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关于”日常用“的英语句子38个,句子主体:Daily use。以下是关于日常用的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Daily use


1、Users are able to perform all their duties and use applications as they did pre-migration.


2、Sheaves of wheat or corn are often used as decorations.


3、Stock-taking today. Business as usual tomorrow.


4、Mostly, these tools are good choices for users who do not yet have a programmers' text editor they use daily.


5、I have used both applications and find them wonderful for day-to-day tasks.


6、Our company year to year manages, daily use articles, cosmetics.


7、Frequent use will make your skin more clean and clear, transparent and silky.


8、The precision fit allows their use with duty holsters.


9、The usual dose is 1-2 tables twice daily , taken night and morning .


10、Particularly, Japanese cuisine is very good with fermented soy.


11、Can put the product which seldom uses to sign tallestly in the cabinet, but signing of underneath the cabinet then puts some daily thing.


12、Alginates were common raw materials in domestic chemical industry.


13、But the one area that posed an unexpected challenge was grocery shopping.


14、Common auxiliary aspects, such as monitoring and logging, typically make use of only coarse-grained pointcuts like method executions.


15、Outlook is such a fixture of office and computer life, its potential as a central life-organizing inbox is easily taken for granted.


16、Their daily work is to reclaim rubber from old tyres.


17、Chain dryer is a type of drying equipment mostly applied in domestic ceramic factories.


18、This novel method seem to be more useful than conventional Lagrange equations.

作为日常食品补充品。 每日 饭后使用。 或依医师指示服用。


1 softgel per day, or as directed by your qualified health care consultant.

1 软胶囊。

作为日常食品补充品。 每日1-3 胶囊。 饭前1小时使用佳。 或依医师指示服用。

20、As a dietary supplement, take

1 softgel 1-3 times daily, preferably

1 hour before meals.

21、The DatePicker lets users easily select valid dates from a dropdown calendar.这个日期选择器能让用户非常方便地从下拉框中选择正确格式的日期。

22、Can be used as book light, cabinet light. home night light.可以做看书照明用,帐篷灯。日常夜间照明等。

23、Lighting supplies will be combined with the daily routine is also popular fashion, such as ceiling fan lights, Yuanjing lights, flashlights yellow light signals.将照明灯饰与日常用品组合起来也是日常流行的时尚,如吊扇灯、圆镜灯、手电筒黄光灯等。

24、Symptomatic Relief of Common Bedwetting in Children. No side effects.缓解儿童日常的遗尿症状,没有副作用。

25、People will simply use them unconsciously to accomplish everyday tasks.人们只会无意识的使用它们来完成日常的工作。

英文句子26:,26、Japanese mains frequently do not provide for grounding; grounding is made to the wall socket by use of an adapter.日本电源常常不为接地,接地是由使用转接器的电源插座。

27、The implementation of logging translates invocations requests into service calls to the exception logging service.日志实现将调用请求翻译成对异常记录服务的服务调用。

28、We should often utilize Sundays to read reference books.我们应时常利用星期日来阅读参考书。

29、This function is great for inputting dates and numbers.这个功能在输入日期和数字时非常有用。

30、As a dietary supplement for children, two chewable tablets once daily.作用日常膳食补充片,一天两粒。

31、Before Tang Dynasty, Te-hua porcelain was mainly for local people of everyday use.唐代之前,德化陶瓷以生产日用器具为主,产品供本地民众日常所需。

32、As a dietary supplement, consume 1-2 capsules daily, preferably with morning and evening meals, or use as directed by a physician or licensed nutritionist.作为日常食品补充品。 每日 早晚饭后使用佳。 或依医师指示服用。

1 –2 胶囊。

33、The dates [on his passport] make sense, but these individuals often have a number of passports.护照上的日期可能有点作用,但是这些人常常持有许多护照。

34、It was mainly used in medicine industry, domestic chemical and food industry, etc.绿原酸应用非常广泛,主要应用于医药保健、日用化工和食品等行业。

35、The recommended daily dose is 2-3 grams (2-3 capsules or 作为日常食品补充品。 每日1-2 胶囊。 饭后使用。 或依医师指示服用。

1 tsp. liquid concentrate) once daily. To be administered during meals, with a little liquid if required.

