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关于”中的高级句型“的英语句子54个,句子主体:Advanced Sentence Patterns in。以下是关于中的高级句型的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Advanced Sentence Patterns in

1、Shanghai is one of cities China. 上海是中国最大城市之

2、A compute is much more expensive than a bicycle. 计算机比自行车贵多了。


3、Policies defined at high order targets can be overridden by policies set at a more specific target for the same assertion type.


4、It has 203 staff, including senior vice Title 28, the Intermediate Title 56.


5、Among students in senior middle school, the state of Learning Anxiety and Self-accusation Tendency, Sensitivity Tendency and Horror Tendency of Grade One are also more serious.


6、Jiangsu Yangzhou Senior Middle School is a Provincial Principal middle school, a platform to display a good-spirit to the society.

高级模型中的度量指标和 KPIs 基于事件中的信息接收它们的值。

7、The metrics and KPIs in the high-level model receive their values based on information in the event.

8、This is the most interesting book that I have ever read.这是我看过的最有趣的书


9、To raise the international competitiveness and become real international-type enterprises, Chinese enterprises must "go out".


10、One type of the most important deposits, the magmatic deposit often occurred in migmatite of katogenic metamorphic belts.


11、Intermediate and Intermediate High Levels will be available, starting from the summer 2006.


12、In a dynamically typed language, it is often necessary to use metaprogramming features to implement advanced designs.


13、The company now has more than 120 staffs:

6 senior engineers (one staff even reaches the researcher level),

10 engineers,

8 management staffs,

15 mechanical technicians,

3 electrical technicians.


14、An additional 23% of those who experienced events were reclassified as high risk, and an additional 13% without events were reclassified as low risk using model



15、QB type explosion-proof hook bridge crane work level is intermediate.


16、Moreover, almost all relation models have relationship with the outranking relation in the ELECTRE method more or less.


17、There are now 22 teachers in our group, including

2 senior teachers,

12 intermediate teachers, and

8 junior teachers.


18、This article proposes the application of the research-based teaching model to the course of advanced English reading for English majors.

19、Tom is boy in his basketball team. 汤姆是他们篮球队中个子最高的孩子。


20、Secondary education in Bhutan is a six-year cycle comprising of two years of lower secondary school, two years of middle secondary school and two years of higher secondary.

21、In accordance with evaluation, we pointed out "agro-fruit ecological agriculture"is a good model .黄土高原中南部村级经济的发展,应按“农果复合型生态农业”的模式运行。

22、A student in the first-year class of a high school, college, or university.(旧时)公学中为高年级男生服务的低年级男生。

23、This meeting is than that one. 这次会议不如那次会议重要。

24、Primary education ran from grades one through six; grades seven, eight, and nine were handled in intermediate or junior high schools.初等教育是从xx年级到xx年级;xx年级、xx年级和xx年级由中等学校或初级高等学校所管理。

25、Compensation in top-level microflow processes高级微流流程中的补偿

英文句子26:,26、The brain is the centre of higher nervous activity.大脑是高级神经活动的中枢。

27、Company 104 employees, including advanced academic titles, 公司现有员工104人,其中有高级职称8人,中级职称36人。

8, intermediate title 36.

28、This picture is than that one. 这张照片比那张照片漂亮。

29、The Yellow River is one of the longest rivers in China. 黄河是中国最长的河流之

30、Bottom line: Sun-Art looks like a strong bet for China's fast-growing supermarket space, with plenty of room for upside for its newly listed shares.一句话: 在中国快速发展的超级市场行业,高鑫零售看似非常有潜力,其股票还有很大上升空间。

31、In top-down design, one begins with highly abstract modules and progressively decomposes these down to an atomic level.在至上而下的设计中,设计者从高层的抽象模型逐渐向下分解至原子级水平;

32、The company has a mature and a pioneering spirit of the management and technical team, including 公司拥有一支成熟而具有开拓精神的管理和技术队伍,其中高级职称15人,中级职称93人,拥有高中级技师60人。

15 senior titles, 93 intermediate grade, middle and high-ranking technician with 60 people .

