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关于”2个单词的短句“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Short sentences of 以下是关于2个单词的短句的初三英语句子。

2 words。

英文句子模板1:Short sentences of 2 words


1、Also in

2 Timothy

4:2, Paul uses the word "reprove."


word(n) 得到字符串的第 n 个单词 "Now is the time".word(

2、string.word(n) Gets the nth word of string "Now is the time".word(

2) returns "is"

2) 返回 "is"



2 illustrates this concept, with the resulting output shown in Figure

1, cell B.

2 说明了这个概念,其结果输出如图

1 的单元格 B 所示。



2. How much is that in ferrite core?

2. 这个 ferrite 核心中有多少东西?


5、Single vessel and 2-3 vessels together were observed in the xylem.



2. london.xml -- another XML description of a photo

2. london.xml — 另一个有关照片的 XML 描述


7、So, Listing

2 processes both the \\ and \n substitutions.

2 处理了 \\ 和 \n 两个替换。



2 illustrates a full JAXB program.

2 展示了一个完整的 JAXB 程序。


9、Remember, for a 2-minute speech, we recommend 230 – 250 words.



2 presents dwsample.Info, our informational message widget

2 给出了我们的这个信息消息小部件 dwsample.Info

门上页片有 2个短柱体,用于门铰轴心安装时的定位。

11、The door part has

2 stubs, keeping it in position during mounting of the pin.


12、In 1990, section 110(

2) was rephrased in a way that undercuts the court's reading of that section.




2. Is this person marriageable?

2. 这个人到了结婚年龄吗?


14、They believe it could shorten treatment by 2-3 months.



2 shows a segment from one of these files.

2 展示了来自这样一个文件的片段。

您可能希望强调某些链接到其他 Web 文档的单词或短语。

16、You might want to add emphasis to a word or phrase that is hyperlinked to another Web document.

第一个文件为 index.html,如 清单

17、The first is index.html, shown in Listing

2, and the second is netmon.js

2 所示,第二个文件为 netmon.js,如 清单

3 所示。


18、There should be

2 stainless steel scuppers in bathroom unit.



2 shows an example of this condition occurring.

2 展示了一个发生这种情况的示例。


20、Consider targeting 2-3 word phrases that are more targeted and obtainable

21、It's safe in most people to take these drugs for a short period (2-3 weeks).它是在大多数的人中保险箱服用这些药物一个短时期(2-3个星期)。

22、Listings 清单

1 and

2 show the code for both of these.

1 和清单

2 显示了这两个类的代码。

23、The shortest latency of the evoked potential was only 诱发反应的潜伏期最短为2毫秒,表明杏仁向听皮层的投射可能是单突触的。

2 ms, indicating that a direct projection from the amygdala to the auditory cortex did exist.

24、ANNOUNCER (V. O. ): He's taking a writing implement from his pencil case. It's a number 看,他从文具盒中取出了拼写工具:一支2号铅笔:写这个单词是再好不过啦。

2 pencil, a smart choice for this word.

25、Listing 清单 2显示了采用这种方法的一个例子。

2 shows an example of how to do this.

英文句子26:,26、Listing 清单

2 shows an example JNLP file.

2 表示了 JNLP 文件的一个示例。

27、Listing 清单

2. The DatabaseConnection singleton in rss_db.php

2. rss_db.php 中的 DatabaseConnection 单元素

28、Listing 清单

2. Pinging an unresponsive host

2. ping 一个没有响应的主机

29、2. What words will express it?


30、Listing 清单

2 is a longer ECMAScript routine, not a single line, as is Listing


2 是一个较长的 ECMAScript 例程,不像清单

1 一样,只有一行代码。

31、When there're lack of XS/L/XL size, it may need 1-2 more days to process for the related order.尺寸XS / L / XL 的订单,在货源短缺情况下,有可能需要多一个工作天的处理时间。

32、The band was divided into 26 units:猴群可以分为26个单位,其中有19个单雄多雌单位、5个多雄多雌单位和2个全雄单位。

19 one-male units(OMUs),

5 multi-male units(MMUs), and

2 all-male units(AMUs).

33、Fill 让照片占满2个或1/2单元格,其余的就留作白空间吧。

2 1/2 grid units with a photo, leaving some extra white space.

34、Students must also become proficient in one-step 学员必须熟练掌握单步拳击、短促和连串的出击及反击。

2)sparring , short set sequences of attacks and counter-attacks.

35、Each order contains 每个订单包含96片2包在一个单位出货率。

2 packs of 96 tablets at one flat shipping rate.

36、Listing 清单

2 shows an example output listing.

2 展示了一个输出清单的例子。

37、Read the words and find them in the picture. Tick the things that you can see.读下面的单词或短语,并在图中找出相应物品。找到的请打勾。

38、Trousers probably derived from the words trousers-- drawers, trousses--trunk hose, and/or trousse--to cover, truss.单词trousers可能源自trunk hose(宽松短罩裤)和/或trousse(覆盖、捆束)。

39、I assembled an RDF representation such as that in Listing 我用 WordNet 的所有同义词集组成了 清单

2 from all the synsets in WordNet and performed a similar monolithic query of the resulting database.

