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关于”祝福的语“的英语句子51个,句子主体:Blessed Word。以下是关于祝福的语的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Blessed Word

我们度过了平安无事xx年 May the holidays fill your heart with happiness.祝您节日快乐 给父母亲祝福语. Mom and Dad: Thank you for everything this holiday season!

1、We've had a rather uneventful year!


2、Gift Message Card with standard greetings name of recipient and sender will be attached.


3、A card can say more than a thousand words. Happy Thanksgiving day!


4、I wish I was blessed streams, flows quietly in the hearts of friends, must not continuous;


5、So I thought of Flower, Flower Carnation is the blessing, I chose it.


6、Lastly, we pray God's blessings on you and your work and wish you a God-blessed new year.


7、See God's blessings in it. (v.



8、Whether the blessing is given in words or with gestures, in a solemn or an informal way, our lives need to be blessed lives.


9、No closing remark such as 'Sincerely' or 'Best regards' is necessary.

也可进入明信片模式 添加祝福语发给你的好友。

10、Mode can also be added into the postcard greetings sent to your friends.

11、Best wishes at Christma.I miss you. 圣诞的祝福,真诚的思念。


12、I bless her everythings all fine!

13、My very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness.向你俩致以最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生幸福。


14、The Chinese character "fu" (meaning blessing or happiness) is a must.


15、Baptism receives its great power to give blessings through the Word of God connected with the water.

16、tid=1932 给长辈的祝福语 给长辈 For you and your family, boss, during this holiday season!


17、May your Christmas be merry as a song, And your heart be happy the whole year long!

那是什么样的告别语? 那是怎样的一种祝福?

18、What sort of farewell is that?! What sort of wish is that?

19、my very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness. 向你俩致以最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生幸福。

20、转载来的,希望有用,慢慢看 给长辈的祝福语 For you and your family, boss, during this holiday season!

21、The chanting of sutras for blessing was started during the Buddha's time.念诵佛语作为祝福的行持,在佛陀住世时就开始存在了。

22、Enter your location and greetings of the Asian Games, then click on "submit".输入所在地和对亚运的祝福语, 点击“发表”即可。

23、Please accept my heartiest congratulation.请接受我最诚挚的祝福。

24、那是什么样的告别语? 那是怎样的一种祝福?What sort of farewell is that?! What sort of wish is that?

25、V. endless words, is the bottom of my heart the most true blessing forever.诉不尽的千言万语,永远是心底最真的祝福。

英文句子26:,26、I wish my elder brother had a good future and happy life.祝福我的二哥前途无量,幸福健康!

27、At the end of the 10-minute hearing, Gallagher cried as she read the blessing to Towler听证会的最后十分钟,加拉格尔念着祝福话语,不禁哽咽起来

28、Each blessing words shall less than 70 Chinese characters or 140 English letters, each QQ number can only upload blessing words with 每条祝福语最多不超过70个汉字或140个英文字母, 每个 QQ号最多只能上传4次祝福。

4 times.

29、I send my love and good wishes.献上我的爱以及祝福。

30、In my memory, I have spent two birthday at school , there are blessedness and small clever gift from classmate and friends .印像中在学校过过两上生日吧,有朋友祝福的话语,有可爱的小礼物。

31、My birthday wihers to you are the hotest.热烈祝福你的生辰!

32、Wish you happiness, I must say.祝你幸福,我违心的说。

33、翻译结果 平安夜送爱人祝福语英文 On Christmas Eve to send love message in English

34、Glyph of Blessing of Wisdom - Removed.智慧祝福铭文:移除。

35、甜言蜜语贺吉祥︰ Wishing you peace and happiness during the holidays. 祝你假期幸福平安。

36、If you want to get fancy then you can learn to say congratulations in another language.如果你想搞出一些花样,你可以学习用其他的语言来说祝福的话。

37、给长辈的祝福语 给长辈 For you and your family, boss, during this holiday season!

38、I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you will get better soon. have a good rest不算祝福语拉

39、New Year's Day blessing: this time of year, blessing will flock to you like the ocean, I hope that my wishes as a leaf boat, set your wind and waves to reach the other side of success!元旦祝福:每年的这个时候,祝福就会象海洋涌向你,希望我的祝福象一叶轻舟,载你乘风破浪,到达成功的彼岸!

40、My very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness. 向你俩致以最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生幸福。

41、My very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness.向你俩致以最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生幸福。

42、Muzic rise around the hall and people beside us smile to us and speak to us some many sweet sentences as blessing.大厅音乐响起,所有人用甜美的话语和微笑来为我们祝福…

43、Their prayers focus on their own needs, blessings, and happiness.他们的祷告专注在自己的需要、祝福和幸福。

44、Flu season is coming. I'll probably get it. " They don't realize they are prophesying their future."凭着你口中的话语,你要么是祝福,要么是咒诅将来。

45、Ever wonder what Britain's royal family write on their Christmas cards?想过英国王室会在圣诞贺卡上写些什么祝福语吗?

46、Looking at your happiness, I am the grudge, or the blessing.看着你的幸福,我是该咒怨,还是该祝福。

47、编辑本段给父母亲的祝福语 Warmest thoughts and best wishes from your daughter. 寄上无限的思念和最美好的祝愿,你们的女儿。

48、 Happy birthday to my dear baby。 下面是一些祝福语,希望对您有帮助:

49、Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and ; blessings all year long.在整理一些圣诞节日祝福语,供大家参考。

50、The far side, and I with Shu Mingliang moon, in good faith for the friends to pray for blessing, wish friends good health happiness!遥远的一方,我借助一束明亮的月光,真诚的为朋友祈祷祝福,祝福朋友身体健康平安幸福!

经典英文句子51:祝福的语,51、In keeping with tradition, the Pope then delivered Christmas greetings in 65 languages.根据传统习俗,教皇使用65种语言表达了圣诞祝福。


标签: 英文

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