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关于”适合积累“的英语句子43个,句子主体:suitable for accumulation。以下是关于适合积累的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:suitable for accumulation


1、Under soil drought stress conditions, drought - resistant varieties (species) accumulated comparatively higher free proline content than those in the less drought - resistant varieties.


2、The antagonistic actions are existing between soil Cu andAs.


3、Obliquity caused by engaged deviation and cumulative pitch error are two mostly factor which cause gear side clearance asymmetry.


4、Methods With the decision limit method, the cusum is interpreted against a numerical limit, rather than by use of a V-mask.


5、So the effect in cumulative.


6、How to make godd use of modern technology and combine long-term accumulated experiences to upgrade products;


7、Miniature size , No lead , ideal for high density SMT installation.


8、Noncoherent integration of pulses, integration between scans, CFAR and clutter map CFAR of anti-sea clutter signal processing way is put forward.


9、The rate of amylopectin accumulation reached a peak from the14th to21st daa and the peak of amylopectin accumulation amount appeared at mature.


10、This accumulation is due to human causes.


11、This can lead to fluid buildup, which is most easily recognizable as swollen feet and ankles.


12、Nongda202 is high accumulation efficiency genotype , NC89 is low accumulation efficiency and high utilization efficiency genotype.


13、The risk of disaster quietly accumulates.


14、A mere interjection, comment, the slightest question will catapult such a person into a talking fit.


15、Yukio Ueno branch, said: "The current evacuation order applies to those who accumulated 50 mSv of radiation to residents of the district."


16、The position error accumulation in long-playing navigation is attenuated by integrating pseudo range measurement.

随着科技的发展和经验的积累, 早期诊断婴幼儿听力障碍和判断人工耳蜗适应症的可行性越来越高,人工耳蜗装置越来越适合小年龄聋儿。

17、As the development of the techniques and the accumulation of the experiences, it is more accurate to diagnose hearing impairment candidates for cochlear implant are becoming youger and youger.


18、The accumulation of indigotin in isatis indigotica and woad was restrained by spraying Cu.


19、Has accumulated years of experience, Zhou and friend partnership set up his own design company.


20、High yield orchard soil nutrient storage buffer cumulant is big, middle garden soil accumulation quantity is small, low yield orchard is not obvious.

21、The result indicated that ACHT and ACLT values had significant effect on the stem length.研究结果显示累积高温差与累积低温差对于花茎长度都有显著影响。

22、If you continue with this sleeping pattern, these toxins will accumulate in your body over time.如果你继续这种睡眠模式,日积月累下去,这些毒素会在你的身体里不断累积。

23、Books are the ever-burning lamps of accumulated wisdom.书籍是积累智慧的明灯。

24、An immediate annuity is an insurance contract and is not designed as an investment tool for accumulating assets.属于保险合同,不属于累积收益的投资产品

25、The aggregate effect of doing this between every grip will significantly reduce your accumulated pump.每次抓握的间歇所积累起来的这种效果就能很好的减少累积的充血现象。

英文句子26:,26、Accumulation shorten, Tingled on consumption, Making no plan.缺乏积累,乐于消费,没有计划。

27、The future is the cumulation of many "nows".也是由「现在」累积而成。

28、Ticket is NOT eligible for KrisFlyer mileage accrual.机票不可累积飞行哩数。

29、Screening of hyperaccumulators, plants that accumulate high levels of heavy metals, is prerequisite for the technique.超积累植物是植物修复技术的关键,筛选和发现超积累植物是植物修复技术的难点所在。

30、At harvest, of the total nitrogen, 63.57% came from soil mineralization, while 36.43% from fertilizer, and, 68.22% of nitrogen in nicotine came from soil mineralization, while 31.78% from fertilizer.到采收结束时,土壤氮和肥料氮分别占烟株氮素积累总量的63.57%和36.43%,由土壤氮和肥料氮合成的烟碱分别占烟株烟碱积累总量的68.22%和31.78%;

31、The result: Guck rarely gets a chance to build up, and it washes away easily when it does.结果是:粘稠肮脏的东西几乎没有机会累积,而一旦有所累积,也很容易被冲掉。

32、Individual HMW GS accumulation increased gradually and the accumulative peak during the period from 随灌浆成熟,HMW- GS各亚基积累呈递增趋势,积累高峰出现在开花

20 days after anthesis to mature.