33、The eastern Hunan sect made great contributions to the formation of the five sects of Dhyana.高级形态的最典型的宗派是禅宗,禅宗是最具中国特色的宗派。

34、The school was advanced as a Comprehensive High School in 2003, which covers both High School and Vocational School categories.本校于xx年全面改制为综合高中,使本校兼具普通高级中学教育及职业高级中学教育学制。

35、In some states where there are both an intermediate and a superior court of appeals, a losing party may appeal from the intermediate appellate court to the state supreme court.在一些同时有中级法院和高级法院的州,败诉方当事人可以从中级上诉法院上诉到到州最高法院。

36、By portraying the characters of the three classes-the aristocracy, the middle class and the proletariat, Dickens aims to integrate social criticism and moral instruction.在其中,狄更斯通过全面塑造当时社会中的三个典型阶级: 贵族阶级、中产阶级和无产阶级,实现了一种社会批判与道德教化的完美契合。

37、This river is twice as long as that one. 这条河的长度是那条河的两倍。

38、China’s burgeoning middle class demands higher salaries.中国迅速发展的中产阶级要求更高的薪水。

39、For curricula automata subject a more advanced graduate course, computability theory and computational complexity theory are also covered.高级课程中还包括了可计算包括理论模型理论和计算复杂性理论。

40、C.much older country D.much older countries【析,在英语中,要表示"其中最…

41、Note the lack of cytologic atypia which is helpful in distinguishing urothelial metaplasia from high-grade PIN.皮 化生中没有细胞非典型性,这一点有助于与高分级PIN进行鉴别。

42、Suitable study object: The elementary school higher grade student, the wish enhance junior high pupil, high-school student.适学对象:小学高年级学生、想要提高的初中生、高中生…

43、Several typical oxidation technologies including ozone oxidation, chlorine dioxide oxidation and photocatalysis oxidation as well as their application to water treatment were introduced.概述了高级氧化技术的基本原理和发展历程,介绍了臭氧氧化、二氧化氯氧化及光催化氧化等典型的高级氧化技术及其在水处理中的应用进展情况。

44、Which is the most expensive, a bicycle, a motorcycle, or a car? 自行车,摩托车和汽车,哪一个最贵?

45、Pre-built drums, often accompanied by high-grade large-scale burial Zhong and Qing instruments appear together.先秦的建鼓,往往在高等级墓葬中伴随着大型钟磬乐器一同出现。

46、The President shall be an ex-officio member of the Officers in the event of any Officers' meeting.若是在任何高级官员会议中,依照职权,总裁可以是高级职员的一员。

47、BTEC has more than 270 employees, including 公司拥有职工270余人,其中教授级高工2人,高级专业技术人员30人,中级专业技术人员80余人,建造师12人;

2 professor level senior engineer, 30 high level technicians, 80 medium level technicians and

12 architects.

48、The computer is cheaper and cheaper. 计算机越来越便宜。

49、The High School senior involved in the shooting in Fayetteville Tennessee was among the top 25 students in the 307-member senior class.高中高级参与射击在田纳西州费耶特维尔是名列前茅的25名学生中的307名成员高级班。

50、Light and shadows: feathering gradients in Photoshop光照与阴影:Photoshop中的高级渐变

经典英文句子51:中的高级句型,51、HVC formerly known as the high vocal center is the highest nucleus of vocal motor pathway.高级发声中枢(HVC)是鸣禽鸣唱控制系统中,处于发声运动通路最高级的控制核团。

52、Intermediate engineer, high-level decorator, national outstanding designer.中级工程师、高级室内设计师、全国优秀设计师。

53、Becoming a freshman in college is very different from being a high-school freshman.大学xx年级和高中xx年级可不一样。

54、Hello. There are classes for beginner, intermediate and advanced. Which one do you want?您好。这儿一共有三个减肥班,初级,中级,高级。你想报哪个呢?

