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1、Their tongues were draped with beautiful words, but behind that they were spitting out poison.


2、She sang, a capella, a beautiful pure song, and then led me to the door.


3、Hammer Head: Made of Germany-made felt, it has pure, beautiful tone and strong expressive force.


4、Nanfang hospital has in mind on creating first rate and concinnity job and habitation.


5、The book not only has practical value, but the educated value too. The style of writing is graceful.


6、An arch bridge is widely used all over the world with beautiful shape.

它以风速飞行,发出了音调优美的声音( 交流声?)

7、It flew with the speed of the wind and gave forth a melodious sound (a humming noise?


8、Yangsheng Company hopes to work together with excellent enterprises home and broad for a better future.


9、We cannot deny, the appearance of the beautiful people, they are more competitive when they are looking for work, beauty makes them duck to water.


10、Provide high quality and dependable product to every relier of the consumer .


11、This scenic route showcases the pumpkin-orange hues of fall foliage.


12、As long as the leaves turn left windmill, it played a beautiful "Waltz Song."


13、For all of 2010, Goldman's profit after preferred stock dividends fell to $7.71 billion, or $13.18 per share, from $12.19 billion, or $22.13. Net revenue fell to $39.16 billion from $45.17 billion.



14、It's a two-stringed instrument that produces a particularly beautiful, vibrant tone.


15、And the Fisherman's Wharf in Taipei is a large beautiful park.


16、Iron Man

2 holds onto and glorifies the myriad of strong points from the first film.


17、In the western Lake, a Sai Tai, the team has six standing beautiful bridge repair.


18、I have long been a bigger, better, wiser person for knowing Li Meige.


19、lift is an expressive and elegant framework for writing web applications.


20、They're only $19.99 (there's another style available for $29.99), they're good quality, and THEY'RE LONG!

21、Su Shis wild, there Qingzhaos graceful, it is unique in our own!苏野生未登录词,有李清照优美,它是在我们自己的独特!

22、At 优胜美地瀑布高

2, 425 feet tall, Yosemite consists of three breathtaking drops.

2 425英尺,由三处令人叹惊的瀑布流组成。

23、Pilin schools in the Riverside Park has beautiful scenery and beautiful environment, convenient traffic.学校毗临风景秀丽的江滨公园,环境优美,交通便捷。

24、Excellent news communication is endowed with the qualities of verity, objectivity and novelty.优秀的新闻传播本身具有真实、客观、惊奇的审美品质。

25、A clumsy person could never achieve the graceful evolution of that ballet dancer.笨拙的人永远不能做到那个芭蕾舞者优美的旋转动作。

英文句子26:,26、Automatic temperature control , temperature uniformity in two temperature zone, perfect shrink effect;自动温控,设有双温区,温度均匀,热收缩效果美观等优点;

27、Those who map reporter the view is the lifelike outstation, the exquisite scenery scenery.映入记者眼帘的是逼真的野战场、优美的山水景色。

28、Its graceful shape is driven by integrated considerations of various factors as aesthetic sculpture shape, structural mechanics and planning requirements.其优美造型是综合考虑了美学雕塑造型、结构力学和规划要求等多项因素的结果。

29、Without question, the secret to Melaleuca's success has been our superior products!无庸置疑,我们美乐家公司成功的秘诀是我们优质的产品!

30、I was playing a so beautiful rondo that even when it accomplished I was still immersed in it.那是一首优美的回旋曲,曲终我仍沉浸其中。

31、Norfolk is a beautifully neighbored city, my university in particular.诺福克是一个环境优美的城市,我所就读的大学尤为如此。

32、Though clumsy on land Arctocephalus pusillus , or Cape fur seals, epitomize grace underwater.虽然海豹在陆地上是笨拙的, 但是在水底下是优美的。

33、The palate is well-structured , elegant, mineral and fruity with a pleasant finishes.酒体架构完美,优雅,余味怡人,有矿物质和水果回味。

34、Such beautiful shapes and forms, with colourful feathers and extravagant plumes.这麽优美的外形和种类,带有色彩缤纷的羽毛和夸张的长羽。

35、These results show that the minimum cost and optimal value of the diet is $0.90.这些结果说明日常饮食最低成本(优化值)是 0.90 美元。

36、Lycoris Herb have rich landscaping application value for their ornamental characteristics of flowers.石蒜属植物花色艳丽、花姿优美,颇具园林应用价值。

