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关于”成分的划分及练习“的英语句子38个,句子主体:Division and practice of ingredients。以下是关于成分的划分及练习的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Division and practice of ingredients

在球队分组训练时,他和助理教练Kurt Rambis进行了一对一的练习。

1、He did some one-on-one drills Thursday with assistant coach Kurt Rambis at the team's training facility.


2、The contract is part of a conversion program aimed at rebuilding four single-seat L-159s into two-seat trainer versions.


3、Study "Articles" in Packet, pp. 249-255. Do Exercises to discuss in class.


4、Tom had spent ten minutes on practicing using the radio.


5、Each lesson is divided into two parts, listening and speaking. This book attaches great importance to the teaching and practicing of the language function.


6、"Exercises", divided into three parts---pronunciation, vocabulary and Chinese characters, pays special attention to strengthening and improving the things learned in class.


7、The session started indoors: a brief warm-up followed by abdominals and stretching exercises with high hurdles.


8、During the third trimester, change your routine to shorter ones of 20-25 minutes long, four or five days per week.


9、Another section offers SAT vocabulary word lessons for

9 -

12 graders, and yet another section contains writing prompts and critical thinking exercises.


10、Along with each summary there are questions and exercises and a section on tips and traps.


11、120 minutes/week: Two 20-minute runs, one 40-minute run, and two 20-minute strength-training sessions.


12、Behind part text exercise, make arrangements for having "the data bag ".


13、Strengthen basic training of calculation, get the kids to grasp the radical calculating ability craftily.


14、LA CORUNA - Training ended at

8.10pm CET with a series of crosses and shots on goal, with the team divided in two: players in a green bib and players wearing training outfit.


15、Teachers can find practice problems, suggested readings, and supplementary assignments for most courses offered by Highlights for High School.


16、100 minutes/week: Three 20-minute runs as above and two 20-minute strength-training sessions.


17、Those who had to recall both their mediator and the translation got scores averaging 51 percent if they'd been in the pretesting group and just 34 percent if they'd only studied.

我们学习如何阅读以及将英文译成中文或将中文译成英文。 但我们并未充分地练习英文会话。

18、We learned how to read and translate from English into Chinese and vice versa, but we weren’t given enough practice in English speaking.

掌握压音需要大量的练习,可以试着每天都坚持练习15分钟的压音,同时也要在其他吹孔上练习压音,例如1D, 2D, 3D, 4D和6D。

19、Bending takes a lot of practice. Try practicing for

15 minutes a day, every day, for a week. Also bending on different holes, 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D and 6D.


20、Since you have more control HS, you can get away with much faster play HS than HT without increasing stress or forming bad habits.

21、Total time: 30–60 minutes.然后再以非常小的步伐来练习步速。 总时间:30-60分钟。

22、I'm Sibyl ; I'll finish the case study.我则负责分工、制定计划及写案例分析。

23、There is part of pregnant woman yoga in the CD. It teach us how to correct placental position and how to relieve labor pain from doing sports.光盘里还有一些孕妇瑜伽的练习教程,侧重讲如何通过运动纠正胎位,以及通过运动和呼吸法练习减轻分娩痛苦。

24、Practise the dialogue and act out it in groups.分小组练习对话并表演巩固所学内容。

25、The means of training is the load statistics and calculate the results of practical training with the percentage of the best statistical load by the greatest possible results.以训练手段的练习单位为负荷量统计单位,以训练的实际成绩与其目标成绩的百分比统计强度。

英文句子26:,26、For me, teaching feels more like sharing my personal practice - I just forward what I have experienced.对我而言教学像是分享我个人经验过的练习成果…

27、Practice Sideslipping and take full advantage of your edge.多多练习侧滑并且充分利用你的板刃。

28、The other blocks include abs, back and leg workouts, dance movements and strength exercises.其余的部分包括背部、腿部健身运动,舞步训练和拉伸练习。

29、Xian did not stop practicing and soon showed his talents.冼星海没有停止练习,不久就显示出他的天分。

30、The habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begain early enough.及早养成这种专心致志的习惯,它将成为我们的一部分。

31、As part of your practice, learn to pace your presentation.作为练习的一部分,要学会把握演示时间。

32、Practise in pairs. First you may use the look-speak method.分组练习首先你们可以使用look-speak的方法。

33、Those who had to both their mediator and the translation got scores averaging 51 percent if they'd been in the group and just 34 percent if they'd only studied.需要回忆“介质”以及释义的小组成员中,先前在测试较多小组中学习的成员平均分为51分,而那些曾在不测试小组中学习过的成员平均仅为34分。

34、Besides, the authors inquire into subjects such as dividing survey area, doing map grid, linking between maps and drawing base.此外,对机助成图的其它问题诸如划分测区、分幅、截幅、接边及图库进行了分析说明。

35、Have you scheduled at least three sessions of 30 minutes?你计划至少有3次30分钟的训练课了吗?