36、It is short and quick and preferred during casual conversation.日常交谈中这是一个大家爱用的简捷说法。

37、Finally, the conformed abnormal value was corrected with the Lagrange algorithm.将已判定的异常值剔除并用拉格朗日法补正。

38、A pair of waribashi that used to cost a little over 日本餐馆所使用的筷子通常每双只需xx日元,相当于1美分,但现在却已长到

1 yen ($0.01) now is

1.5-1.7 yen.



39、Amid flowers I drink all day.日日花前常病酒。

40、We meet our clients'demands by developing practical, communication-based training courses that will contribute to their work every day.我们开发了实用的,以日常工作会话为基础的教材来满足客户的日常工作的需要。

41、Suitable for recipe of vegetable, meat or seafoods.适合一般日常烹饪用途,例如:蔬菜,肉类或海鲜类。

42、Now I don’t use the word moll in conversation too often.目前,我在日常对话中很少用到moll这个词。

43、They often dined alfresco in the summer evenings .他们在夏日傍晚时,常在户外用餐。

44、Because they have an alternative use, of course.当然是因为它们的日常性用途。

45、However, applying DBC in your everyday coding can be a challenge.不过,在日常编码中使用 DBC 会是一种挑战。

46、Glass shows chemical inertness in the daily environment and does not react with living things, so it has extensive applications.玻璃在日常环境中呈化学惰性,亦不会与生物起作用,故此用途非常广泛。

47、Quite a number of imprecise words are used in our everyday speech.我们的日常用语中有相当一部分是不确定词。

48、I use three machines most every day, my macbook, my office desktop, and our "kitchen computer".日常我常用3台电脑,我的macbook、我办公室里的电脑和我们的“炊事本”。

49、Beams and columns are used in everyday buildings!日常建筑都用到了梁与柱!

50、Subjects who consumed two to four servings per day had a 32-percent lower risk of dying from heart disease.日常消费2份到4份咖啡饮料的受试者日常饮用半份咖啡饮料的人群相比,心脏病死亡风险下降32%。

经典英文句子51:日常用,51、With the developement of technology, RFID was used in many fields, and it is widely used in various aspects of daily life.随着技术的进步,RFID应用领域日益扩大,并广泛应用于人们日常生活的各个方面。

52、Blu-ray Acid Red: Regular use of sugar in the throat.日落黄:经常泡泡糖,以及使用的软糖。

53、People who consumed four or more servings of caffeinated beverages daily had a 53-percent lower risk of death from heart disease compared with those who consumed less than half a serving daily.日常饮用4份或4份以上咖啡饮料的人群同日常饮用半份咖啡饮料的人群相比,心脏病死亡风险降低53%。

54、The usual dose is 1-2 tablets twice daily, taken night and morning.常用量为每次一至两片,每日两次,早晚各服用一次。

55、I used to apply a Japanese ointment that my friend who travelled to Japan frequently bought for me.一位经常去日本的朋友买了日本药膏给我用。

56、Live within your budget; don't use credit cards for ordinary purchases.买东西量力而为喔。日常生活所需不要用信用卡开销。

57、The excretions could also be removed with water, but the day-to-day cleaning is "very challenging."用水也可以清洗掉那些分泌物,但日复xx日的清洗“非常具挑战性”。

58、His routine work is to rub the coal through a sieve.他的日常工作是用力筛煤。

59、Plaque needs to be removed through a daily oral care routine which includes brushing and flossing or the plaque will harden into tartar (or calculus).牌匾需要通过日常的口腔护理,其中包括日常刷牙和使用牙线或斑块会成为牙结石硬化(或演算删除)。


标签: 日常

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