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关于”积累的软件“的英语句子44个,句子主体:accumulated software。以下是关于积累的软件的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:accumulated software


1、Gradually, these small conceptual changes accumulate to a meaningful change in the team's conception of software development.


2、Fruits are softened by cyclic loading during transport, and often appear cumulative bruising .


3、According to Mao Yiding, Rising's extensive launch in Japan's software market has been a breakthrough for the Chinese software industry.


4、The repeated use of washing machines accumulatively consumes high volumes of water during a garment’s life.


5、The software employs the modular design.


6、"It's a drip-drip thing, " Mr Archer says. "Business will getto know about it.


7、By pot cultivation, this experiment was conducted to study the K efficiency among 28 wheat varieties under two K levels in Huang-huai wheat growing region.


8、It asks the SEC to loosen the reins and allow for capital building while still monitoring transactions.


9、The extent of soluble salt accumulation of rhizosphere soil decreased with the increase of stand age.


10、The position error accumulation in long-playing navigation is attenuated by integrating pseudo range measurement.


11、If you continue with this sleeping pattern, these toxins will accumulate in your body over time.


12、That's an automatic 12-pound annual loss!


13、Therefore, he facilitates IBM and the software company positively achieves a series of agreements.


14、It is very petite in size, will not take up too much computer resources, unlike other anti-virus software installed will drag the entire computer speed.


15、Profound knowledge is accumulated little by little.


16、Cumulative sunshine hours for 2903 hours.


17、So the effect in cumulative.


18、The risk of disaster quietly accumulates.


19、Each component in a workspace has its own history of change sets, the accumulation of which defines a configuration of the component.


20、Under soil drought stress conditions, drought - resistant varieties (species) accumulated comparatively higher free proline content than those in the less drought - resistant varieties.

21、The funding pattern turns from the traditional pay-as-you-go pattern to the funded or partly funded pattern.养老金大额筹资模式从传统的现收现付模式转向基金积累制或部分积累制。

22、And the social insurance tax, which ensures the source of accumulation fund, lays the foundation for it.而积累基金存在的必要条件就是开征社会保险税,保证社会保险的资金来源。

23、DPS data-processing software is infiltration of the impact simulation model on the single factor, more nitrogen accumulated.应用DPS数据处理软件对单因素、多因素氮素累计入渗的影响进行模型模拟。

24、The distinctive ecological condition of higher altitude areas promoted the accumulation of flavonoids.高海拔区独特的生态条件促进银杏叶中黄酮苷的积累;

25、For ideal Sample Cumulation method has some disadvantages, we optimized Sample Cumulation method, and researched the binary property of photomultiplier tubes.针对理想条件下的采样累积法的缺点,我们对采样累积法进行了改善,并在理论上分析了实现光电倍增管二值化的方法。

英文句子26:,26、The accumulation of glycine betaine in E.中有甘氨酸甜菜碱的积累。

27、Cognition Software engineering is a subject of application and theory, which needs both high technology and lots of experience from jobs.认识软件工程是一门学用结合的学科,不仅要理论知识过硬,还要注重在实际工作中的经验积累。

28、I am picking up momentum every single day.每一天我都在积累胜势。

29、Objective:To popularize PASS in hospital and gain more experiences from it, ameliorate operating ambient and multiply the efficiency of PASS.目的:为我院全面推广PASS系统积累经验、完善软件运行环境、提高应用软件系统的效果。

30、Bearing in mind the company spirit "no accumulation, no success", we work with assiduity .我们本着“没有积累就没有成功”的企业理念认真做好每件事。

31、Individual HMW GS accumulation increased gradually and the accumulative peak during the period from 随灌浆成熟,HMW- GS各亚基积累呈递增趋势,积累高峰出现在开花

20 days after anthesis to mature.