2 0天至成熟。

33、Little and often fills the purse.小收入,若常来,积累起来钱满袋。

34、It asks the SEC to loosen the reins and allow for capital building while still monitoring transactions.它要求SEC放宽管理权限,允许资金积累并继续监管交易行为的同时允许资本积累。

35、OBJECTIVE To study the fitting about S model dose-effect curve with the accumulation normal distribution function.目的研究S型剂量效应曲线的累积正态分布函数拟合。

36、The funding pattern turns from the traditional pay-as-you-go pattern to the funded or partly funded pattern.养老金大额筹资模式从传统的现收现付模式转向基金积累制或部分积累制。

37、Stairs and other small area of space for washing and polishing;适合楼梯等小面积场地洗地及晶面处理;

38、OBJECTIVE: Study the fitting about S model dose-effect curve with the accumulation normal distribution function.目的: 研究S型剂量效应曲线的累积正态分布函数拟合。

39、Cumulative sunshine hours for 2903 hours.年累积日照时数为2903小时。

40、The chlorophyll content of leaves, leaf area and dry matter weight per shoot were increased, and that led to stimulating the accumulation of photoproduct;提高稻叶叶绿素含量,增加单株叶面积和干物重,有利于光合产物积累;

41、The activity of invertase is negatively correlated with sucrose content and the correlation between phosphorylase activity and sucrose content is positive.蔗糖酶与蔗糖积累呈负相关,磷酸化酶与蔗糖积累呈正相关。

42、Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche said, "Accumulating merit is so easy, in fact much easier than accumulating non-virtue."敦珠仁波切说:「累积功德非常简单,事实上,这比累积不善行更容易。」

43、The invertase activity was negatively correlated with the sucrose accumulation, and the amylase activity was negatively correlated with the starch accumulation.果实中的转化酶活性与蔗糖积累,淀粉酶活性与淀粉积累均呈负相关。

44、The extent of soluble salt accumulation of rhizosphere soil decreased with the increase of stand age.在幼龄林时根际土壤中盐分积累的程度最高,随林龄增长根际土壤中盐分积累程度逐渐下降;

45、Persistant Organic Pollutants (POPs) are compounds that accumulate in the environment and the human body.持久性有机污染物( POPs ) 的化合物在环境和人体中积累。

46、There are people who cannot accumulate a reasonable amount of spare cash after meeting their day-to-day expenditure.有一些人不能积累合理数量的浓妆后,满足他们的日常开支。

47、The accumulation of glycine betaine in E.中有甘氨酸甜菜碱的积累。

48、Because accumulation of photosynthate decreased, the increase in the N fertilizer made soluble sugar content in flag leaves reduce.由于光合产物积累减少,增施氮肥使旗叶可溶性糖含量降低。

49、Photosynthetic product in flag leaves of highland barley in Xining was studied .采用改良的干重法对西宁地区青稞旗叶光合产物积累进行了研究。

50、MRI showed that 48.1%(13/27) bone infarction had invasion to near joints combined with hydrarthrosis.MR I可清楚显示邻近关节面受累侵蚀,占48.1%(13/27),均合并关节积液;

经典英文句子51:适合积累,51、Promotion is applicable to both principal and supplementary Qualified Credit Card accounts, and their Bonus Points will be grouped together for Redemption.此推广适用于适用信用卡户口之主卡及附属卡,户口内之积分会合并计算用作积分换领。

52、Noncoherent integration of pulses , integration between, CFAR and clutter map CFAR of anti-sea clutter signal processing way is put forward.提出了脉间非相干积累、扫描间积累、CFAR、杂波图CFAR等实现抗海杂波信号处理方法。

53、The clutch strengths is turned to lose torque, no error accumulation, can do indexing and positioning combined.该离合器的长处是转输扭矩大,没有积累误差,可以做分度和定位结合。

54、At this point - I believe your accumulation of wealth will never go hand in hand with our cooperation!至此——相信您的财富积累一定会与我们的合作永相随!

