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1、You mentioned that you love your DVD player, but you haven't personified it yet, whereas your dog, you have personified it.


2、Virtual reality ( VR ) is a technology which allows a user to interact with a computer-simulated environment, whether that environment is a simulation of the real world or an imaginary world.


3、The film anthropomorphized the lives of the penguins.


4、People in on-line brand community are good at influencing each other.


5、City is so Human.


6、The Sims

2 Deluxe Edition also contains The Sims?

2 Nightlife Expansion Pack and a bonus DVD.


7、And some simulacra , like the kind marching forward in SIMNET, are terrifying hybrids between the real and the hyperreal.


8、This Is My Sims Download Area.


9、There are three types of traffic simulation: packet-level simulation, fluid-level simulation and hybrid simulation.


10、Thes is a fictitious figure created by the writer.


11、In English, animal onomatopoeias have two categories: primary onomatopoeia and secondary onomatopoeia.


12、His fairy imitation, which is made up of the imitations of fairyland, fairy events and immortals, brings us to an ideal Eden secluded to the outside world.


13、The motion generation and control techniques are one of the most significant aspects of virtual human technology.


14、Little Green Man Traffic Light…


15、For anyone that doesn't already own The Sims

2 - The Sims

2 Holiday Edition is the perfect way to join the Sims phenomenon.


16、A virtual economy took root when the virtual world Second Life was created in 2003 by Linden Lab.


17、This re-draft must have been written by someone who is not fully aware of the discussions we had these past few days.


18、Simulation is programmed by man in order to actuate the representation of the objects.


19、In addition, from the state Onomatopoeic words of study, which summarizes the study states Onomatopoeic words, Learning Japanese, and even personal experience and methods.


20、American Exceptionalism:City on a Hill.

21、A chatterbot is a program that can simulate talk with a human being. Such a program is sometimes called a virtual representative or a virtual service agent.聊天机器人是能模拟与人交谈的程序,这样的程序有时也叫做虚拟代表或虚拟服务代理。

22、I help the on-line brand community's employees to take care of the on-line brand community.我帮助虚拟品牌社区的负责人看管虚拟品牌社区。

23、To attribute human or personal qualities to; personify .拟人化赋予人类或个人的品质;

24、Audible sound simulation usually includes room sound simulation, binaural signal simulation and similarity simulation.常用的模拟方法可分为:厅堂模拟、双耳模拟和相似模拟三种。

25、A virtual man can "walk", "observe" and " control" equipment in the virtual laneway, even it can make decision at pivotal place.虚拟人能在虚拟巷道中“行走”、“观察”、“控制”设备,在关键的地方作出决策。

英文句子26:,26、The researchers carried out more than 研究人员进行了2500多次模拟计算。

2, 500 simulations.

27、I have personified it. I think he is a person.我对它拟人化了。我觉得他是个人。

28、The poll also shows what a candidate can do.模拟投票还可以显示候选人的能力。

29、This self-imitation leads on to deliberate imitation of sounds made to them by other people.这种自我模拟使他们居心模拟别人对他们措辞的声音。

30、The fast quasi-physical and quasi-human algorithm is obtained as the integration of the above two methods and the quasi-physical and quasi-human algorithm.结合这两个启发式策略以及拟物拟人法得到了快速拟物拟人算法。

31、Humanity is an endless stream of little virtual world users being born to populate our wonderful virtual creations.人类是虚拟世界的用户,我们精美地虚拟生物将无止境地向人类世界迁移。

32、This includes I/O virtualization (VIO), storage virtualization (SVC), and, of course, CPU virtualization.这包括 I/O 虚拟化 (VIO)、存储虚拟化 (SVC) 和 CPU 虚拟化。

33、Personated Garfield gives us a lot of fun.拟人化的加菲猫很有意思!

34、The present virtualizations include full-virtualization, para-virtualization, and container-based virtualization and so on.目前的虚拟化包括完全虚拟化,半虚拟化和基于容器的虚拟化等等。

35、Virtual Reality is an advanced Human-Computer Interaction technology, effectively simulating human beings' actions such as seeing, listening and moving in the natural environment.虚拟现实技术是一种有效的模拟人在自然环境中视、听、动等行为的高级人机交互技术。

36、The proposed footbridge is not yet constructed.该拟建行人天桥仍未兴建。

37、Personification strategy and tabu list strategy are presented.拟人和禁忌表两个策略被给出。

38、This is a safety net to avoid anthropomorphism.这是避免拟人化的安全策略。

39、While some entrepreneurs keep a significant balance in their virtual accounts, most people have a relatively small amount stored online.尽管一些能人的虚拟账户中有大量的盈余,但是绝大多数人的账户里的虚拟货币相对较少。

40、It was as if she were dance-personified.它是,好像她是跳舞-拟人化。

41、First, the simulation. The first step to improving spoken English ability is the family plot, the simulated using English as the national language simulation of speech and of tone.第提高口语能力的第一步就是模拟糊口里的情节,模拟以英语为民族标准语的人的语音以及语调。


42、Enjoy all the fun and creativity of The Sims? 在模拟人生

2 in The Sims?

