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1、Wujiang River belongs to a classical winding canyon river.

问题虽小, 但很典型。

2、The question is small but typical.


3、I am an atypical sort.


4、Tangjiaping molybdenum is a typical porphyry type molybdenum deposit.


5、So, this is a good metal.


6、As a typical scholar, Sushi's political psychology was representative.


7、He's a typical homebody.


8、That's a typical value for metals.


9、First, Wu dialects as SVO-type are even less typical than Mandarin, but are more typical than it as topic-prominent type.


10、EHE is typically a slow-moving cancer.


11、Bunin breaks free from the conventional models, and creates typical setting in typical characters.


12、She epitomizes a loving mother.


13、Nowadays, however, typical story especially typical character story is in a difficult position.


14、Atypical fractures of the femoral diaphysis.


15、According to their virulence markers, EPEC strains are subdivided into typical and atypical EPEC.


16、Being a word class, the SCP is also a prototypical category which has typical members and non-typical members.


17、L- and T-type calcium channels respond to classical blockers.


18、The last one is that the prototypic scenarios of anaphor and antecedent overlap.

图 典型的石英晶体谐振器模型。


1. A typical plate model of crystal resonators.



20、It's classic narcissism.

21、Games are the perfect example of immersive applications.游戏是这种类型程序的典型代表。

22、Moreover, typical and atypical EPEC usually belong to certain serotype cluster and differ in their geographic distribution and their natural reservoir.此外,典型和非典型的EPEC通常属于某些血清型集群和不同的地理分布和它们的自然水库。

23、The diabase and lamprophyre are typical mantle source rock while the granite pegmatite is typical crustal source rock.其中辉绿岩和煌斑岩是典型的幔源岩,花岗伟晶岩则是典型的壳源岩。

24、Model demonstration;典型示范;

25、Cruse' discussion of synonymy, in the light of prototype theory, we believe that synonymy is a prototypical category.借鉴典型理论,笔者认为同义关系也是一种典型范畴;

英文句子26:,26、He's a typical Sagittarius.他是个典型的射手座.

27、The clinical features were non-typical.临床特征不典型;

28、Thackery was an Englishman of Englishmen, a Londoner of Londoners.萨克雷是典型的英国人,而且是典型的伦敦人。

29、This is the histologic pattern of the typical seminoma .典型的精原细胞瘤组织学类型。

30、In the classical significance the basic characteristic of Linchuan culture is the model of south agriculture tillage culture.古典意义上的临川文化的根本特征是“典型的南方农耕文化型。”

31、Conclusion TTT is effective for AMD accompanied with occult CNV, classic CNV, and small classic CNV.结论 TTT治疗渗出型AMD合并典型性、隐匿型及微小典型性CNV均有一定效果。

32、Results There were 结果只有8眼(21.05%)表现为典型的青光眼视杯,其余均不典型。

8 eyes(21.05%) with typical glaucomatous cup, others with atypical glaucomatous cup.

33、Analyzes the benefits of using economic models in grid computing, abstracts the type players and the type alternations between the players.分析了在网格计算环境中采用经济模型的优点,抽象了经济模型中的典型角色和它们之间的典型交互。

34、In what? Normally.关于什么,典型的问题

35、The famous and excellent liquor must have representative characters, which will determine the new technological approach.名优白酒必须有鲜明的典型性,有了典型性才能确定工艺技术新途径。

36、The Lassen iQ is a classic.在拉森智商是一个典型。

37、Bread and milk are typical western breakfast.典型的西式早餐。

38、Typical Germans.这就是典型的德国人。

39、Carpet grassAxonopus compressus is a typical warm season turf.地毯草是一种典型的暖季型草坪草。

40、Evol is a classic example.Evol就是个典型的例子。

41、This slide show the typical op-amp noise model.此图显示的是典型的运放噪声模型。

42、The Type Education should pay attention to the exact times the types live in, the appropriate level of a mass character and the careful selection of the negative types.运用典型教育法树立正面典型必须具有鲜明的时代性,还要注意群众性,要慎重选择反面典型;

43、Results: Atypical meningioma as observed on CT scan were of specific findings in 80% on angiography.结果:CT不典型脑膜瘤,而其80%脑血管造影具有典型特征。

44、A typical phenomenon of karst topography.是典型的峰林现象。

45、Big Big Wolf is a typical Shanghai man and Red Wolf is a typical Shanghaiwoman.灰太狼就是典型的上海男人,红太郎就是典型的上海女人。

46、The experimental results indicated that the typical flow pattern in outlet-channels was bubbly flow and in outlet manifold was slug flow.实验发现,出口流道中典型的两相流流型是泡状流、而出口总管中的典型流型是弹状流。

47、Ha-ha, typical double standard!呵呵,典型的双重标准!

48、Reinforce demonstration by example;加强典型示范;

49、Kevin is a typical family man.Kevin是典型的家庭型男人。

50、This is absolutely the pits.这绝对是拙劣的典型。

经典英文句子51:典型,51、应是Customers first. (The customer is god 是典型的chinglish。

52、Typical Characters have a reaction to the typical environment, for three reasons: 典型人物对典型环境有反作用,理由有



53、That’s typically evasive behaviour.那是典型的回避行为。

54、A typical MINIT method looks like一个典型的MINIT方法如下

55、There is no any atypia above cases. It is a classic mesonephoric hyperplasia.本例没有任何程度的非典型性,为典型的中肾管增生。

56、In addition, people's understanding that the typical theory is new, typical intension is got greatly and abundantly , "model" occupies one's own due position again, has radiated vigour.另外,人们对典型理论有了新的认识,典型内涵得到极大丰富,“典型”重新占据自己应有的位置,焕发了生机和活力。

57、Power grid enterprises belong to typical network and natural monopoly industries.电网企业属于典型的网络型自然垄断型产业。

58、Barium titanate is a typical ferroelectric substance.钛酸钡就是一种典型的位移型铁电体。



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