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关于”浪漫感人“的英语句子51个,句子主体:romantic touching。以下是关于浪漫感人的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:romantic touching


1、Rustic romantic, comfortable elegance, the current scene, has been a minority-owned luxury.


2、In this article, we feature a number of visual illusions with a romantic motif.


3、Ordinary people could pretend to be rich and important, while famous people could have romantic adventures in secret. (P32)


4、A kind of attractive romantic atmosphere is created in the kitchen, conduce to the close affection of promotional family, make domesticity makes a person be intoxicated.


5、Other ballets have greater music and greater choreography, yet this one still takes us deep into the classically Romantic heart of what ballet itself is all about.


6、The romantic image of the swallow sets off the power and strength of the horse, providing a rich imaginative experience for viewers.

在一段浪漫关系中,感激感提醒你:你的伴侣是何等伟大。 如果阿尔贡说的对,那么感激对于当今世界就具备潜在的很大好处。

7、If Algoe is correct, gratitude has big potential benefits in the modern world.


8、The romantic emphasis on the individual was reflected in ideas of self-realisation and nature.


9、A good way to reignite your belief in true love is to turn to romantic or sad films.


10、Serendipity and coincidence are the photosynthesis of romance, hinting at some kind of supernatural preordination, the sense that two people are made for each other.

11、, 【Why is this once, only once in without you.,【为什么又是这样的曾经,只不过曾经里没有你。


12、It is generally believed that literature theories and creation practice of Creative Society showed the features of romanticism aesthetic style.


13、Hung closely together in a single room, the two-metre-wide images form a panorama that defies French picture-postcard romanticism.


14、The excellent anti-oxidation capability can effectively prevent pigmentation and aging, relax skin in extreme way, provide romantic and enchanting enjoyment for skin.

15、【l only live in those days that we are falling in love ,【我只活在我们相爱的日子里。


16、Women often require romance as well as a sense of being heard, understood and appreciated.


17、In the literary creations of the schools of realism, romanticism and modernism, sentimentalism showed different stylistic and aesthetic characteristics.


18、Romanticism was counteracted deeply by Keats and Eliot, with " negative capability " and with " impersonality " theory respectively so that their doctrines became the first sign of The New Criticism.


19、Mari: No, I don't rent movies but sometimes I download movies. I like to watch comedies - romantic comedies - and a little bit of drama.


20、This differential romantic trip completely upturned xu's life, leaving her painful to death.

21、In the narrow street cafe with a cup of coffee in their seats, five senses experience in French romantic awake.在街边咖啡馆的狭小座位里就着一杯咖啡,五感体验在法式浪漫中苏醒。

22、We share secrets and personal stuff with them, we support them, and they stand by us. But we are not romantically interested in them.朋友间分享秘密和其他的个人琐事,彼此鼓励,相互支持,但不会产生浪漫的感觉。

23、In such a free and unrestrained in the world, we all feel in the virtual life, but also a pervasive sense of romantic atmosphere.在这样的一个自由奔放的世界中,大家在感受虚拟生活的同时,也感受到了无所不在的浪漫气息。

24、The nationwide survey reveals that Tasmanians are more romantic and feel more loved than other Australians.全国范围的调查显示,塔斯马尼亚更浪漫,感觉比其他澳大利亚人喜爱。

25、Can Ye under the romantic and admirable, but also sadly, dying of loss, there is always a trace of lingering melancholy.残叶下的浪漫,叫人羡慕,却也叫人伤感,凋零的失落,总有一丝挥之不去的惆怅。

英文句子26:,26、She thought again about the man she was waiting for in this romantic candlelit restaurant.坐在这个浪漫的烛光餐厅,她又想起了将要见面的男人。

27、As long as we two people together, even if the sea fishing will feel very romantic.只要我们俩在一起,即使生活枯燥如出海钓鱼也感到无比浪漫。

28、Her innocent, candid soul does not divine how tormenting such small intimacies can be.她天真浪漫,心怀坦诚,猜不到这种轻微的接触有多么折磨人。

29、Fashion and elegant, chic and delicate, romantic and touching, all in your beautiful encounter with Royal Hotel.时尚与优雅,别致与细腻,浪漫与感动,尽在你与帝豪酒店的美丽邂逅。