2 Deluxe Edition!

2 豪华版中,你可以享受模拟人生2中的所有乐趣和创造力!

43、For example, the application of VR in digitized virtual human, the simulation of surgical operation, long-distance medical diagnosis, virtual hospital, higher medical education technology and so on.探讨了虚拟现实技术在现代医学中的应用范围,如:虚拟人体的应用、虚拟外科手术模拟、远程医疗、虚拟医院以及高等医学教育等。

44、Quasi-steady state simulation and strict simulation calculations are described.给出了拟稳态模拟计算法和严格模拟计算法。

45、Simbad: A robotic simulation environmentSimbad:一个机器人模拟环境

46、I'm assuming that you have something that you personify that you love that thing, in some that you haven't personified that you love.我假设有些东西,你拟人化了并且你爱它,一些东西你爱的但是没有拟人化。

47、Or is this just rampant anthropomorphism?仍是这只是武断的拟人论?

48、Trainee can interact with virtual human in the virtual environment, immersing in it, studying and training.这样受训人员可以与虚拟环境中的虚拟人进行交互,沉浸于其中,进行学习和训练。

49、She said virtual school officials wanted orientations to be mandatory in schools with labs. Ms.她说虚拟学校的负责人员希望他们的方向是把虚拟学习室委托给实体的学校。

50、Whether pursuing to truth or realm of life can not part with " fictitiousness ", for the subjectivity of truth is exactly reflected in people's assumption.不论是对真理的追求还是对人生境界的追求,都离不开“虚拟”,真理的主观性就恰恰体现在人的虚拟中。

经典英文句子51:拟人,51、She said virtual school officials wanted orientations to be mandatory in schools with labs.她说虚拟学校的负责人员希望他们的方向是把虚拟学习室委托给实体的学校。

52、Some people think that the network is a purely virtual world and everythings are all virtual;一些人认为网络是纯虚拟的世界,一切都是虚拟的;

53、I hope he personifies me.我希望他将我拟人化。

54、A company is regarded by the law as a person:an artificial person.公司被法律认作为“人”:“拟制人”

55、Help to decide recommend personnel list.协助拟定推荐人员名单。

56、The researchers used a glass tube to mimic a blood vessel.研究人员用玻璃试管模拟血管。

57、Virtual reality technology is a high man machine interactive technology which best simulates man's visual, audition and action by computer etc.虚拟现实技术,即通过计算机等,最有效的模拟人在自然环境中视、听、动等行为的高级人机交互技术。

58、With the improvement of virtual reality and virtual reinforcement technology, robot-assisted orthopaedics surgical robot technology becomes a available way to solve the problem.随着虚拟现实和虚拟增强技术的提高,机器人辅助骨科虚拟手术技术成为解决这一难题的有效途径之

59、Teams of three students will manage a virtual factory in a Web-based simulation exercise for about one week.学生按每三人一组进行为期一周的网上模拟管理一家虚拟工厂。

60、At first, mock objects can seem quite daunting.一开始,模拟对象看上去令人生畏。

61、Combining mass media's image of anime with a body in motion, an integrated image is formed that is of simulated man and simulated body, and it is a fusion of the real and surreal.结合大众传媒中的动漫形象与行进中的身体,形成一个介于拟人与拟物的、真实与虚拟的综括影像。

62、Full virtualization vs. paravirtualization完全虚拟化和半虚拟化

63、All we need to provide to the IT staff is the virtual disk files and resource requirements for our virtual machine.我们只需向 IT 人员提供我们的虚拟机的虚拟磁盘文件和资源需求。

64、The world capital of humanlike robots is Japan.“日本,是“拟人化”机器人的世界之都。

65、Han Jia, you are personifying these gingko trees.韩佳,你又把银杏树给拟人化了。

66、Electroacoustics . simulators of human head and ear . part 电声学。人头部和耳朵模拟器。

1 : ear simulator for the calibration of supra - aural earphones.


67、Really? Or is this just rampant anthropomorphism ?果真如此?还是这只是武断的拟人论?



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