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关于”保护树木“的英语句子35个,句子主体:protect trees。以下是关于保护树木的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:protect trees


1、The establishment of the Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve, pictured above, in 1997 was the first big step to reversing the degradation of mangroves in Leizhou.


2、Grifola frondosa Polysaccharide; Gastric Mucosa; Protective Effect.


3、As we waited, a truck came out of the reserve piled high with bamboo, in contravention of a court ban on logging.


4、It's located on the edge of the Gandoca-Manzanillo wildlife refuge and built from trees that fell in the rainforest.


5、Software Description: About COTW Mamas Garden, This screen saver features a large, private garden with photos of flowers, shrubs, trees, a koi pond, and garden statuary.


6、Next, cherishes the flowers and plants, the protect trees, fells not randomly, and in after school many kinds of trees.


7、Arboricultural Operations - Pruning, Trimming, Repairing, Maintaining, and Removing Trees, and Cutting Brush - Safety Requirements.

中国大多数新树都是一排排种植的生长快速的树种,用于砍伐成木材或留作保护农业的风沙隔离带。 林业专家说,这些树木比红松和其他生长缓慢的树种能吸收更多的碳。

8、2 /

11 Most of the new trees in China are planted in rows of fast-growing species, which are either cropped for timber or left as wind and sand breaks to protect agriculture.

露营用的帐篷以及帆布或玻璃纤维车顶的汽车都无法给你提供保护。 空旷地中央的树木也无法给你提供保护。

9、Picnic shelters and cars with canvas or fiberglass roofs offer no protection. Neither does a tree in the middle of an open field.


10、The bark is the hard skin on the outside of a tree. It protects the tree.


11、The old trees species and the ecological landscape characteristics in Jiaoyuan Old Village of Zhaoqing City have been reported from the angle of old trees protection.


12、For the campus greenness, please cherish the flowers and trees.


13、Around the farm many trees are planted to protect the crops from strong winds .


14、It contains water , hydrated lime , a tree protectant and red food color .


15、But the shade of the pine trees protect hardwood seedlings of beech and maple, which in turn steadily elbow out the pines .


16、Dherishing flowers and trees makes flowers blossom everywhere in the school.


17、He says farmers are acting on their own to protect and plant trees.


18、After getting the work done, we put up a board which reminds people to protect the trees.


19、The trees are born round so that they can protect themselves.


20、Camphor Tree is now less and less of this scarce plants, let us work together to protect this tree bar.

21、Suggestions are given for protection, utilization and domestication of these wild ornamental trees.本文还就长白山区野生观赏树木资的保护、利用与引种驯化提出了具体建议。

22、Tree Care Operations - Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Maintenance: Standard Practices - Part 树木养护作业。乔木、灌木和其他木本植物的维护:标准规程。

7 - (Integrated Vegetation Management a Electric Utility Rights -of -way .


23、保护花草 Protect flowers and plants 我们应该保护花草树木。

24、Make certain your contractor protects existing plants and trees during home construction.请确保您的承包商,在住房建设保护现有花草树木。

25、The blend of essential oils is immediately absorbed with the shea butter , cocoa butter and honey wax providing a smooth silky barrier.共混精油与乳油木树提取物可被立即吸收。可可脂和蜜蜡则提供丝滑保护。

英文句子26:,26、Running feet not smiles, the grass. 想不出来了 再看看别人怎么说的。

27、In 1982, the Gardening Department of the mountain began to assess the ancient trees in the scenic area, and thus came this inventory, which provides the basis for conservancy of the ancient trees.xx年,黄山园林管理部门开始组织人员对景区内的古树名木进行专题调查,并将调查情况制成“黄山风景区古树名木登记表”。此表为保护古树名木提供了依据。

28、Pay your attention to flowers ,grass and trees. 如果 帮到了你,希望好评哦~

29、B:We didn't pay attention to the enviroment,cut down trees and polluted the air.B:我们不重视保护环境,乱砍树木,污染大气。

