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关于”简单的对“的英语句子60个,句子主体:simple yes。以下是关于简单的对的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:simple yes


1、After this brief presentation, would you be interested in traveling in this island?


2、It is easy for the coach, but harder for the coacher.


3、For those with relatively straightforward affairs this can look like a cheap option.


4、The easiest wheelie to do is on the tail of your snowboard.


5、Application and source of plant haploids were concisely introduced.


6、For most of us, a stroll down Memory Lane is an easy trip.


7、It then compresses the symbol using a very simplistic algorithm.


8、When these parameters assume special values, the solution becomes several special solutions derived in other situation.


9、As far as I know, guys don't do anything that comes close. Right?


10、So, an explanation of related 3DS-formatted file was presented too.


11、This is followed by a brief introduction of the mathematical tools for CGE solving.


12、"We have this very simplistic view of reptiles," said Shine.


13、Its simplistic creed is that there are no absolutes.


14、The application of QFD and the electrostatic oiler were introduced.


15、It's too easy for a potential employer to scan your resumé and reject you.


16、What is the difference between a database and simply a key-value pair?

CMT 对于事务管理是最简单最值得推荐的方法。

17、The CMT is the easiest and the recommended approach for transaction management.


18、It is not easy to say,what is the right thing,or what is the wrong thing.


19、The RTSP protocol consists of a set of relatively straightforward text (readable) messages.


20、The theory is simply that more lines of code imply more complexity.

21、This article briefly illustrates the concept of graph and searching method.对图的概念和遍历方法进行了简单的阐述。

22、And I’ll deal with this succinctly: I was kind of impressed by the demo.我对此做简单地处理:我对演示印象深刻。

23、He went through the same crude forensic self examination as Crowley.像克鲁利一样对自己进行了一翻简单的法医鉴定。

24、Perhaps the easiest way to understand classes and objects is to create some.理解类和对象最简单的方法可能就是创建一些类和对象。

25、And I'll just say a word quickly, that don't underestimate the influence here of an ideology beneath this.我要简单阐述一个单词,不要衇戳苏庵窒窒笙碌?意识形态对此的影响。

英文句子26:,26、Some applications of PTR technology were simply introduced in this part.在这一部分还对PTR技术的应用作了一些简单的介绍。

27、And I'll just say a word quickly, that don't underestimate the influence here of an ideology beneath this.我要简单阐述一个单词,不要小看了这种现象下的,意识形态对此的影响

28、But today, that repugnance to monotheism is not a laughing matter.然而,今天人对一神论的厌恶不再只是嘲笑那样简单了。

29、Let's talk about each one for just a moment.现在,我们对每个议题都简单介绍一下

30、"We have this very simplistic view of reptiles, " said Shine.我们对爬虫类动物的认识太过简单化了。

31、To it studies to be as to the traditional one is inculcated with briefly person who produce.生成性的学是相对于传统的简单灌输而言的。

32、The food that what is bothered simply again has profit to recuperating the body?有哪些简单又不麻烦的食品对调理身体有好处?

33、A. That's all it takes? Do I feel stupid! Sorry to trouble you.就这么简单啊?我可真笨!对不起麻烦你了。

34、Easy Mode: No XP loss from deny, no gold loss on death, etc.简单模式:反补将不会使对方损失经验值。

35、The DNA markers for constructing genetic maps were summarized briefly.本文对用于遗传图谱构建的DNA标记作了简单的概述。

36、A cheap and useful speed measuring circuit was designed, which structured speed close-loop for single motor.并根据有刷直流电动机的特点,设计了一种简单实用的测速电路,对单个电机形成速度单闭环控制。

37、Self-Control: Knowing how to respond instead of how to react.自控能力:知道如何应对事物,而不只是简单的作出反应。

38、Evaluating the level to which you should incorporate a new application into an existing UUE is relatively straightforward.对新应用程序应并入已有 UUE 中的程度的评估相对简单。

39、This model can be used to process concurrent alarms and solve the prob.算法简单实用 ,对并发告警具有较强的处理能力。

40、But there is a second aspect to this worry about aggregating values and preferences.另一方面的担心是,对价值和选择的简单相加。

41、Also briefly described is the newly developed sluice fine screen.对新研制的溜槽细筛设备作了简单介绍。

42、So all we're doing here is the most quick and superficial glance.所以对它们我现在只做一个,最简单,最浅层次的分析

43、Modifying the template to execute the desired kernel code is relatively straightforward.修改模板来执行期望的内核代码相对也比较简单。

44、Within the results of Koechlin's work is an explanation for why people tend to prefer binary options, such as yes-or-no questions and if-then statements.Koechlin的研究结果解释了为什么人倾向于做一些简单选择,比如对与错的问题和如果怎样然后怎样的简单事情。

45、There exist some tensions that will improve civilization. So we should not judge arbit…这种张力对文明的发展是有好处的,不能简单地判断谁对谁错。

46、And, for some of these conditions, there is no easy cure.对于这些性状况来说,没有简单的治疗方法。

47、Some possible interpretations are presented for out-diffusion of hydrogen in the films.最后对氢的外扩散现象提出了几种可能的简单解释。

48、This is how IBM described how the new online radiology theatre will work下面就是IBM对”在线放射影像诊室“的一个简单描述

49、Life is never easy for those who dream.对于那些有梦想的人来说,生活从来都不是那么简单。

50、Tourbillons (in the most basic terms) prevent gravity from adversely affecting accuracy.简单地说,陀飞轮就是为了校正重力对精度的影响。

经典英文句子51:简单的对,51、Following is a short explanation of each service as given by BizTalk下面是对BizTalk提供的每个服务进行简单地解释

52、A quickie definition of 'friendly' would be being nice to, and interested in, other people.对“友好”的简单定义是“和蔼的,以他人为重”的。

53、But the epoch of the bourgeoisie simplified the class antagonisms.但是,资产阶级时代的新时代却使阶级对立简单化了。

54、He's simply repeating the sounds of the words that are given to him.对他而言,这仅仅就是简单的重复。

55、The function of SW6-98 was also partly introduced.并对SW6-98的部分计算功能作了简单介绍。

56、The navigation-based object recognition method is quite lightweight and efficient.基于导航对象识别方法非常有效和简单。

57、That, in short, is the charge sheet against the industry.简而言之,这是对该行业开出的问罪单。

58、But Indian fascination with China's economic success is also simplistic, Mr. Pei said.裴先生说,印度对中国经济成就的迷恋也很简单。


标签: 对话 口语 简单

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