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关于”30条生病建议“的英语句子25个,句子主体:30 sick advice。以下是关于30条生病建议的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:30 sick advice


1、This tip comes from dating expert Vin DiCarlo.


2、A doctor, for example, can recommend a course of treatment for an illness;a lawyer can advise us on a course of legal action.


3、This article details each of these recommendations.


4、Conclusion Telmisartan has the protective effects on kidney and delays the advance of DN, It is recommended that Telmisartan may be conventionally used in the early stage of DN.


5、We advise a ratio of 70% lactitol and 30% polydextrose .


6、Here is my advice to you.


7、After the cardiologists made their recommendations, the patients were randomly assigned to receive a treatment.


8、Working staff 30 people below. The factory area of 300 square. Lines.


9、Patient didn’t follow the advice and condition worsens.


10、Sarkis recommended studying for 30 minutes and then taking 15-minute breaks.


11、A consultant neuropsychiatrist recommends use of a daylight lamp for 30 minutes each morning for patients who don't sleep well in winter.


12、At 08:30 local time, the meeting started.

这个30 条街的历史区, 在三线路的街上有150 多赤土和砖造的建筑物。

13、This 30-block historic district includes more than 150 terra cotta and brick buildings on tree-lined streets.


14、So what do patients like to hear? Here are four suggestions.

如果我们看到的那唯一一条饮食建议是少吃30%的食物, 那就没有胖子了.

15、Constantly. If the only piece of dietary advice we took any notice of was to reduce our food intake by 30%(ish) we'd have next to zero obesity.


16、An increasing number of physicians now routinely test vitamin D levels in the blood of their female patients, and if it is below 30 nanograms per milliliter, will suggest they take a supplement.


17、Doctors suggest parents wake their child about 30 minutes before the night terror usually happens. Get the child out of bed, and have her talk to you.


18、On Jan.

12, Shanghai Women's Federation suggested, "the extended 30-day maternity leave on the basis of the existing 15-day paternity leave shall be shared by the parents."


19、Sleep experts recommend 30 minutes of exposure to sunlight a day because daylight helps regulate our sleep patterns.


20、I suggest have the new clothes immersed in warm water with detergent for about 30 to 60 minutes.

21、He was down with fever, and the doctor advised him to lie up for several days.他因发烧而病倒了,医生建议他卧床几天。

22、If their blood pressure is too high, they are advised to make an appointment with their doctor.如果血压过高,那么病人会被建议预约医生。

23、Experts advise keeping eggs in the refrigerator and cooking them well to avoid getting sick.专家建议将鸡蛋放于冰箱保鲜,熟煮避免食用生病。

24、This seems to only apply if you buy raw meats.似乎只有在买生肉的时候,这条建议才会被想起。

25、They sought advice from the public in compiling the guidelines, and in the end received at least 30, 000 suggestions from both home and abroad.活动主办方在编撰行为指南的过程中,向社会公众征集了很多意见和建议。 据统计,主办方最终共收到三万条来自国内外的建议。

英文句子26:,26、I once received another piece of life-changing advice, which, unlike the advice I got from a friend in Chapter 我曾经得到一条改变生活的建议,与我第三章从朋友那里得到的建议不同,它实用、明智、有效。


1 find applicable, wise, and empirically valid.

27、Good image, good temperament, sweet voice, age 18-30 years old, suggested that women;形象好,气质佳,声音甜美,年龄在18-xx岁,建议女性;

28、Laboratory examination received as an out-patient if medically indicated and recommended by network doctors.按网络医生因病人的病症所需而建议以门诊方式接受的化验调查测试。

29、The doctor came to ward TianXin Suggestions after surgery in the mounting bracket.医生来到病房后建议田心手术治疗在安装支架。

30、The W-H-O also suggests having antiviral drugs ready in case people get sick.世界卫生组织还建议要预备好抗病毒药,以防万

31、The sizing recommendation has often been more than 30% greater than what was actually required.建议的资源量常常超过实际需要量 30%。

32、Let's make up, don't let some unpleasant affect our feelings.我们和好吧,不要让一些不愉快影响了我们的感情

33、So far, more than 30 viruses or viroid were found on potato, and the virus diseases restrict the potato producing.目前在马铃薯上已发现的病毒、类病毒多达30余种,病毒病的发生和传播严重制约了马铃薯的生产。

34、Mr. Fu's first piece of advice: Don't be shy.浮石的第一条建议是:不要害羞。

35、MODIFY RECOVERY dbname.tsname RETAIN LAST(30) - To clean up entries but retaining recent 30 entries.MODIFY RECOVERY dbname.tsname RETAIN LAST(30):清理条目,但保留最近的 30 个条目。

36、RESULTS Ratio of subretinal neovascularization found in macular zone of the patients with pathological myopia was 30. 6%.结果观察病例中病理性近视黄斑区视网膜下新生血管发生的构成比为30。6%。

37、The doctor advised patients to go the massage therapy. Many did, and the results were very good.这位医生建议病人做推拿治疗。一些病人做了,得到了很好的效果。

38、Experts recommend that you use a sun-block with an SPF 30 or above every day.专家建议你每天使用含有SPF(防阳光因子) 30的防晒霜。

39、Emily:I suggest the red one.艾蜜莉:我建议那条红色的。

40、We proposed to pay by 30 d/s.我方建议支付见票后30天付款的汇票。

41、Through curtain grouting, an effective and stable "flood control dam" is built which guarantee safty production of Zhangmatun iron deposit for 30 years.济南张马屯铁矿安全生产xx年,其根本保证是通过帷幕注浆建立起了一条长效稳定的地下“拦水大坝”。