55、They represented all levels of ability in English; beginning, intermediate, advanced, and native-speaking students.他们代表了英语能力中各种程度的人:初级的、中级的、高级和以英语为母语的学生。

56、Welcome to Boli Senior High School!欢迎来到勃利县高级中学!

57、The rare plants of the community had both a relatively high tree species number and individual number.其中珍稀植物在各个胸径级和高度级内的树种数和个体数都较高。

58、ACG Senior College offers Years ACG高级中学提供xx年级至xx年级的课程,总共有500名学生。

11 to Year

13 with a total 500 students.

59、注释判断 He can remember so many English words, that is (to say) he is a living dictionary.(活字典)

60、Prevalence rate of Internet addiction increased with grades and reached the peak at senior one grade.中学生网络成瘾报告率随年级而上升,高中生高于初中生,高一达最高峰。

61、Returning briefly to my first article in this column, Python is a free, high-level, interpreted language developed by Guido van Rossum.请简要回顾本专栏中的 第一篇文章 ,Python 是由 Guido van Rossum 开发的免费高级解释型语言。

62、She is student her class. 她是班上最好的学生。

63、This is actually superior to the onkeyup type of event shown in the HTML input in Listing 这确实要比 清单


1 中 HTML input 所用的 onkeyup 事件类型更高级。

64、The company has 96 technical staff members, including 25 senior titles, 31 intermediate grade, and 40 juniors.公司现有技术人员96名,其中高级职称25名、中级职称31名、初级职称40名。

65、This is apple I have ever met. 这是我见到的最大的苹果。

66、Of these, 其中,高级工程师15人、 中级工程师56人、技术人员228人。

15 were senior engineer, 56 mid-level engineers, technical staff of 228 people.

67、It creates more hiring volatility, particularly for middle- and senior-management positions.它创造更多的招聘,特别是中级和高级管理职位的波动。

68、The medium-priority thread is prevented from delaying the high-priority thread.中等优先级线程禁止延迟高优先级线程。

69、In the structure of academic title, the senior, intermediate and junior develop in proportion, as 职称结构中,高级、中级、初级职称数量结构接近合理比例,为





70、This factory has 528 staff, in which has 33 high-level and intermediate technical management personnel.本厂现有员工528人,其中中高级技术管理人员33人,生产能力、生产规模在温州地区为较大型企业。

71、Star-class hotels, large-scale business quarter, high-level restaurants, entertainment centers, beauty centers, gyms and information consultation.星级宾馆,大型商场,高档餐厅酒店,美容健身中心,信息咨询。

72、The preparation course prepares candidates for the Cambridge Exam Board at either the Preliminary (Pre-Intermediate, Vantage (Intermediate) or Higher (Advanced) level.本中心的备考课程面向参加初级,中级或高级商务英语考试的人士。

73、That is, thread-dispatch logic should be run either at high priority or within a high-priority thread.即,线程调度逻辑应该以高优先级运行,或在高优先级的线程中运行。

74、No. of classes, students and graduates of comprehensive high schools are included in those of senior high schools.综合高中之班级数、学生数及毕业生数均包含于高级中学各相关数字内。

75、The effective model of the development of the villages' economy in the south-middle of the loess plateau is "agro-fruit ecological agriculture".黄土高原中南部村级经济的发展,应按“农果复合型生态农业”的模式运行。

英文句子模板76:Advanced Sentence Patterns in,76、ABSTRACT: This article is an introduction to Italy's DOCG Appellations.摘要: 本文介绍的内容是意大利葡萄酒分级制度中的最高级——DOCG。

77、The vertical upgrading is from arm's-length market cluster to quasi-hierarchy cluster, constructing vertical cluster network capital.其中,纵向升级是从短距离市场型集群升级为准等级型集群,倚重于纵向集群网络资本的重塑。

78、She is the second tallest student in our class. 她是我们班第二高的学生。


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