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关于”简单句的五种基本句型“的英语句子54个,句子主体:Five Basic Sentence Patterns of Simple Sentences。以下是关于简单句的五种基本句型的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Five Basic Sentence Patterns of Simple Sentences


1、We can adjust the levelness of the machine by means of shim and screw jack.


2、On the other hand, you know, let's be honest here, we also know the expression, " "Misery loves company."


3、Via rough induction, we can see that consistency of inference. monotonicity on linguistic mood. interposal property. normality and computational simplicity should be a basic requirement.


4、In other words, it would be inaccurate to speak of an epidemic of popularity.


5、Chapter Five offers a brief explanation of the research experiments, mentions the problems still existing in the research.


6、The author proceeded from the principle of this type of power meter and established the model of thermo-circuit briefly.


7、The process neural networks (PNNs) are networks that adapt to the process of signal input, whose elementary unit is the process neuron (PN), an emerging neuron model.


8、Even without considering tool capabilities and limitations, it's easy to justify a preference for the model-centric approach based on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach outlined above.


9、The molecular orbital calculation of dinuclear iron chlorides containing various bend oxygen bridges in two schemes, eclipsed and staggered , has been carried out.


10、This model based on power injection method, is intuitive, convenient and versatile, and can be used for various functional modes of FACTS devices and all FACTS devices.


11、The true, in other words, recipient of this book must be necessarily the potential prince.


12、Please kindly change payee's name from company A to company B in your order. …


13、A very effective technique is also proposed to infer the model order and time delay from the observed data.


14、The principles and constructions of a CNC machine are discussed that is specially developed for balancing flywheels.



6) other words, Robinson Crusoe effaces the trace of Friday's footprint, but what does he put in its place?


16、Aimed to implement total order multicast properly in the overlapped groups, a novel total order multicast protocol is presented.


17、In other words, a MOOR is essentially a MOOC, but with a major emphasis on research.


18、Chapter 2Brief introductions of the five University Chinese materials. It introduced the compiling ideas and main characteristics of the five materials separately.


19、Finally, details and experiences how to use the method in the application are briefly rephrased such as the size of cube setting, shape ove…


20、The principle of the CAMD based on group contribution method and its applications in solvents and polymers design were described in detail. And the methodology used in CAMD was also introduced.

21、A novel simplified mixing model (SMM) is proposed for audio blind signal separation (ABSS).本文针对语音盲信号分离问题,提出了一种新的简化混合模型。

22、This article, first, mathematical models of one kind of gear fault in one— stage gearbox (the fatigue crack on root of tooth) are established on the basis of gear dynamics.本文以齿轮动力学为基础,推导并建立了单级齿轮传动的一种齿轮失效的数学模型,即:齿根裂纹数学模型。

23、We found high number of seed output of genotype D, but its single seed weight is much lower than other genotypes.在单种样方中,我们发现不同基因型间可能存在平均单粒重和种子数之间的不同结实策略的选择。

24、A new hidden hybrid monohull is designed on the basis of the development trend of foreign war ship.并在此基础上,依照国内外新型战舰设计发展趋势,给出一种新型隐身单体复合船型概念构型。

25、Complex design techniques are often time-consuming and, well, complex.简单的效果和技巧是建造当今设计的基石。

英文句子26:,26、A kind of novel mesomorphic monomer 以4,4' - 二羟基联苯为基础合成了一种新型介晶单体

4 - benzyloxyl biphenyl methacrylate and its homopolymer were synthesized with

4 - hydroxy - 4' - benzyloxyl biphenyl as reactant.

4 - 甲基丙烯酸- 4' - 苄氧基联苯酯及它的均聚物。

27、Psychologists and sociologists, with their dumbed-down , simplistic models, seem especially incompetent at understanding our nature.根据简单化了的模型进行研究的心理学家和社会学家,似乎并不太能够了解我们的本性。

28、The insurance rate for such kind of risk will vary according to the kind.保险的范围写在基本保险单和各种险别的条款里。

29、You may use my auto as long as you can return it to me before the coming Friday.条件状语从句如果你能在下礼拜五之前还给我的话,就可以用我的汽车。

30、After that a monohedral magnet for MRI is presented according to the basic theory of magnetic field and the theory of a pair of magnetic dipoles.然后根据磁场基础理论及磁偶极子对模型理论等基本电磁场原理,提出一种设计MRI单边主磁体初始结构的方法。

31、Simplified software economics model -- i.e., based on COCOMO II简化的软件经济模型 -- 例如,基于COCOMO II