37、It tends to have a mellow bouquet and excellent aroma, with golden leaf of SAKURA flower.优雅的香味,芳醇的美味,含有樱花瓣形的金片。

38、For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone …想拥有优美的姿态,请与知识同行,你将永远不会踽踽独行。

39、The company is located in Langfang , Hebei beautiful, beautiful environment and convenient transportation.公司坐落在风景秀丽的河北廊坊,环境优美,交通便利。

40、As to the orientation, they laid stress on the beautiful environment and profound culture;从院址布局上看,注重环境的优美和文化底蕴的深厚;

41、Move with the whisht of a little bit superior work in coordination, constitute the perfect life.动和静的最优点互相配合,构成了完美的人生。

42、Equally emphasis on the pursuit of quality and taste, excellent quality roots from the first-rank materials.追求质量与美味并重,深谙优质源于上佳材料。

43、It's close to Double River International Airport, where the traffic is convenient and the environment is hospitable.公司紧邻双流国际机场,交通便利,环境优美。

44、Entering the multi-media classroom, we heard a beautiful piece of music flowing in the air.进入多媒体教室,优美的音乐声传入了耳朵。

45、The elegant spiral shape of galaxies is one of the quintessential sights of astronomy.星系优雅的螺旋外形可说是天文学的经典美景之

46、Lengths of graceful 18k white gold cable chain link six brilliant bezel-set diamonds.优美的白18K金黄金电缆长度环节6辉煌挡板集钻石。

47、His words flowed exquisitely from line to line, and the new beauty out-shadowed any memory of the faint blemishes.页面上的文字一行接一行,优美流畅,这新的美好驱散了我所有的模糊污点的记忆。

48、The advantages of lingual appliance are delight, maximum anchorage and easy to open bite.舌侧矫治器的优点是美观、支抗强、易于打开咬合。

49、Calmly, almost melodically, Anderson announces that it’s time to leave for extra help with reading.安德森用平静优美的语调宣布,到课外阅读时间了。

50、It has a combination of higher resolution and lower contrast and superb out of focus images.它同时具有高分辨率、低反差和优美的焦外成像。

经典英文句子51:优美,51、Convenient traffic, beautiful environment, high advanced industry and qualified talents are the advantages of the development zone.这里交通便利、环境优美、工业发达、人文荟萃。

52、When I am 40, I want to be elegant and beautiful like Maggie Cheung.当我xx岁的时候,希望能像张曼玉一样优雅美丽。

53、Foreigners with dollars, pounds, Swiss francs, or Czech crowns lived in opulence.拥有美元、英镑、瑞士法郎,或捷克克朗的外国人生活优裕。

54、Please click on the right menu to watch the beautiful scene of NTNU campus.请从右边的选单选取您想要观看的优美校景类别。

55、The fine nature of silk, combined with hand-painting skills and distinctive patterns, interpret the distinguished features of our hand-painted coverings.生动而有个性的绘画和优美的图案在柔美精致的丝绸上更有经典和流畅之魅。

56、This 300-meter long, colorfully painted walkway is remarkable for having an upper deck.这个300米长的长廊横梁上都被画上了优美的彩画。

57、County a beautiful environment, tree-Yam, fresh air, the forest coverage rate reached 37%.全县环境优美,绿树成阴,空气清新,森林覆盖率达到37%。

58、Great ultra fast thermocouple probe for tubular glass perfect for Neon Applications.优秀的超快速热电偶温度表,是霓虹灯应用的完美选择。

59、The quality and workmanship of every thing is excellent and it works beautifully.关于威肯叉车的质量和一切都是那么的优秀和完美。

60、Top quality rubbing brush with special design guarantees professional quality plate production.优质选料刷毛,软硬适度,洗擦效果完美,保证专业水准。

61、When playing some slow Adagio Cantabile, beautiful and moving, full of emotion to color.吹奏时慢板部分徐缓如歌,优美动人,要充满情感色彩。

62、He pointed to a bright red sleekly gleaming Ferrari in the parking lot.他指着停车场上闪亮的,线条优美的红色法拉利说道。

63、We try our best, but the results aren't exactly graceful flowing music.我们尽力了,结果却纷歧定能演奏出优美流畅的音乐。

64、Viewfinder: Pro Minjiang River side of the building, in front of the cedar forest, and beautiful environment.取景: 建筑临岷江一侧,前方为杉树林,环境优美。


标签: 优美 摘抄

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