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1、This is what our plans do unless planning is more important than the plan.


2、Okay, we know. This is the opposite of Plan



3、The Pre-Launch Control Plan is not a substitute for the Production Control Plan but is over and above the Production Control Plan and is used to validate it.


4、I will go there with my best friend after school.He will help me .We'll have a good time.

建筑及规划学院都市设计暨计划系博士 (Ph。

5、D. , Department of Urban Design and Planning, School of Architecture and …


6、Inform Production Planner of any divergences from production plan.


7、Instead of having one plan, have one thousand plans, and revise them as necessary.


8、I will accommodate my scheme to yours.

从计划 —— 计划 是 GBean 的 XML 序列化。

9、From plans - A plan is an XML serialization of a GBean.


10、This plan is used along with the software development plan and the risk management plan to assess the project feasibility.


11、In addition, I will make plans for several short periods, such as monthly plan and weekly plan.

大变活人 具体内容:你可以与你最好的朋友玩这个游戏,名字叫:大变活人。

12、Wrong PIG is not, and I remember how U (YOU) that way you are wrong, I was pig is a pig is YOU I


13、I have two plans, and we are going to see which one works.


14、Really, Everyman and Uberman are more than just two schedules;


15、Create goals that you want for yourself in terms of a week, month, year, and even decade!


16、a living, but living stool is the case. "


17、The construction schedule is only a plan, which always has risk.


18、You could call it a community unity plan.

墨丘利计划不会受阻, 阿波罗计划也不会中断。

19、Mercury would not be hindered, Apollo would not be interrupted.


20、The Task Scheduler Service is not running. Please enable task scheduler service for scheduled job to fucntion.

21、Planning poorly.计划性差。

22、Contents include and planning graphic design industrial design display design interior design planning activities .品牌策划, 平面设计, 工业设计, 展示设计, 室内设计,活动策划。

23、Righty makes plans.有计划。

24、Insured who is a minor under age 适用人群 18周岁以下未成年人只能投保计划五或计划十,且计划五和计划十仅限未满18周岁者。

18 can only apply for plan

5 or

10, and plan

5 and

10 are only applicable for minors.

25、Contents include brand planning graphic design industrial design display design interior design planning activities .品牌策划, 平面设计, 工业设计,展示设计, 室内设计,活动策划。

英文句子26:,26、Amanda has a great series on family vacation planning.阿曼达对家庭度假计划有着一系列的计划。

27、Intermediate-term plans are 长期计划,xx年以上的计划。

1 to

5 years.

28、He implemented the reforms I passed in the legislature, plus one of his own, a teacher-training program called PET, Program for Effective Teaching.他实施了我在州议会通过的改革计划,另外实行了他自己提出的一个教师培训计划,这个计划叫“有效教学计划”。

29、Planning the budget department returns a people the company plan management department management.计划预算部归口公司计划经营部管理。

30、Planning and implementation of SFPs and TFPs is a step-by-step process.计划和实施补充性食物计划和治疗性食物计划是一个循序渐进的过程。

31、Among these programs are food stamps and other nutrition programs, health insurance, unemployment insurance and job training programs.这些计划中包括发放食品券,以及营养计划、医疗保险、失业保险和职业培训计划。

32、Planned business volume: call-out business volume planned to achieve.计划业务量:计划呼出的业务量。

33、The production planner is responsible to formulate the trial production and batch production plan for the new product per the project plan.生产计划员按项目计划编制新产品试生产计划,批生产计划。

34、It is not just the Secretary-General's Plan. It is our joint plan, all of us here in this room.它不仅是秘书长的计划,它是我们共同的计划,是我们在座各位的共同计划。

35、It is there to stay. It is not a short-term.我有一个短暂的计划,也就是我的假期计划。

36、Strategic planning includes integration of corporate strategies, strategic planning structures and planning processes.战略计划体系包括公司战略、战略计划结构和战略计划程序等三方面的内容。

37、Sometimes we schedule things back-to-back-to-back, so that every minute of every day is planned out.有时我们计划计划再计划,最后每一天的每一分钟都被安排出去了。

38、Okay, we know. This is the opposite of Plan 我们知道,这个计划是和计划3相对的。

3. You caught us.

39、The need to make short-term as well as long-term plans.在长期计划之外制定短期计划的必要性。

40、The design is the divine creative force activity carries on the pre-arranged plan, may any divine creative force activity plan technology and the plan process understanding be the design.设计便是造物活动进行预先的计划,可以把任何造物活动的计划技术和计划过程理解为设计。