2 0天至成熟。

32、In the same conditions, insoluble phosphorus is also accumulated, and most of them deposit at the bottom of reservoir.同样的条件,导致不溶性磷的积累, 大部分沉积于库底。

33、Despite these difficult conditions, Li is biding her time to gain more experience.尽管条件艰苦,但李虹邦还是选择积累工作经验,等待良机。

34、The invertase activity was negatively correlated with the sucrose accumulation, and the amylase activity was negatively correlated with the starch accumulation.果实中的转化酶活性与蔗糖积累,淀粉酶活性与淀粉积累均呈负相关。

35、One reason is that actively participating offices need to be running compatible software.一个原因是,积极参与的办公室需要运行兼容的软件。

36、The existence of resonance is dependent on whether the wave-energy accumulative processes are greater than the dissipative processes.共振条件是否存在,取决于波能累积过程是否大于消散过程。

37、The new algorithm uses the corresponding relationship between signal difference phase constellation arid higher order cumulants. From the relationship a new feature is derived.新算法利用信号相位星座图和各阶累积量的对应关系,提取累积量特征。

38、The natural thermoluminescence in Quaternary sediment has stored accumulated irradiated dose since the sediment deposited.第四纪沉积物的天然热释光中储存有自沉积以来的累积辐射剂量。

39、The result: Guck rarely gets a chance to build up, and it washes away easily when it does.结果是:粘稠肮脏的东西几乎没有机会累积,而一旦有所累积,也很容易被冲掉。

40、The slow component is isolated behind the queue, and the biggest effect is requests building up in the queue, which will eventually catch up.缓慢的组件在队列后面隔离,最大的效果是请求在队列中累积起来,但该组件最终也会跟上来。

41、The "cumulative row to binary number" mapping is the same as the previous mapping, but you keep a cumulative sum -- a running total -- of the row values.“累积行到二进制数”的映射与上一个映射一样,但是累积行值——每次计算总值。

42、Nongda202 is high accumulation efficiency genotype , NC89 is low accumulation efficiency and high utilization efficiency genotype.“农大202”属于钾高效积累基因型烤烟,而NC89为钾积累低效利用高效基因型烤烟。

43、Practical tests show that the process is practicable and can be refernce for the comparable forgings.通过试制取得了成功,为同类钛合金薄壁件锻造积累了经验。

44、This research can accumulate experiences and properties data for manufacturing aeroengine components with EBW.研究旨在为航空发动机构件的电子束焊接加工制造积累经验和性能数据。

45、Look at how rubbery and loose kids are. We could be as limber as they are. Stress and cumulative injury take away flexibility. Stretching gets it back.看看小孩的柔软,我们可以像他们一样,压力及累积的伤害把天生的柔软度带走,伸展运动可以再拿回来。

46、Ticket is NOT eligible for KrisFlyer mileage accrual.机票不可累积飞行哩数。

47、High yield orchard soil nutrient storage buffer cumulant is big, middle garden soil accumulation quantity is small, low yield orchard is not obvious.高产园土壤营养缓冲库累积量大,中产园土壤累积量小,低产园不明显。

48、A distal motivation was my nagging concern over the usability of years of accumulated mail, news, and writing archives.也是我想利用多年积累下来的信件、新闻和写作档案的一个小动机。

49、And How would these pilings of incidents and emotions affect the teacher?这些事件、情绪的累积,又会给老师带来什麽样的影响?

50、Under poor storage conditions toxins such as lipopolysaccharides can accumulate.在储存条件差,如脂多糖毒素累积。

经典英文句子51:积累的软件,51、According to the practical application background, a new and high-sensitivity acquisition method of software GPS receiver is proposed based on ingenious differentially coherent integration.面向GPS软件接收机高灵敏度捕获应用,提出了一种新的基于简易差分相干积累的高灵敏度捕获算法。

52、All the cultural and spiritual eminence of man is conditioned by the accumulation of capital.人类一切文化和精神的卓越成就都是以资本积累为其前提条件的。

53、Once you have accumulated all of your debts and put them under one umbrella, you will find two things.一旦你积累了你的所有债务,并把它们在一个伞下,你会发现两件事。

54、Echinacea angustifolia (Purple Cone Flower) — For lymphatic inflammation, soft-tissue injuries and fever. Helps decrease an accumulation of mucous.松果(紫锥花) - 淋巴炎,软组织损伤和发烧。有助于减少对粘膜的积累。