32、The idea of the pharmaceutical industry inventing, and promoting, a medical condition in order to cash in on its treatment is not a new one.医药行业为了赚钱,发明并宣传一种药品的疗效,这种想法并没什么新意(本句话求指正)。

33、We have seen this journey from a single atom to a complex protoplasmic biological phenomenon called life.我们看到,这次旅行已经从一个简单的原子抵达我们称之为生命的最基本的生物现象。

34、If again no, never again, and sum up their own listen to not to come out.假若一遍不行,单句从头来过,并总结自己听不出来的缘由。

35、An immune algorithm based on parthenogenetic operators is proposed for solving the model.构造出一种基于单亲遗传算子的免疫算法用于求解此模型。

36、A far more accurate measure -- one that can even gauge the time taken to run a single-source code statement -- can be taken using a code profiler.一种更精确的测量 —— 甚至可以测量运行单个源代码语句的时间 —— 可以采用代码分析器。

37、Article 5The principal of each aviation unit shall be responsible for his unit's abidance by these Rules.第五条航空单位的负责人对本单位遵守本规则负责。

38、In other words, it's a very natural urge; of course, so is burping, but most men are able to restrain their sonorous belches around the ladies.换句话说,这其实是一种自然本能。 当然,就像大部分男人都会在周围有女性时憋住打嗝一样,他们也会抑制这种本能。

39、Jane, would you listen to me for a moment? I come here to apologize for my rudeness yesterday. Would you forgive me?简,能听我说句话吗?我来这是为我昨天的粗鲁道歉。你能原谅我吗?

40、Based on above mentioned theroy research, three types of cost evaluation method have been explained briefly with three examples of injection mold respectively.在上述理论研究的基础上,通过三个具体的注塑模具实例分别对系统所用的三种成本估算方法的运行过程进行了简单介绍。

41、Afterword, it discussed the basis theory and method. In chapter IV , a new method of eyes location is provided.然后对一些基本理论作了简单的介绍,紧接着对人脸定位的方法做了全面的论述。

42、Dark nights, dense fogs, blinding snowstorms, thick forests - all these can keep a traveler from seeing where he is going.本句翻译:每遇到漆黑的夜晚,浓浓的大雾,伸手不见五指的暴风雪,浓密森林%——这一切都会使路上的行人看不见是在往哪个方向走。

43、Introduced a method of NC machining tool-path generation based on scattered data model. a machining example was pointed out, proved this method simplicity and validity.介绍了一种基于离散数据模型的数控加工刀具轨迹生成的方法。给出了一个加工实例,证明了此方法的简单性和有效性。

44、In other words, it's underwear that's comfortable enough to hang out in.换句话说,这种内衣穿出去玩足够舒服。

45、A straightforward logical approach for compressing XML documents is to use the traditional, general-purpose text compression tools.压缩 XML 文档的一种简单方法是使用传统的通用文本压缩工具。

46、The music consists of five notes only, and the four musical phrases are slowly unrolled and very understated.曲调的音域仅有五度,4个乐句皆以级进方式缓缓展开,显得十分内在。

47、Prince Andrey watched every word and gesture of Speransky's with peculiar intentness .安德烈公爵特别仔细地观察斯佩兰斯基的每句话和每个动作。

48、There will be three types of new bases, which will bring together the separate services onto one base or will be big enough to support just one service.据悉,未来将有三种类型的新基地将汇集单独的服务到一个基地,或将有足够大的基地来支持一个服务类型。

49、The words "freight prepayable" or "freight to be prepaid" or words of similar effect, if appearing on transport documents, will not be accepted as constituting evidence of the payment of freight.运输单据上如出现“运费可预付”或“运费应预付”或类似意义的词句,不能视为运费付讫的证明,这种单据将不予接受。

50、Look at what has happened to netbooks—those once-minimalist laptop computers for doing basic online chores while on the hoof.让我们来看看上网本(netbook) -- 这个曾经是最简单的笔记本电脑, 它要做的应该就是被拿在手上, 处理些基本的在线事务.

经典英文句子51:简单句的五种基本句型,51、The main growth period of grain weight was similar to the process of lignifications of mesocoat.银杏种实单粒重主要的增长时期与中种皮的木质化进程基本上一致;

52、For single-phase circuit, three directive-current detecting methods are presented in this thesis.本文研究了一种基于单电流检测的改进的控制方法。

53、Part 本系列的 第

2 of this series took a quick look at the various basic XForms submission methods, which are recapped here

2 部分简要介绍了各种基本 XForms 提交方法,这里总结一下


标签: 简单

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