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关于”感谢的短句“的英语句子49个,句子主体:a short sentence of thanks。以下是关于感谢的短句的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:a short sentence of thanks


1、I practiced speaking with them at college. This prize means a lot to me.


2、Thank others for helping you.


3、I have thanked Thee a thousand times for my roses, but not once for my thorn.


4、Thank you so much for inviting me.


5、Within two days after interview, you, will want to write a brief follow-up letter to the interviewer, thanking him or her for the interview.

我也感谢我们的英雄 — 全球的卫生工作人员,感谢他们所做的一切。

6、And I also thank our heroes – the health workers around the world – for all they are doing.

it tastes good. I appreciate what you have done for me.泰瑞:嗯……口感不错。谢谢你为我所做的一切。

7、Terry : En…


8、I do not believe such as essay would harm his entrance to any school in the U.


9、Thank you for the kindness you showed me during my short stay in the "Big Apple".


10、Thank you Harley for the introduction.


11、Thank you for your gracious hospitality.


12、Thank you for your calling. Byebye!


13、Please accept my most cordial thanks for your timely help.


14、I thank him for my family and friends, and I thank him for the good life I have.


15、Thank you for your kindness for matriculating.


16、And your president appreciates you.

17、Thank you so much for inviting me. 非常感谢您的邀请

他说:“我在这里只说一句:‘谢谢你,保罗。’ 希望所有其他那些帮助过我以及我深深感激的人原谅我。”

18、"I hope that all those to whom I owe and to whom I feel the deepest gratitude will forgive me if I say simply, thank you Paul, " he said.

谢谢你,史蒂文。 非常感谢你能和我的读者分享你的答案和建议。

19、Thank you Steven, I greatly appreciate your answers and tips that you have shared with my readers.


20、Thanks Tony Dai report back.

21、Thank you for watch my stroy!感谢你观看我的故事!

22、TOM: I appreciate your remarks.汤姆:我很感谢你的描述。

23、I thanked them for their munificence .我感谢他们的慷慨。

24、Thank you for your gracious hospitality. 感谢你们的亲切款待。

25、Dreamer’s response: Thanks Lauri!做梦者的回应: 感谢Lauri!

英文句子26:,26、Thank you for the subtitles.感谢字幕组的翻译!

27、Your knees will thank you.你的膝盖会感谢你的。

28、Say, 'I'm very interested in this position and I sincerely thank you for your time and insights today.告诉面试官‘我对该职位很感兴趣,感谢您抽时间来面试我,并真诚的感谢您今天的真知灼见。

29、I became thankful for my existence.我开始感谢我的存在。

30、The money therefore which Eleanor had advanced was enclosed with little more than grateful thanks, and the thousand good wishes of a most affectionate heart.于是,她把埃丽诺垫的钱装进信封以后,只写了几句表示感谢和衷心祝愿的话。

31、Janey:No problem_o. Thanks for trying though. I really appreciate it.没关系,但还是要谢谢你曾尽力过,我真的很感激。

32、Later they'll say: "Thanks for taking the time to send me that great shot."随后他们会说:“谢谢你花时间给我发那令我愉快的短信。

33、Thanks. I bought it as a Japanese artilleryman short sword. Between this one and that used by Japanese artilleryman , which one is better?谢谢,我是当一把日本炮兵短剑买回来的,那请问这把短剑与日本炮兵用的哪一种会更好些?

34、I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitalityfor which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.我要感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待。中国人民正是以这种热情好客而闻明世界的。(在定语从句前拆译) 拆译)

35、Let me thank our many partners, in both initiatives, for their steadfast commitment and support.让我感谢我们在这两个行动中的众多伙伴,感谢他们坚定的承诺和支持。

36、C:Don't mention it. I really appreciate your help, otherwise, I would not have been able to sell this house in such a short period.不用客气,我真的很感谢你的帮忙,否则我不可能在这么短时间内卖出这房子的。

37、Im writing on behalf of Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. First, thanks to the host for this short article and the discussion.我要为杨先生辩护一下,首先,感谢论坛提供了这个简短的主题和讨论。

38、You are a real gentleman (感谢男性的帮助时用)

39、We all thank you for being a great person and for supporting what Kevin does.我们都感谢你,你是如此棒的一个人,也要感谢你支持凯文的工作。

40、Thank you, Iowa.我衷心感谢艾奥瓦的公民们。

41、Thank you for this article.感谢这篇文章的作者。

42、Thank you for your microcontinent! ! ! ! ! Your deeds touched me with the same age and because you, I feel proud! ! ! ! !谢谢你林浩!你的事迹感动着我,我因与你同龄而感到骄傲!

43、Loker: All right, thank you.是的。感谢你百忙中抽空。

44、Industriousness thanking to me pays.感谢对我的辛勤付出。

45、I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.我要感谢你们无与伦比的盛情款待。中国人民正是以这种热情好客而闻明世界的。(在定语从句前拆译)

46、thank you for your gracious hospitality感谢你们的亲切款待。

47、And thank you again. -Alright…bye.再次感谢你。 - 好的…再见。

48、Thank you so much for soldiering on !十分感谢你当兵的!

49、Yes,it's mine.Thank you ever so much.是我的,太感谢你了。

50、Thank you for your Presence tonight.感谢大家今晚的惠临。

经典英文句子51:感谢的短句,51、Thank you again for the invitation to speak this evening, and for your warm hospitality here in Shanghai.再次感谢你们邀请我今晚讲话,并感谢你们在上海的盛情款待。

52、But let us come down to Earth, to the nexus point of your existence in time and space.让我们先回到地球上来,你们所存在的时空连结点上(译注:感谢网友。此句来自于网友。

53、you are a real gentleman (感谢男性的帮助时用)

54、Thanks again and could you please say thank you to all your workman for me too.再次感谢并且希望你代我对所有的工作人员说声谢谢。

55、S. to his prayer: "And oh, Lord, thank you so much for the Toyota Camery, beige, four doors, with a sunroof ."一骨碌翻身下床,赶快补上一句:“噢,对了,还有感谢您给了我们一辆丰田,四门的,上有一天窗,米色的。阿们!”

56、The author extends a special acknowledgment to the Project Leader, Ying Chun (Daisy) Guo, for her contributions to this article.作者特别感谢项目负责人 Ying Chun (Daisy) Guo,感谢她对本文的贡献。

57、Thank you for your welcome.感谢各位的热烈欢迎!

58、thank you for your gracious hospitality. 感谢你们的亲切款待。

59、And thank you for joining us.感谢各位观众的收看。

60、Thanks for reading my blog!感谢读我的网络日记!

61、Trevor said, then remembering evaluation. “No thank you.”特雷福说,可他马上想起了评价那回事,于是又补上了一句,“不必了,谢谢。

62、I'm really grateful for your help! 我非常感谢你的帮助。

63、They write your race number on your arm with a marker, and I had them add the words Thank you, donor family.他们用彩笔在选手的手臂上涂上比赛号码,我让他们加上“Thank you,donor family(感谢捐献者及其家属)”这句话。

64、So thank you for your service.因此,感谢你们的服务。

65、Lilei: Ok. thanks very much.李磊:好的,太感谢了。

66、Please help us to fill in this survey. Don't worry, there are only 想请你高抬贵手,帮我填这个关于短片的问卷,才五个问题!谢谢了。

5 questions!

67、“Thank you, ” The two spies of Israel said, very gratefully.“非常感谢,”这两个卧底向我致意诚挚的谢意。

68、Thanks for coming again!再次感谢各位佳宾的到来!


标签: 英文 短句

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