30、The author introduced the categories and distribution of the aged trees resources and their value , pointed out the exiting problems and put forward substantial measures of the protection.作者介绍了湖南古树资源的种类及地域分布和保护价值,指出了保护古树中存在的主要问题,提出了保护古树的具体措施。

31、Big Cypress Reservation, Florida佛罗里达州的大柏树保护区

32、Falling-object protective structure(FOPS) can block objects (such as trees , rocks) so that it supplies protection for the operator .落物保护结构是在有坠落物体(如树木、岩石等)时,对司机提供适当保护的安全结构。

33、Consequently, all of these trees are planted around the Zhuang villages, particularly around the shrines of their tutelary gods.因此, 在壮族的村寨边都种有这些树木,各村寨所建立的社亭(敬奉村寨保护神之地)周围,也要种植这些树木。

34、Windbreaks are burrial barriers formed by trees and other plants.防护林是用树木和其他植物组成的栅栏。

35、Ann: The trees are born round so that they can protect themselves.所以,树木是因为要保护自己才会长成圆的。

36、Neither does a tree in the middle of an open field.空旷 地中央的树木也无法给你提供保护。

37、The studies were provided as the basis theory for the evaluation, protection, development and sustained development of ancient and famous tree tourism resources.为福州市古树名木旅游资源的评价、保护、开发及可持续发展奠定了基础。

38、But in Niger many farmers plant trees to protect their crops.但在尼日尔,许多农民种植树木来保护庄稼。

39、IT is every one's responsibility to protect the plants希望我的回答对你有帮助,祝好。

40、The period of protection of variety rights, from the date of grant of the rights, would be 新品种权的保护期限为,从授权之日起,藤本植物、林木、果树和观赏树木为xx年,其他植物xx年。

20 years for vines, forest trees, fruit trees and ornamental trees and

15 years for other plants.

41、Keep off the grass and trees 爱护花草树木

42、Trees and bushes have been planted; the roots of these plants will hold the soil, too, and the green leaves make the area beautiful.已经种上了树和灌木,树根会保护住这些泥土,绿油油的叶子使这个地区变得漂亮起来。

43、Trees produce natural chemicals, called isoprene and terpene, that are thought to protect their leaves from too much heat and sunlight.树木分泌的天然化学物质异戊二烯和萜烯被认为可保护树叶免受过多热量和阳光的伤害。

44、The animatronic puppet of Treebeard was 那些树木的守护者有14英尺高。

14 feet high.

45、We plant and care for the trees in return for many benefits they concer upon us.我们植树护林,能从树木给予我们的回报中受益多多。

46、Epidermis : protect the inner layers of leaf cells.表皮: 保护树叶内层的细胞。

47、Use civilization terminology, love flowers and trees, civilization etiquette.使用文明用语,爱护花草树木,文明礼仪。

48、Keep off the grass and trees 爱护花草树木 如果有帮到您 请给予好评 谢谢拉^_^祝您愉快

49、During the age of dinosaurs, trees began producing a sticky, protective resin that traps and entombs everything it touches.在恐龙时代的,树木开始产生一种粘性的、具有保护性的树脂,用来捕获并埋葬任何被它接触到的物体。

50、Wax polish preserves wood and leather.上光蜡可以保护木材和皮革。

经典英文句子51:保护树木,51、Sophisticated techniques influenced by the ancient art of Bonzai shaping were applied to transplant and preserve the trees.受古老盆景艺术影响的复杂精细的技巧在移植和保护树木中得到运用。

52、The present situation was investigated extensively based on field individual measurement, to protect and assess ancient and famous trees resources in Wenzhou City.为进一步保护和评估古树名木资源,采用实地逐株、逐片每木检尺等方法,系统地查清了温州境内资源现状。

53、An easy rule to remember is that windbreaks can protect areas up to ten times the height of the tallest trees in the windbreak.一个很容易记的方法是,防护林可以保护的区域相当于它里面最高树木高度的十倍。


标签: 保护

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