30、The combination of vagueness and specificity in the answer gives a sense of somewhere romantically incommunicado.这一回答既含混又明确,让人感觉那是个富于浪漫气息的与世隔绝的地方。

31、Mike: Yuck! I hate romance. That show sounds like a soap opera to me.迈克:讨厌!我不喜欢浪漫。那个节目给我的感觉象是肥皂剧。

32、Those who show a shoulder expand feeling jacket is being taken hollow-out decorative pattern, cooperate to come loose place printing skirt romance clinking .露肩的膨胀感上衣带着镂空的花纹,配合散摆印花裙浪漫无比。

33、This type of elliptic table also adopted French saber shape table leg design, full of grace and romantic feeling.这款椭圆形餐桌同样采用了法式军刀形的桌腿设计,充满优雅和浪漫的感觉。

34、They watched their first movie together &were both touched in the romantic film.就这样,他们一起去看戏…看着看着不禁被浪漫的画面所感动…

35、Somehow pink can be incorporated seamlessly into any wedding theme and exude a style with unequal romantic touch.粉色似乎可以与任何婚姻主题无缝地结合并且洋溢着独一无二的浪漫感。

36、Fanfiction has further romanticized this by including telepathy or the sharing of memories etc. as part of the bonding process.同人小说使它更加浪漫化,比如说成心灵感应或记忆共存什么的。这似乎是“联系”的部分表现。

37、Everything calms down by the 7th, and those clear skies could bring a big, fuzzy romance with them.牛,xx日,一切都消停下来,晴朗的夜空不经意间带来浪漫的感觉。

38、Besides, the idea of praying for knitting skill sounds utterly out-dated, let alone having any sense of romance.而且,祈求获得针织等手艺的想法早已过时,更不用说有什么浪漫的感觉了。

39、Love pleases more than marriages, for the reason that romances are more enjoyable than history. ----Chamfort.恋爱比婚姻更令人愉快,就像浪漫故事比历史更令人愉悦。----尚福尔。

40、In fact, you can lie in bed at night and swing from deep feelings of attachment for one person to deep feelings of romantic love for somebody else.事实上,你晚上躺在床上可以一会儿想想那个你对他有依赖感的人,一会儿想想那个跟你有浪漫爱情的另一个人。

41、I would recommend Guilin for a family vacation or a nice romantic getway for two.我觉得桂林很适合家庭旅行或者两个人的浪漫之旅。

42、The air is fresher and it's romantic to watch the sunset with your lover.空气很清新,而且在这里和心爱的人一起看夕阳也很浪漫。

43、What is your response to the claims that you are romanticizing poverty in India? Emily Gillespie, EUGENE, ORE.有些人说你把印度的贫穷浪漫化了,你如果回答?

44、, 【A we missed the time, France.,【时间一点点被我们错过,擦肩而过。

45、Romantic travel in a majority of people's eye is viewed by as a kind of direct pain.大多数人眼中浪漫的旅行却成了我切肤的疼痛。

46、You will do much better starting a relationship with someone who has common interests.你会和有着共同兴趣的某人谱写一段更加浪漫的恋曲。

47、Besides strengthening the sense of distance of the scene, it also makes people think of the ancient Chu cultures which were rich in content, romantic and mysterious in style.一道道缓缓流转的缭绕云烟,象徵了时间、静止、安閒,传递了时光漫茫的诗意情景,增强了景物的虚远疏远感,更让人联想上古的云梦大泽与神秘浪漫的楚文化。

48、Researchers believe the pair bond evolved from the parent-child bond, which may ex­plain why we feel romantic attachments so strongly.研究人员相信,伴侣之间的关系源自亲子关系,这可能解释了为什么我们对浪漫的依恋的感觉如此强烈。

49、Westerners in particular see the pair through a romantic and ideological prism.西方人尤其爱通过一个兼具浪漫和意识形态的棱镜来看两者。

50、When one is in love one begins by deceiving oneself, and ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls romance.恋爱者由自欺开始,以欺人告终。这就是世人所谓的浪漫。

经典英文句子51:浪漫感人,51、This heat wave has everyone dragging around.这阵热浪已使每个人感到倦怠。

52、In a romantic relationship, the feeling of gratitude serves as a reminder of how great your partner is所以,当你置身于一段浪漫关系中的时候,感激感可以提示你,你的伴侣多么伟大。

