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关于”跟春节有关“的英语句子23个,句子主体:Related to Spring Festival。以下是关于跟春节有关的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Related to Spring Festival


1、Don't forget that you can read more about the language in today's programme on the How To webpage on BBC Learning English dot com.


2、Partly to do with the gendered division of labour, partly to do with the construction of the gendered body.


3、Make the best the cold winters by having ice festival and annual snowball lights. according to Dr. Becker, are good solutions to overcoming any kind of weather -related depression.


4、No one is concerned about the child's relatives, there is no reporter on this track should be held accountable for the details of the report.


5、Propose a method based on shape matching to solve the occlusion and error accumulation which are two difficult problems in the human body tracking.


6、Intraarticular calcaneal fracture is a kind of common injury of foot.


7、Scores on the test also correlated with teachers' reports of the children's self-regulation skills.


8、Intraarticular calcaneus fracture is a kind of common fracture of foot, and it is also complicated.


9、Wearing even higher heels puts individuals at even greater risk of developing knee osteoarthritis later in life.


10、The amplifications associated with electronically-mediated conversation are not wholly positive.


11、Conclusion Open reduction and internal fixation is a good treatment method for calcaneus fracture.


12、What does prettiness have to do with this?


13、It has to do with the way things should be because of issues of pollution and sin.


14、She works in recruitment.


15、Open reduction and internal fixation is a good treatment method for calcaneus fracture.


16、In fact, because temperature depends also may be on how high up you are. It depends on elevation.


17、Objective To evaluate treatment results of open reduction and internal fixation for intra-articular fractures of the calcaneus.

很多电视节目都有教育意义的比如科技频道新闻频… 最好是整个节目都跟时尚有关,不要是插在节目中的一小段。 可不可以介绍下…

18、A lot of TV programmes have educational meanings, such as technological channel , news channel . Others are recreational channels, such as film channels . So many of them are very good.


19、Since Woodstock I’ve been to more rock festivals than I can easily remember. Most, sooner or later, involve mud.


20、He claims kindred with royalty .

21、Objective To explore the injury mechanism and operative treatment of intraarticular fracture of calcaneus.目的探讨波及距下关节的跟骨关节内骨折的损伤机制和手术治疗。

22、Wearing high heels, the study found, puts extra pressure on a woman's knee joints, increasing her risks for joint degeneration and osteoarthritis.该调查发现,穿高跟鞋将会给女性膝关节造成额外的压力,从而增加其得关节退行性变及骨关节炎的几率。

23、Wear articles of red clothing because red symbolizes luck. 穿红色布料做成的饰品,因为红色昭示着幸运;

24、Experimental results show that our proposed method can track articulated hand robustly and efficiently.实验结果表明,该方法可以鲁棒地跟踪关节人手。

25、It might have a little to do with the warm spring air or opening my windows and smelling cut grass. It’s cold for sooooo long where I live that I heartily embrace the renewal of spring.当然这也可能跟这暖和的春天有点关系,打开窗户,用力嗅那刚割的青草 ..

英文句子26:,26、Used to keep track of interesting network statistics, such as bytes, packets, frames per second, lost bytes, and recovered bytes.用于跟踪关注的网络统计结果,比如字节数、包数、每秒桢数、丢失字节和恢复字节。

27、It didn't look at shoe heel height, it looked at anatomical heel length, the distance from the back of your ankle joint to the insertion of the achilles tendon.他没有着眼于鞋子的高度,他考虑的是脚后跟长度的结构,从踝关节背面到跟腱的附着距离。

28、Objective: To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of the operation on calcaneal intraarticular fracture.目的:探讨开放复位治疗跟骨关节内骨折的临床价值。

29、All that has to do with swarms.所有这一切都跟有群体智慧有关。

30、Results A significant decrease in the threedimensional kinematics of talonavicular joint was observed(P<0.01)in cadaver model following calcaneocuboid arthrodesis.结果 跟骰关节融合后,距舟关节三维运动度较融合前明显减小(P<0.01);

31、Conclusions The treatment of intra-articular calcaneal fracture with calcaneal plate is an effective method.结论跟骨钢板治疗跟骨关节内骨折是一种有效的方法。

32、Objective To evaluate the clinical results of surgical treatment of intra articular fractures of the calcaneus using calcaneal anatomical plate.目的总结应用跟骨解剖型钢板治疗跟骨关节内骨折的临床效果。

33、It also relates to behavioral finance.这也与跟行为金融学有关

34、Fractures of the calcaneus are the most common type of tarsal bone injuries, and about 75% of total calcaneal fractures are intraarticular.跟骨骨折是跗骨中最常见的骨折,约75%的跟骨骨折为关节内骨折。

35、One warm spring day a small friend followed them home after school.一个温暧的春日,放学后,有个小朋友跟着她们回了家。

36、Objective To discuss the effect of the calcaneocuboid joint arthrodesis on the weight- bearing area of subtalar joint and its clinical significance.目的探讨跟骰关节固定对距下关节负重区面积的影响程度及其临床意义。

