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关于”很美的短句“的英语句子47个,句子主体:very beautiful short sentences。以下是关于很美的短句的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:very beautiful short sentences


1、Slightly shorter in length and armholes are cut low.

还有,我能加一句吗? 那样会看起来很棒的。

2、And, I might add, that was a good look.


3、They're seen in the sky for only a very brief moment. When they appear, they're so brilliant, so bright.


4、Many traces of this brief and bloody episode remain in the places occupied by this short-lived colony.


5、The reign of "House Of Cards" may be short-lived.


6、The mandate is there because people are myopic.


7、Short-lived Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, will soon be replaced.

文章虽短, 但很重要。

8、The article is very important though it is short.


9、But this stage lasts only a short time.


10、That's why, despite the free download, the Android app rakes in more than $1 million in sales each month, second only to the iPhone version.


11、Oh yes, I learned a lot about judgment in a very short period of time.


12、The flip pass is necessary during a close exchange of the ball.

如果下伸部很短, 字体看上去会很怪。

13、Extremely short descenders will give a strange look to a text typeface.


14、He used to buy $60 worth of prepaid phone cards a month to text to his girlfriend - until they broke up.


15、But he quickly got an idea for a lampoon.


16、There had been much controversy concerning the genetics of unpatterned tabbies in the American Shorthair (ASH) breed.


17、I'll never forget the day she came home from the beauty shop with short hair, all her beautiful waves gone.


18、Because other components work for only a short time with a connection, this delay is usually short.


19、Does Eric wear his hair long?


20、If you feel unhappy, you look out of the window, the world is great, the scenery is beautiful, many opportunities, life is very short, don't curled in a small shadow.

21、"The zebrafish larvae can reproduce the rhythm almost perfectly after the lights have gone off but only for short periods of time," says Poo.“关灯之后,斑马鱼鱼仔能够近乎完美地重现这一节奏,不过只持续很短的时间,”蒲说。

22、Beautiful landscapes, relaxing music, pipe of untiring birds will give you lot's of impressions and will cheer you up even during a short term.美丽的风景,放松音乐,管不懈鸟会给你很多的印象,并会欢呼起来,你即使是在短期内。

23、We added my father in-law’s first name as his middle name and soon realized that we had created AJ, a short and sweet initial name.我们将岳父(公公)的名字作为他的中名。 很快,我们发现我们发明了一个简短而又甜美的名字,首字母为AJ.

24、They like extremes: they can be joyful and melancholic in a short period of time.他们总是很很极端化的,他们会在很短的时间内一时忧愁一时又是欢喜。

25、Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead, her face was short, her upper lip short, showing a glint to teeth, her brows were straight and dark, her lashes long and dark, her nose straight.她乌黑的头发,乱蓬蓬地撒落在宽宽的额头上,脸很短,上唇也很短露出光亮的牙齿。 直直的眉毛很黑,长长的睫行很黑,鼻子直直的。

英文句子26:,26、The time of life is short, to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long.—— William Shakespeare 人生的时间很短促,如果把那短促的人生浪掷虚度,那就太长了。

27、Shorter operative time, postoperative prosthesis Long bandaged eyebrow, no stitches scar , 5-7 days after surgery beautiful nature, difficult to detect, not red, white phenomenon.手术时间短,假体隆眉弓术后加压包扎,无明显瘢痕,5-7天拆线,术后美观自然,很难察觉,没有发红、发白的现象。

28、I have tried one school, students will take the initiative and foreign friends to say a few words, and feel the heart Mei Zizi.我校曾经试过一次,很多学生都主动与外国朋友去说几句话,而且都觉得心里美滋滋的。

29、His call for new construction loans and an extended payroll-tax break would probably add hundreds of billions of dollars to budget deficits in the short term.他呼吁增加新的建设贷款并延长工资税免税期,这很可能在短期内使预算赤字增加上千亿美元.

30、Memories are short, time to stretch; miss very strong, the time to fade.回忆很短、时间将其拉长;想念很浓、时间使其褪色。

31、But a brief period of openness was quickly quashed.但短暂的公开很快就被扫平。

32、I have been in a lot of plays and skits.我已经在很多剧本和短剧。

33、It has a big head and small eyes. It has short hands and fat legs.它的头大大的,有一双小小的眼睛,它的手很短,但它的脚很胖。

34、This was great, but I want to go shorter.这写得很不错,但我希望能更短。

35、"The Plot" could be shorter: much of the social commentary gets humdrum after a while.“普劳特”的确很短暂,正如很多社会评论一样昙花一现。

36、The results showed that the evolution of HA1 represented a long trunk with short side branches.HA1基因进化树显示出以很长的主干和很短的侧枝为特征。

37、Remember, this site will probably have a short shelf life.请记住,此站点可能只有很短的存续期。

38、Sometimes, stakeholder identification can be difficult.识别项目短长关厦魅者有时分很坚苦。

39、which is a city in South Eastern Africa, which is a beautiful, beautiful city which everyone should go to.非洲东南部的一个城市,很美很美,人人都应该去。

40、The decline to the main tunnels is short and we soon come to the bottom.进入隧道正线的斜坡很短,我们很快来到底部。

41、Fish the fish with very short introduced-in-length.用途打捞引入长度很短的落鱼。

42、You can describe a short distance by saying: It’s just a short walk / It’s just a short walk.你可以这样描述一个短距离:It’s just a short walk. /只需走很短的一段路。

43、It's only a short walk from here.从这里到那里只是很短的一段路。

44、GBP looks destined for more weakness in the short term, with support around GBP/USD 英镑短期内似乎注定走软,英镑兑美元很可能下试

1.6111 likely to be tested.