55、During the process of accumulating capital, capital accumulation and the change of capital organic composition have decided the methods of employment.在资本积累过程中,资本积累量和资本有机构成的变动决定就业手段。

56、Microcystins mostly accumulate in the liver and also in the digestive tract and muscle tissue.微囊藻毒素主要在鱼类肝脏中积累,还可在消化道和肌肉等组织中积累。

57、The accumulation of static charges not only influences the riders'comfort, but also brings big trouble to cleanness for dust adsorption.静电的积累不仅影响乘坐者的舒适性,还能吸附大量灰尘给清洁带来很大的麻烦。

58、In fact, it is a kind of partial funded model, has character of both pay-as-you-go and full funded and is intergradations between them.实际上这是一种部分积累的模式,它兼有现收现付制和完全积累制的特征,属于从现收现付制到完全积累制的过渡形式。

59、Objective To study dose response relationship between cumulative exposure to silica and cumulative incidence of pneumoconiosis.目的探讨游离二氧化硅累积接触与尘肺累积发病的剂量反应关系。

60、I am picking up momentum every single day.每一天我都在积累胜势。

61、Over time to pay long-term efforts.要日积月累,付出长期的努力。

62、The objectivity, accumulativeness and fairness of quotation make it very suitable to measure the academic influences of academic journals as a whole with the rate of quoting.引文所具有的客观性、可累积性和公平性使得被引用率(量)非常适合用来从整体上测度学术期刊的学术影响。

63、RL was better to the formation and accumulation of dry matter and carbohydrate.红光处理有利于干物质和碳水化合物的形成与积累。

64、Practical tests show that the process is practicable and can be refernce for the comparable forgings.通过试制取得了成功,为同类钛合金薄壁件锻造积累了经验。

65、Additionally, it is not necessary to deal with arbitrary Gaussian noise environment since it is based on the fourth-order cumulants.此外,新算法使用四阶累积量,因此适用于任意的加性高斯噪声环境。

66、The differences of accumulated energy complex and 24hr postoperation corneal edema grades were compared between two groups.对比两组病例的累积能量复合参数以及术后角膜水肿的差异性。

67、Over time, the co-operators accumulated more social connections than the defectors did.随着时间的推移,合作者比叛逃者积累了更多的社会关系。

68、He amassed great treasure.他积累了大量的金银财宝。

69、The new algorithm uses the corresponding relationship between signal difference phase constellation arid higher order cumulants. From the relationship a new feature is derived.新算法利用信号相位星座图和各阶累积量的对应关系,提取累积量特征。

70、The results Showed that soil organic matter increased 0.023% after the synthetical amelioration method was used to it. The total N increased 0.087%.结果表明,采取改垄向、带状间作、机械灭茬、增施农肥、配方施用化肥等综合培肥措施后,土壤有机质净积累0.023%,全氮净积累0.087%。

71、That's an automatic 12-pound annual loss!xx年积累下来会减少12磅。

72、There is distinct difference between "accumulating from generation to generation" and "collective creation passing on from generation to generation", although they are tightly linked together.“世代累积”与“世代累积型集体创作”虽有密切联系,又有明显的区别。

73、You can also combine the binary and cumulative binary mappings applied to rule 60.还可以 将使用 60 规则的二进制与累积二进制映射组合起来。

74、However the effect will be the integration of them under the part-funding scheme.而它对部分积累制下基金收支平衡的影响则是前两者的综合。

75、Little grains of sand can add up to a mountain over time.日积月累,要相信细沙也可以堆积成山。


标签: 适合

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