53、To feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all theromance is far away,the eternity is always there.感受梦的火焰,感觉飞舞瞬间,当一切浪漫遥远,永恒依然

54、Romantic comedies might provide 90 minutes of light-hearted fun but the happy-ever-after movies are also impacting people's real love lives, according to an Australian survey.根据澳大利亚的一份调查,浪漫喜剧在观众观看电影的全过程中给人们轻松的感觉,但是观看电影之后仍然存在的幸福感会影响人们的爱情观。

55、Going for a sunset ride and then having a romantic dinner for two is one of the most romantic dates.落霞中拥着爱人骑在马背上缓缓而行,有种要浪迹天涯去私奔的感觉哈哈。 之后再享用一顿两人晚餐,真是再浪漫不过了!

56、情人眼里出西施 Beauty is in lover's eyes.天作之合 Marriages are made in heaven.

57、I am a gentle kind-hearted woman, like music and romantic, full of perceptual and righteousness, the pursuit of honesty and loyalty.我是一位温柔善良的女人,喜欢音乐和浪漫,充满感性和仁义,追求诚实和忠诚。

58、Ogai Mori, one of the founders of Japanese modern literature, was the pioneer of romantic literature.森鸥外是日本近代文学的奠基人之


59、In my opinion it is drawn from the 80's and the early 90's, with a more romantic modern touch.在我看来,这是来自xx年代和xx年代初,一个更浪漫的现代感觉。

60、Scattered across the world, Strider Kinfolk are typically travelers themselves — Bedouin nomads, circus troupes, Gypsies, truckers or just plain drifters.散布于世界各地,漫游者的亲属也总是到处漫游—— 贝都因人,马戏团,吉普赛人,卡车司机或者仅仅是痛苦的流浪者。

61、to feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing, when all the romance is far away, the eternity is always there.感受梦的火焰,感受飞翔刹时,当一切浪漫迢遥,永恒仍然。

62、One day I would take a ride on one of the double deckers in London. It feels so romantic.改日我好想坐坐英国的伦敦市区那种双层巴士,感觉特别浪漫。

63、This fairytale city is equal parts European sophistication, stunning scenery and romance.这座童话般的城市将欧洲的古老传统、迷人景色和浪漫气息集于一身。

64、If two people love each other cordial, Shi Yao do not do anything, the relative quiet would be romantic feeling.如果两人彼此倾心相爱,什幺事都不做,静静相对都会感觉是浪漫的。

65、Romance, youth, reality and fantasy as a furnace, but also with a 'whirling' beauty, no name better than it.集浪漫、青春、现实与梦幻为一炉,还带着‘扑朔迷离’的美感,没有名字比它更好了。

66、Li He, weak and sick, suffered many setbacks during his life with his genius unrecognised, which makes him anguished, restrained, sensitive and romantic.李贺的一生命途多舛,体弱多病,怀才不遇,这些因素形成他苦闷内敛的性格和敏感浪漫的感情。

67、They both love social gatherings, and also adore romance and experiencing each other as lovers.他们都喜欢参加社交活动,喜爱浪漫,并且享受与彼此相恋的感觉。

68、For some, there is a sense of romanticism and relief at the idea of putting money into something as tangible as dirt.对于有些人来说,把钱放置到某种像泥土一样能触摸到东西,有一种浪漫的感觉和消遣的意义。

69、Forget romantic lunch dates – you'd get a packet of Quavers and be grateful.别痴心妄想什么浪漫午餐约会了——你得到的只能是一包速食饼干,还要对此心怀感激。

70、A strangely familiar piano piece stirs Guang Xi's heart as he struggles to recall his past romance with Mu Cheng.竟开启了一段刻骨铭心、浪漫动人的秋日恋曲。

71、Soft line , apply palely, romantic integral feeling is the keyword that nowadays female home installs.柔和的线条,淡色的运用,浪漫的整体感觉都是时下女性家装的要害词。

72、If you don't leave me ,I will love you till the world ends 你若不离不弃,我会生死相依。

73、To cold good material pledges He Jie has the withy feeling that can increase it with soft adornment, build islands to go vacationing the romantic feeling like.对于冷硬的材质和洁具可以用软装饰来增加它的柔韧感,营造岛屿度假般的浪漫感。


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