42、There are three responses to this recommendation.对这个建议有三条反对意见。

43、Journalists in their turn recommended such people visiting psychiatrists.而纪者建议这些人去看精神病医生。

44、We suggest you stretch by touching your toes for at least 30 seconds before you make the attempt.我们建议你在做尝试前通过触摸你的脚趾至少30秒钟来伸展你的身体。

45、I'm sorry, I should not quarrel with you对不起,我不应该和你吵架

46、The initial session of the Conference shall be convened by the Depositary no later than 30 days after the entry into force of this Treaty.大会首届会议应至迟于本条约生效后30天内由保存人召开。

47、I generally suggest stashing 25% or 30% of a stock portfolio overseas.我通常建议在股票投资组合中持有25%或30%的海外股票。

48、The W. H. O. 's emergency committee, after meeting until 世界卫生组织紧急委员会在日内瓦召开的直到晚上

10:30 p. m. in Geneva, also recommended abandoning efforts to contain the flu's spread.


49、For this reason, a legal manuscript of legislative proposals is designed - the"PRC Administrative Assistance Act (the draft proposal)".为此,设计出立法建议条文——《中华人民共和国行政协助法(建议稿)》。

50、He is estimated to be 30 years old and feeds on shellfish.据了解,这条鱼已有xx岁,以海底贝类生物为食。

经典英文句子51:30条生病建议,51、About 30 per cent of the births here are also caesarean, mainly due to the high risk nature of the patients' condition.约30%的出生在这里也占剖宫产,主要是由于病人的病情高风险性。

52、The advised tire pressure for tubeless tires is between 30 and 40 psi.该建议的无内胎轮胎压力轮胎是30至40磅。

53、I mentioned the 我提到过

7:30 senior staff meeting.


54、In addition, GPs and other health professionals should talk to all women over 30 about the effects of ageing on fertility when they talk to them about contraception, for instance, it said.此外,该学院还建议,xx岁以上妇女谈到避孕之类的话题时,全科医生和其他保健专家应该告知大龄对生育能力的影响。

55、around 30% of diabetes and ischaemic heart disease burden.约30%的糖尿病和缺血性心脏病负担。

56、Also remember this advice from the AAD: "Check your birthday suit on your birthday.同时也记住AAD的这条建议:“过生日那天一定要检查全身。”

57、Doctors have long advised frequent hand-washing to avoid spreading germs.医生长久以来都建议通过勤洗手来减少病毒的传播。

58、Doctors can only advise women to be careful. They advise women not to travel to areas where the virus is spreading, to avoid mosquito bites or to delay pregnancy.医生们只能建议女性们小心一些。他们建议女性不要到有寨卡病毒的地方旅行,避免蚊虫叮咬,或者建议女性推迟孕期。

59、It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs - 橡树上挂满了黄手绢—20条,30条,也许好几百条。

20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds.

60、It's unclear what time period the suggestions are culled during, but a spokesman says they're generated from "recent [search] activity."目前,生成建议所需时间尚不明确,但Google发言人称,搜索建议来自于新近的搜索词条。

61、Method 30 patients with schizophrenia were treated by life skill training, and the efficacy was assessed with NOSIE-30 and SANS.方法对30例病人应用生活技能训练并进行对照观察,以NOSIE - 30及SANS评分为依据。

62、30% to 50% of inpatient hospital admissions;住院病人的30%-50%;

63、I hope we can be reconciled, as before希望我们能和好,像以前一样

64、I suggested the patient see the gynecologist immediately.我建议病人立即去看妇科医生。

65、Girls tend to be much more avid texters than boys, typically sending and receiving 80 messages per day compared to 30 for boys.研究还发现,相较于男生,女生”短信瘾”更大,平均1天要收发80条,而男生则是30条。

66、The resolution passed 30-1 with one abstention and awaits approval by the full Parliament.欧盟议会农业委员会以30票对1票、1票弃权通过该决议。决议还有待全议会通过。

67、All residents of the 20-to 30-home Kalapana Gardens subdivision were advised to evacuate, accordingto TV station KITV.当地的KITV电视台建议卡拉帕纳花园区的20到30户居民提前撤离。

68、You will always be my best friend, no matter what happens你永远是我最好的朋友,不管发生什么

69、Eye symptoms can affect some 30% of those with psoriatic arthritis , so regular eye check ups are advised.眼睛症状能够影响到30%患这种病的人,因此建议作定期的眼部检查。

70、The storage period is 在0-30度条件下,自生产日起,窒内储存期为六个月。

6 months from the production date at 0-30 temperature.

71、Adoption qualifications are: no children, above 30 and healthy, capable of raising and providing education.收养需符合以下条件: 无子女、年满30周岁、有抚养教育被收养人的能力、无重大疾病。

72、Clarin recommends patients use disposable contacts for daily use.克拉瑞医生建议病人使用一次性的日抛镜片。

73、An initial fluid bolus of at least 30 mL/kg is recommended; crystalloids should be the initial fluids (1B).建议最初的液体复苏的量为每公斤体重30毫升,首先的液体应该是晶体液(1B)。

74、Pouchitis, which is an inflammation of the pouch , occurs in about 30 percent of patients.癌变,这是一种炎症的邮袋,如果发生在约30%的病人。


标签: 建议

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