steel are introduced briefly.简要介绍了唐钢FTSC工艺薄板坯连铸的生产技术情况。

45、H. Auden, who remarked in his introduction on the young poet's technical virtuosity .奥登,后者在介绍中提到了这位年轻诗人精湛的技巧。

46、According to experts, studies and presentations, Dunhuang strokes of wood engraving in a small Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, as may be early to the Tang Dynasty era.另据专家研究和介绍,敦煌版画中的木捺小佛、菩萨像的时代可能要早到唐代。

47、At last, introduce tributary people of living in Chang-an city state.第三章主要介绍唐长安城内的外蕃僧人。

48、It simply introduces confusions.它仅仅介绍混淆。

49、The Chinese modern poem owes much to the pursuits in both practice and theory of Liang Zongdai, as well as his introduction of the western modernism poetics.梁宗岱对于中国现代汉诗最大的贡献在于他长期以来坚持不懈地汉诗创作与理论探索,以及他对西方现代主义诗学的大力介绍。

50、All EBNER batch annealing furnaces in Tangshan Iron and Steel Group Company are introduced.介绍了唐山钢铁集团公司所用EBN ER罩式退火炉。

经典英文句子51:介绍唐诗,51、The introduction is concerned with Zhangji, the current situation of the research of his poems and the main content of this dissertation.引言部分主要介绍张籍及其诗歌的研究现状及论文的研究内容。

52、Now, I'd like to introduce to you a bronze mirror of Tang Dynasty.下面,我就为您介绍一枚唐代的铜镜。

53、This section briefly introduces simply edge detecting methods, the detail of wavelet based strong edge detecting method, and SUSAN corner point extracting method.简要的介绍了常见的边缘提取方法,详细地介绍了基于小波的强边缘的提取方法,介绍了SUSAN角点提取方法;

54、In the book When We Were Very Young (the same book that introduced Edward Bear), Milne wrote a poem, telling how Christopher Robin would feed the swan in the mornings.在《当我们小的时候》一书中(米尔恩也是在这本书中介绍了爱德华熊),米尔恩作了一首诗,介绍了克里斯托弗弗·罗宾在早上是怎样喂食天鹅的。

55、The IMEasy framework is described in Appendix A. Log services are documented in Appendix B. The IMEasy package, invoked through the watchit.sendchats()附录 A 介绍了 IMEasy 框架。 附录 B 介绍了日志服务。

56、It goes on with the introduction of the three stages of Chinese translated poetry especially quatrain, their translation representatives of different translation methods and their respective features.进而介绍在中国的英诗汉译特别是四行诗翻译的三个阶段以及每个阶段的翻译代表,翻译方法和阶段特点。

57、Tang told Caijing magzine Sunday he consigned his investments abroad to 据唐骏介绍,其境外委托理财投资是通过4家国外专业理财公司进行的。

4 foreign professional financial companies entrusting investments with Madoff.

58、The hot-rolling process and parameters for JL510L automobile beam steel are introduced.介绍了唐山建龙实业有限公司JL510L汽车大梁钢的热轧工艺及其参数控制。

59、Then he introduced me.随后他向观众介绍我。

60、He was being interviewed by Carl Reiner, and he would ask him questions, and in his comic German accent he would give silly answers.卡尔· 雷纳介绍了一下他,然后问了他几个问题,接着他会带着,滑稽的德国腔去做出荒唐的回答。

61、The first chapter introduces foreign slaves of Chang-an City.第一章主要介绍唐长安城内的外蕃奴隶。

62、A series of low-salt soy sauce and its producing methods are discussed in this article.介绍日本系列低盐酱油,并介绍了几种低盐酱油的生产方法。

63、Moccia's greatest professional qualification, according to the jacket flap, is an appearance on the Morton Downey Jr. Show.根据书的封面介绍,默西亚最过硬的职业技能,是在小莫顿.唐尼节目秀中的表现。

64、This article presents the development of Clean operating department, the basic structure mainly, and the application of digital technology in it.本文介绍了洁净手术部的发展现状,重点介绍了洁净手术室的基本组成结构,并介绍了数字化技术在手术室中的应用。

65、Introduced and has studied the material which and its commonly used technique the Regong Tang Ka manufacture used.介绍和研究了热贡唐卡制作所使用的材料及其常用技法。

66、The characteristics of technology and equipment for high speed wire rod rolling mill in tangshan iron and steel Co.介绍了唐钢高速线材厂的工艺、设备特点及对引进设备改造工程。

67、The first chapter: "introduction", introduce achievements of the Li He's poems study meaning method and significance of study.绪论。 介绍当前对李贺诗歌研究的概况,以及本文的研究意义和研究方法。

68、Of course,first of all let me introduce the production departement then introduce the research and development department.可以,首先让我介绍生产部门然后介绍研究开发部门。

69、The recovery technique of hydrochloric acid and its application are introduced, with it the good economic profit got in Tang Steel.介绍了盐酸再生技术及其应用前景,唐钢冷轧薄板厂采用盐酸再生技术取得了较好效益。

70、Introduce the main content and the carrying out of enterprises standard of color coated sheet in Tangshan Steel.介绍了唐钢彩色涂层钢带企业标准的主要内容及企业标准执行的具体要求。

71、Field in the day with TangLi came to TianWaiTian work, introduce the TangLi executive chef built south.田在天带着唐力来到了天外天上班,把唐力介绍给行政总厨建南。

72、Introduction to the Alkyne Triple Bond.炔烃三键介绍。

73、This thesis chooses the abundant metaphors in Chinese Tang poetry as the media and uses the theory of Palmer's cultural linguistics to study the function of different culture in language.本文以帕尔莫的文化语言学理论为主要依据,将汉语诗歌中丰富的隐喻现象作为媒介,来审视人类不同的文化因素在唐诗英译领域内的影响和作用。

74、I'll do the intros.我来做一下介绍。

75、Introduce the development of acupoints.介绍腧穴的发展。

英文句子模板76:Introduction to Tang Poetry,76、The specific procedures and the introduction of the algorithm compression software packages are described in detail!程序的具体算法和介绍在软件压缩包有详细介绍!


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