37、Methods 60 patients with calcaneal fractures were treated with ORIF (open reduction with internal fixation) using the AO plate.方法应用解剖型AO跟骨钢板治疗关节内跟骨骨折60例。

38、The chapter on money is revealing, since wealth and inheritance were inextricably tied to social standing and the all-engrossing business of getting married.因为财富和遗产往往跟社会地位以及结婚交易密不可分,所以书中跟财富有关的的章节能给人以启迪。

39、But like Okinawa, kyushu by China's influence in deep place were still over the Spring Festival with China, custom is about the same.但像冲绳、九州等地受中国影响深的地方还是依旧在过春节,风俗跟中国大致相同。

40、Maxwell was so excited about what he read that he memorized the section about luck.马克斯韦尔对他所读的内容兴奋不已,因此他背下了跟“运气”有关的章节。

41、Similarly, k (for kilobytes) multiplies the given number by 1024, and m (for megabytes) multiplies the given number by 1048576 bytes.类似地,跟有 k (表示千字节(kilobyte))表示用 1024 去乘给定的数字,而跟有 m (表示兆字节(megabyte))表示用 1048576 字节去乘给定的数字。

42、What is it with you and dying?那跟你还有死 有什么关系?。

43、These significant findings demonstrated that subtalar joint provided the function for keeping the human in neutral position.此现象证实距下关节于足跟著地期具有维持人体自然姿势之功用。

44、It's the same as Spring and Autumn Broadsword nowadays! Rare such Dao .跟现时还有的“春秋大刀”用法一样吧!但这种刀的款形少见。

45、Conclusion Open reduction was able to reconstruct the facet of the subtalar joint, the height and width of normal calcaneus.结论手术治疗跟骨关节内骨折,可以恢复跟骨关节面平整,跟骨宽度和高度,疗效肯定。

46、The last eleven paragraphs are extracts from the Materia Medica of Dioscorides, relating to the minerals or materials used in the processes involved.最后十一章节收录的是不一样的药物学药品,跟矿物和原料有关,它们是在相关的过程中用到的。

47、Fears that wearing high-heeled shoes could lead to knee arthritis are unfounded, say researchers.研究者们称,人们害怕穿 高跟鞋会导致膝盖关节炎是没有根据的。

48、Objective:To evaluate the clinical effect of internal fixation with AO-calcaneus plate treating intra-articular calcaneus fracture.目的:评估切开复位AO跟骨修复钢板内固定治疗波及跟距关节的跟骨骨折的临床效果。

49、You can find additional information regarding ODBC and SQLIDEBUG traces in the Resources section.您可以在 参考资料 一节中找到有关 ODBC 和 SQLIDEBUG 跟踪的更多信息。

50、The compact structure of bone trabecula beneath the sus-tentaculum talus progresses to the inferior part of the posterior calcaneal facet.载距突中关节面下方的骨小梁结构致密,并且与跟骨后关节面下方的致密骨小梁相连续;

经典英文句子51:跟春节有关,51、The dog's hock, for example, is actually the heel bone in humans.狗狗后退的跗关节,实际上是人类足后跟的骨头。

52、Results In 30 calcaneal fractures, 结果30个跟骨骨折中,骨折涉及距下关节6个跟骨,涉及距下关节24个跟骨。

6 cases didn't involve subtalar joints, and the rest 24 cases involved subtalar joints.

53、And to point out that Aristotle surely never thought of all these niceties, has nothing to do with the question!我指出,亚里斯多德的确没有想到这些细微末节,跟这个问题没有关系!

54、Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of extensile lateral incision for treating displaced intraarticular calcaneal fractures.目的评估延长的外侧入路治疗有移位的跟骨关节内骨折的临床疗效。

55、This one involves elementary school.这个例子跟小学有关。

56、Jiang studied very hard. In Spring Festival, he went to visit his grandparents with his parents and took the initiaitve to talk with his cousin in English.姜浩很上心,过春节,跟爸妈回姥姥家时,还主动跟上初三的表弟对话。

57、I've had my bouts with achilles tendonitis, heel pain, and knee pain.我曾患有跟腱炎,脚跟疼和关节痛。

58、Sturdy hock joint with a noticeable calcaneus (tip of hock).坚固与一种(跗关节尖)明显的跟骨关节飞。

59、Objective: To compare the treatment results of adjustable external fixation device and AO internal fixation plate in the subtalar joint fracture of the calcaneal.目的:观察调节式外固定支架与可塑型钛型跟骨钢板(AO跟骨钢板)在治疗波及距下关节的跟骨骨折的临床疗效。

60、All these questions relate to philosophy.这些问题都跟哲学有关。

61、Someone whose ankle joint is very stable is better off wearing flat shoes, as long as they are supportive.有些人的踝关节的人非常稳定,只要他们能撑得住,他们穿平跟鞋会比较好。

62、The ridges in the thinned image were traced to eliminate the false minutiae connected by ridges.在细化图上跟踪并标记脊线,去除具有连接关系的伪细节点;


标签: 春节

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