36、Great to see all the studies and poses as well - they're gonna pay big dividends.这是我看过最好的学习和姿势练习-他们将得到一笔分红。

37、This is unfortunate because they represent activities of the mind, which are part of the Wellness Triangle.不幸的是,众多练习者都练不好,因为它们表现的是思想的活动,又是“健康三角”的组成部分。

38、In-Class exercise, instructions to be distributed prior to class meeting.课堂练习,指导将在课前分发。

39、In study time, the tuition including range balls and club rental fees.学员学球时间内,练习球及单支练习杆的费用免。

40、Machine try a part to have no other way besides much exercise.机试部分除了多练习别无他法。

41、In India, breath work called pranayama is a regular part of yoga practice.在印度,人们把呼吸训练称为调息,是瑜伽练习的常规部分。

42、Study "Articles" in Packet, pp . 237-248. Do Exercises; check answers with key.研习课程袋第237~248页的「冠词」部分。做练习,核对答案。

43、It contains twenty lessons, each of which is formed of four parts: text, new words, and drills.全书共20课,每课由课文、生词、说明、练习四部分组成。

44、I hope you can spend some more time into practicing pronunciation every day, at least 10-15minutes.我希望你能花成练习发音,每天至少有

10 - 15分钟多一点时间。

45、Oftentimes it involves writing and will be including, obviously, reading exercises.练习经常涉及写作,显然地,也包括阅读练习。

46、As a result, the times and groups which the different individual can stand with in equal-distance subsection training and in unequal-distance subsection training are different.结果表明:同一分段距离与不同分段距离练习时运动员个体所承受重复练习组数与次数存在差异性。

47、You will also be working, on your own, on the corresponding audio and written portions of your Cahier d'activités.自习的部分有: 练习每一课的录音带和活动作业簿里的习题。

48、Learners can get in touch with real persons, objects and things in the real learning environment while in the virtual learning environment they cannot.虚拟学习空间与真实学习空间的区别,宜以学习空间所涉及的人、物或事在学习中是否为真正触及到该人、物或事的本身来划分。

49、Body composition, thigh and calf girths of bilateral legs, muscle strength of bilateral knee flexors and extensors were measured before and after 分别纪录训练前、训练四周后,以及训练八周后的身体组成、双下肢腿围及大腿屈肌与伸肌力矩。

4 and

8 weeks of FESCE.

50、The different demographic characterics to learning motivation, curriculum design, and training effectiveness comes out a partly remarkable discrepancy.人口统计变项对于学习动机、课程设计及训练成效部分具有显著差异。

经典英文句子51:成分的划分及练习,51、Project planning, project management, project control, project presentation, quality control and the cost accounting are all covered in the essay.项目训练的内容包括项目训划、项目组织、项目控制、生产计划与控制、成本计算与分析等。

52、Three members of the EMSD Apprentice Training Scheme received awards in the Vocational Training Council Outstanding Apprentice/Trainee Award 2011. Mr.本署的学徒训练计划亦有三位成员荣获职业训练局「xx年度杰出学徒/见习员奖励计划」的奖项。

53、Elapsed time two to three minutes–a total of five minutes on this sequence of drill + whole stroke.耗时两到三分钟–共五分钟在这个序列的练习+全行程。

54、Many string players don’t know the difference between playing and practicing.许多弦乐演奏者不知道演奏及练习的分别。

55、There are other assignments I did and they are fun. I'll share later in another article.还有一些有趣的课程练习完成的图,之后再另开文章做分享。

56、There are many ways to practice your sculling.有多种方法可以练习浆式划水动作。

57、Conventional programs overemphasize text and memorization and neglect practice. This costs companies millions of dollars annually in perpetual language-training programs that are ineffective.传统的培训计划过分强调课本以及记忆,而忽略了练习。这使众多公司每年浪费了大量的资金来进行无效的语言培训。

58、Meditation is the first part of a stress-relieving yoga routine.冥想是减压瑜伽练习的第一部分。

59、I want you to do some play-reading in groups.我要你们分组做一些剧本朗读练习。

60、Please practice the new classifiers, as well as those already introduced, every day.请每天好好练习新的及旧的分类表。

61、Six practice periods, each of two-minutes duration, are required.今天的观念需要练习六次,每次长达两分钟。

62、Those who had to recall both their mediator and the translation got scores averaging 51 percent if theyd been in the pretesting group and just 34 percent if theyd only studied.需要回忆“介质”以及释义的小组成员中,先前在测试较多小组中学习的成员平均分为51分,而那些曾在不测试小组中学习过的成员平均仅为34分。



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