55、The activity of invertase is negatively correlated with sucrose content and the correlation between phosphorylase activity and sucrose content is positive.蔗糖酶与蔗糖积累呈负相关,磷酸化酶与蔗糖积累呈正相关。

56、The result indicated that ACHT and ACLT values had significant effect on the stem length.研究结果显示累积高温差与累积低温差对于花茎长度都有显著影响。

57、At abundant P content, P accumulated mainly in stems and leaves.P充足条件下,稻株体内P主要累积在茎、叶中;

58、Screening of hyperaccumulators, plants that accumulate high levels of heavy metals, is prerequisite for the technique.超积累植物是植物修复技术的关键,筛选和发现超积累植物是植物修复技术的难点所在。

59、Just like the pounds that gradually accumulate over the years, the wait gains in our software development cycle often go largely unnoticed.正如多年逐渐积累的体重一样,软件开发周期中的等待收益经常在不引人注意地情况下变大。

60、The effect of fertilizer and water conditions on dry matter accumulation, partition and transportation of different types of rice was studied.研究了肥水条件对不同类型水稻物质积累与分配的影响。

61、At the same time, this successed in providing to a certian extent technology accumulation and preparative for homegrown development of laser three-dimensional data process.同时为以后的激光三维扫描设备配套软件的国产化开发提供一定的技术积累和准备。

62、Books are the ever-burning lamps of accumulated wisdom.书籍是积累智慧的明灯。

63、The future is the cumulation of many "nows".也是由「现在」累积而成。

64、With a given amount of biomass at flowering, the more the biomass at panicle initiation, the lower the PTP.在抽穗期干物质积累量相近的情况下,穗分化以前干物质积累所占的比例越大,成穗率越低。

65、Little grains of sand can add up to a mountain over time.日积月累,要相信细沙也可以堆积成山。

66、Methods With the decision limit method, the cusum is interpreted against a numerical limit, rather than by use of a V-mask.方法累积和方法的累积和是根据数字限而不使用V型模板来进行解释。

67、The devices or compositions are used to reduce or prevent tartar accumulations on dog teeth.这些器件或化学成分被用来减少或防止牙垢的犬齿积累。

68、Modern software engineering is sophisticated and powerful, with decades of experience, millions of lines of supporting code and unprecidented access to cloud computing.现代软件工程是复杂和强大的,经过了几是年的积累,几百万行的代码和前所未有的云计算。

69、There is distinct difference between "accumulating from generation to generation" and "collective creation passing on from generation to generation", although they are tightly linked together.“世代累积”与“世代累积型集体创作”虽有密切联系,又有明显的区别。

70、But it's fair to say that the hammerlock Microsoft has had on tech for better than a decade may finally be loosening.但公平地讲,微软十数年积累而成的技术优势正在慢慢丧失殆尽。

71、During the process of accumulating capital, capital accumulation and the change of capital organic composition have decided the methods of employment.在资本积累过程中,资本积累量和资本有机构成的变动决定就业手段。

72、Microcystins mostly accumulate in the liver and also in the digestive tract and muscle tissue.微囊藻毒素主要在鱼类肝脏中积累,还可在消化道和肌肉等组织中积累。

73、Designs of hardware and software of the instrument are presented.并阐述了药壶体积测量仪器的硬件设计和软件设计。

74、China has a vast market and abundant human resources, technical accumulation and decades of accumulated experience, a certain advantages.中国拥有广阔的市场和丰富的人才资源,有几xx年的技术积累和经验积累,有一定的后发优势。

75、Over time to pay long-term efforts.要日积月累,付出长期的努力。

英文句子模板76:accumulated software,76、Designates the "Limit Cumulated" display, which depicts the entire depth of the market, expressed in terms of cumulated totals at average prices.表示所有限价的累积。描述的是市场的全部深度,并将平均价用累积总数表达出来。

77、Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche said, "Accumulating merit is so easy, in fact much easier than accumulating non-virtue."敦珠仁波切说:「累积功德非常简单,事实上,这比累积不善行更容易。」



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