2 所示的 RDF 表示,然后对结果数据库进行类似的单一查询。

40、Listing 清单

2 shows an example of using a newline character.

2 是一个使用换行符的示例。

41、I start with an .html file, as in Listing 我从一个 .html 文件入手,如 清单


2 所示。

42、Each studio is a 每个工作室是一个2层复式单元,玻璃封闭空间,临南的是画家单元,临北的是雕塑家'单元。

2 story unit with a double height, glass-enclosed space facing either south (painters´ units) or north (sculptors´ units).

43、One way to gauge the prevalence of a word is to consult the Oxford English Corpus, a body of 要想判断一个词的流行程度,有一种方法就是查询拥有二十亿单词的牛津英语语料库。

2 billion words.

44、Of 136 grade 在这个录像选择出的136名xx年级学生中,35%的学生一个单词都不会读。

2 children randomly selected for the video, 35 percent weren’t able to read a single word.

45、The portType messages shown in Listing 清单

2 point to this schema.

2 中的 portType 消息指向这个模式。

46、2 It classifies enterprise subjects into a 6x6 matrix of cells, with each cell representing a unique view of an organization (see Figure


2 它将企业主题分级成一个6x6的单元格矩阵,每个单元格代表每个组织的一个唯一视图(见图


47、As you study the two short XML documents, you'll probably realize that there is very little difference in meaning between listings 当您研究这两个短小的 XML 文档时,恐怕已经注意到清单

1 and


1 和清单

2 所表示的含义几乎没有什么不同。

48、Similarly, if we want to update the city attribute value, we can invoke its mutator method in the UPDATE statement ( Listing 同样的,如果想更新城市属性值,可以调用 UPDATE 语句中的 mutator 方法( 清单



49、Listing 清单

2 is an example PHP function.

2 是一个示例 PHP 函数。

50、Add a page every 2-3 days: 200-500 words.每2~3天添加一个新页,200~500词。

经典英文句子51:2个单词的短句,51、Objective To observe the influence of ultraviolet C(UVC) irradiation on apoptosis of human peripheral blood monocytes and interleukin-2(IL-2), interleukin-12(IL-12).目的观察短波紫外线(UVC) 照射正常人外周血单个核细胞凋亡及白细胞介素2(IL-

2) 、IL-

12 水平的影响。

52、Figure 图 2提供了一些指导,将收集器分为单线程和并发的,以及分为短暂停和高吞吐能力的。

2 offers some guidance, dividing collectors into single-threaded and concurrent, and into low-pause and high-throughput.

53、The code in Listing 清单

2 is bogged down especially by the fact that it communicates directly with a hardcoded database via a hardcoded SQL statement.

2 中的代码出现了问题,尤其是它通过一个硬编码的 SQL 语句直接与一个硬编码的数据库进行通信。

54、Listing 清单

2 specifies three parameters to lsof.

2 为 lsof 指定了三个参数。

55、Each team 每队出2名选手,1人在白板上听写出这组单词,1人从旁协助,有1分钟检查时间。

2 players,

1 write them down,

1 help.

1 more minute for double check.

56、Listing 清单

2 shows an example of XUL code.

2 展示了一个 XUL 代码示例。

57、Listing 清单

2 shows the first tab HTML file.

2 显示第一个选项卡 HTML 文件。

58、Listing 清单

2 shows the code for this example event definition.

2 展示了这个示例事件定义的代码。

59、An oligosaccharide contains 一个寡糖由2~20个糖单元由糖苷键连接起来。

2 to

20 sugar units joined by glycosidic bonds.

60、The menu shown in figure 图

2 displays for a calendar entry.

2 中显示的菜单用于一个日程表条目。

61、Listing 清单 清单

1 shows a sample concept; Listing

2 shows a sample task.

1 展示了一个样例概念;

2 展示了一个样例任务。

62、Hence, a 因此,一个

3 x

2 table need not have exactly six cells.

3 x

2 的表格实际上不一定有

6 个单元格。

63、You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 您在答案纸2应该整洁地写大约200个词。


64、It shortened oxygen blowing time 缩短纯吹氧时间



65、Asian Shorts 亚洲短打

2:On the Road…


66、string.wordindex(n), string.wordlength(n) Gets the index or length of the nth word "Now is the time".wordindex(wordindex(n), string.wordlength(n) 得到第 n 个单词的索引或长度 "Now is the time".wordindex(


2) 返回 5

67、Listing 清单

2. Race_01


68、Because a space has a score of -2, you would obtain a score for the current cell by subtracting 因为一个空格的分数是 -2,所以当前单元格的得分要从上面的单元格得分减

2 from the cell above.

2 得到。

69、A two-year-old typically says a few hundred words, but there is a lot of variation.通常情况下,一个xx岁大的宝宝能说几百个单词,但是不同宝宝说的内容各不相同。

70、Listing 清单

2. Makefile with the same temporary file y.tab.c

2. 使用同一个临时文件 y.tab.c 的 makefile。


标签: 英文 单词 短句

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