45、But beware, say many experts: The surge is merely a blip in a weak-dollar trend that still has years to run.但要当心,很多专家认为这一轮美元上涨只是弱势美元走势的短暂反复,而弱势美元走势可能还会持续多年。

46、Sleep usually lasts a moment, rarely over an hour, and the narcoleptic is easily awakened.这种睡眠通常只持续很短时间,很少超过一小时,病人很容易苏醒。

47、Confirmed Metrotextual Nick Kirkham, aged 25, who works in insurance, said he and his friends have been sending kisses to each other for years.从事保险工作的xx岁的尼克•科克汉姆自称为“都市美信男”。 他说自己和朋友在短信中互留吻已经很多年了。

48、Pressure ulcers are common in acute and long-term care.在短期和长期的护理中,压疮都很普遍。

49、Use very short stitches to lock it in place.使用很短针锁定到位。

50、Harari i takes on a daunting challenge: to tell the entire history of the human race in just 400 pages.哈拉里完成的是一项很有难度的挑战:用短短400页讲完人类的整个历史。

经典英文句子51:很美的短句,51、He used to buy $60 worth of prepaid phone cards a month to text to his girlfriend, until they broke up.过去,卡里姆每个月要买60美元的充值卡,给女朋友发很多“我想你”的短信。

52、Fish can survive for only a short time out of water.鱼离开水后活得时间很短。

53、"The high frequencies make the bats' sonar beam very focused and short-ranged, " he said.“高频率声波使得声音束很集中,周期很短。” 他说。

54、Correction from 11/5/08 high 欧/美短期仍然处于升势,

1.3117 is likely to end soon, nearby




55、Most conjoined twins have a very short life-span.婴儿大多数都寿命很短。

56、But that view is based on the idea that market-value losses shown by Fannie are fleeting.不过这种观点的基础是房利美显示的市值损失很短暂。

57、I was full of wonderment at this unusual mammal, with its circular head adorned by short ears, its round eyes, its white whiskers like those on a cat, its webbed and clawed feet, its bushy tail.我很赞美这新奇的哺乳类动物,圆突的头,上面有短短的耳朵,圆圆的眼睛,像猫须一般的白色瓮须,掌形带甲的脚,团簇的尾巴。

58、Beautiful place, great food. I love it there.很美的地方,东西好吃。我很喜欢那里。

59、On the one hand it's a really long time, on the other - disgustingly short.这是很长的一段时间,另一方面讲也很短。

60、Usually , the period of preliminary stage is very short .通常,这个时期的初步阶段是很短暂的。

61、What he means by very short is molecular-length scales.他说的很短的距离是指分子长度的鳞。

62、The undercoat is thick and must not show through.的短毛很厚并不能表明通过。

63、"I have learned a lot already in a short time, " Wolfowitz said.沃尔福威茨说:“在很短的时间里我已经了解到很多情况。

64、"Phil became a very wealthy man in a very short period of time, " Burg says.“Phil在很短的时间内就成了一个很有钱的人。” Burg说。

65、“关灯之后,斑马鱼鱼仔能够近乎完美地重现这一节奏,不过只持续很短的时间,”蒲说。"The zebrafish larvae can reproduce the rhythm almost perfectly after the lights have gone off but only for short periods of time," says Poo.

66、The Ponseti method has become particularly popular as a result of published short and long-term success rates in North America.在北美,尤其是Ponseti方法被报道认为不论在短期还是长期疗效方面都取得了很大的成功。

67、Instead, for many, the 0.25% that the Fed is paying is the best rate out there for parking short-term cash.结果在很多银行看来,美联储支付的0.25%利率是存放短期资金的最佳利率。

68、She also explains that, while humans live only short lives, they have an immortal soul, whereas mermaids live for 300 years but then become foam on the ocean.并且解释说人类的寿命很短,精神不朽,而美人鱼却可以活xx年,而死后则变成海洋里的泡沫。

69、Short sleepers also tend to be thin and have faster metabolisms.短睡眠者通常会很瘦并且新陈代谢很快。

70、Her current style seems to suit her, because it's short and no-nonsense. Her choice of clothes reflects a similar aesthetic.希拉里现在的发型似乎很适合她,短发显得干练。她选择的服装也显示出类似的美感。

71、John likes to bad-mouth his co -workers a lot.约翰很喜欢说他同事的长短。

72、A Microblog is a blog with very short entries.微博客指的是条目很短的博客。

73、Travel or short trips will probably be your best outlet.长短途旅行很可能是你的最佳出路。

74、Life's too short–spend the extra 25 cents per roll on the three-ply cushy stuff.人生很短——每卷多花25美分去买用起来很舒服的三层厕纸。

75、Our history is relatively short, and we still have a long way to go.学苑出版社历史很短,但前面的路还很长。

英文句子模板76:very beautiful short sentences,76、To tell the truth, the topic is really practical, but it does attract me a lot.说句实话,这次演讲的主题还真是很现实,不过它也的确很吸引我。

77、Generally Agile projects are of very short durations.敏捷项目通常持续的周期都很短。


标签: 英文 短句

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