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关于”小众“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Small crowd。以下是关于小众的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Small crowd


1、Sure, Apple may even defeat them all.


2、'Brothers, ' said the Helmsman when Trinket had finished his bowings and kowtowings, 'now that this boy is my apprentice, I should like him to become a member of the Society.


3、He doctored up the story to suit the public.

Face of clown …大众情人…小丑的脸孔…

4、Ace of hearts …


5、Focus Media would retain a rump ad business.


6、Minorities may reject a patriotic loyalty and pride, which the majority finds unproblematic.


7、The audience easily overflowed the small theatre.


8、Beethoven's childhood will be very sympathetic to the working class.


9、Cpl. Erica LI and LCpl. Mandy TSE leaded the congregation to sing.


10、Virtual location for owners of CKX units to network.


11、She gave one a sledgehammer and a large chisel, one a hammer and smaller chisel, and the other an electric saw .

我的天! 这只小鸭子很大而且与众不同。

12、Oh,my!This duckling is big and different


13、Escape is one of the themes of the novel.


14、Little Sheep does things differently beyond the menu.


15、The performance of the clown kept the public rolling about.


16、Expectation has been raised very high for this next thirty minutes and I know you will meet them.


17、SAMSONOV, one knee on the floor, saluted the crowd.


18、Part six: a small minority experience strategy book.


19、This is a novel tailored to popular taste.

听众热情要求小提琴手再演奏一曲。 。

20、Thee violinist got an enthusiastic encore.

21、They took care to avoid civilian casualties.他们小心地避免了民众伤亡。

22、He remained a mouse in public affairs.在公众事务上他依然胆小如鼠。

23、The audience was made up of very young children.观众由小孩子们组成。

24、List of small hills to conquer and comfortable good ah!一览众山小的征服和惬意多好啊!

25、"White little" and I are losing the fight.我和小白寡不敌众。

英文句子26:,26、When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himimmolation as public property.当一小我遭到公众疑任时,他便该悼貉自己看作公众的财产。

27、The two suprarenal masses were characterised by small cystic areas.这两个肾上腺群众特点是小囊性地区。

28、Mesmeric fingers softly touch The eyes of many elves.的手指轻轻地触摸 众多小精灵的眼睛。

29、The middle class was extremely small in Prussia.在普鲁士,中产阶级也是小众群体

30、Magician please the audience selected a card, and then will come up with a small LED light, please check the audience clearly does not have any special lights.魔术师请观众选出了一张牌,之后拿出一个会发光小灯,请观众检查清楚,小灯并无任何特别。

31、The celebrated violinist was mobbed by the audience.观众团团围住了这位著名的小提琴演奏家。

32、I was rather daunted by the thought of addressing such an audience.这样的听众讲话,就有些胆小。

33、Samuel Butler ,The Way of All Flesh塞绍尔·小巴特勒;《众生之路》

34、Some of the people's life reached a comfortable standard.部分群众生活达到了小康水平。

35、The clown panicked the audience with a gag.小丑插科打诨逗得观众大笑。

36、Even if you’ve “arrived, ” stay humble.即便你已经“一览众山小”了也要保持谦虚。

37、There are many minor ethnos living around Daxing Anling region.大兴安岭东西两麓有众多小民族生存。

38、The other two are mass entertainment and niche programming.另外两个战略是大众娱乐和小众节目。

39、He remained a mouse in public affairs.在公众事务上他依然 胆小如鼠 。

40、The magician's tricks mystified the audience in the theater.魔术师的小把戏唬住了戏院的每个听众。

41、Adam:It's really surprising that a small ping-pong ball could attract so many people.说也奇怪,一个小小的乒乓球怎么会吸引这么多观众呢?

42、Guizhou is rich in many water courses, streams and rivers.贵州水利资源丰富,有众多大河小溪。

43、【贬,当众吵闹[C] They made a scene of trifles. 他们为小事当众吵闹。

44、Peoples effort well off target, Veuve fly Jiuxiao.万众努力奔小康目标,凯歌飞九宵。

45、There is considerable disagreement about dreiser's status as a novelist.德来塞作为小说家这一地位众说纷纭。

46、"Moby-Dick" was a small-public novel.《白鲸》是一部小众小说。

47、She bawled her senseless ditties to the audience.她声嘶力竭对听众唱出她那无意义的小曲。

48、All the audiences smiled except a little boy.所有的观众都笑了,除了一个小男孩。

49、“In demographic terms, ” Mr. Ferguson says, “the population of Western societies has long represented a minority of the world’s inhabitants, but today it is clearly a dwindling one.弗格森说,“用人口统计学的术语来讲就是,西方社会长期代表着全世界的小众人口,但是当今社会,这种小众化趋势明显逐渐减小。

50、In numerous small ornament, small containers esp. for use in the house, open interest is the most sufficient is cany small basket.在众多小摆设、小器皿中,野趣最足的是藤制的小篮子。

经典英文句子51:小众,51、"Moby-Dick" was a small-public novel.《白鲸记》只是小众小说。

52、This young man bore the brunt of everyone's jokes.傻小子一向是众人的笑柄。

53、Courses completed: History of mass communication, 88;所建课程:小众传播史,88合;

54、It's really surprising that a small ping-pong ball could attract so many people.说也奇怪,一个小小的乒乓球怎么会吸引这么多观众呢?

55、The three foreign exhibitors are all niche brands.三家国外展商都是小众品牌。

56、Our groups include law studying group, literature and art group, popular theatre group, volunteer group, and out-door activities group.我们开展的小组包括:法律兴趣小组、文艺小组、民众戏剧小组、义工小组、户外小组等。


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