41、Plan prudently.谨慎计划。

42、Company facility layout and adjustment plan.公司设施规划和调整计划。

43、Anti-patterns: Precise plans/estimates, track against static plan management style.反模式:精确地计划或估计,遵循静态计划管理方式。

44、A plan is only as good as those who see it through.贯彻到底的计划才是好计划。

45、I plan to attend the meeting我计划去参加这次会议

46、The online planning worksheets (OLPW) can be used for the planning purpose.可以使用在线计划工作表 (OLPW) 制定计划。

47、 I hope this weekend I can live very happy!在这个周末我有个计划,如果明天是晴天的话。

48、Among those programs are food stamps and other nutrition programs, health insurance, unemployment insurance and job training programs.这些计划中包括发放食品券,普及营养计划、医疗保险、失业保险和职业培训计划。

49、He countered my plan with one of his own.他提出自己的计划与我的计划抗衡。

50、Home Ownership Scheme, Private Sector Participation Scheme and Flat For Sale Scheme.居者有其屋计划、私人机构参建居屋计划及住宅发售计划。

经典英文句子51:计划,51、Wellington got wind of Napoleon's plans, and altered his own.仑的计划后修改自己的计划。

52、Examples are, stage plans, exception plans, team plans, hand-over plans, benefit realisation plans, etc.例如阶段计划,例外计划,团队计划,移交计划,利益实现计划等等。

53、It is common for projects to adopt a plan-and-track method, sometimes summarized as "plan your work and work your plan."项目通常采用计划及跟踪方法,有时概括为“计划您的工作并执行您的计划”。

54、i believe i will have a great time.(我相信我可以玩的很开心)

55、Lin. And this is our Planning Department Manager, Mr.计划部说在此阶段拿出计划草案是不可行的。

56、Release weekly plan, dispatch work center schedule, work order and picking list.发行周计划,派发产线计划,工单和配料单。

57、There is little point comparing an execution plan to the RBO plan and being surprised if you get a different execution plan.和RBO计划相比,执行计划只有相同的很少,你会得到一个不同的执行计划。

58、Project Planning: Providing preplanning services of real estate project, including market positioning, development strategy and schedule, construction planning, marketing , etc.提供房地产开发项目的前期策划,包括市场定位策划、开发策略策划、开发计划策划、规划设计方案策划、营销方案策划等。

59、他提出自己的计划与我的计划抗衡。He countered my plan with one of his own.

60、You can even dress up as a famous monster like Dracula! The motto is: "The scarier, the better." 你还可以化妆成像吸血鬼那样可怕的妖怪。

61、I'm going to the weekend at home to help parents do housework如果你认可我的回答,请点击“采纳为满意答案”,祝学习进步!

62、You can plot and plan.你可以计谋并做计划。

63、D. , Department of Urban Design and Planning, School of Architecture and Planning …建筑及规划学院都市设计暨计划系博士 (Ph。

64、Contributing to an employer sponsored, tax-deferred retirement plan, such as a 401(k), 403(b), or 457开始一些延税退休计划,比如401计划,403计划或者457

65、Do not undertake a project unless you can implement it.不要承担一项计划,除非你能完成这项计划。

66、30-Day Schedule - Now I take my 30-day goals and plans and break them down week by week and day by day.30天日程表 ——现在,我把30天目标和计划分解为周计划和日计划。

67、We are planning to reach the design capacity in 2016-2017, " he said."我们计划在xx年到xx年使其达到计划的设计能力”,他说道。

68、There are four component projects in the three-year proposal.本计划为xx年期计划,包含四个子计划。

69、Make monthly plan and weekly plan according to actual situation.根据实际情况制定月计划、周计划。

70、Would you plan and plan before you ever wrote a word?你会不写一个字,老是计划来计划去吗?

71、Outlines the key features of the scheme, and provides information for depositors and scheme members, and a list of scheme members.介绍计划的主要特点,及向存款人及计划成员提供有用资料及计划成员名单。

72、Over-planning — Planning is a good thing, but too much leads to procrastinating.计划过度 --实施计划是件好事,但是计划太多会导致拖沓。

73、Long-term plan and short-term plan want to have, draw near there should be daily plan even when the exam.长期计划和短期计划都要有,临近考试时甚至要有每日计划。


标签: 计划

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