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关于”运动的短句“的英语句子46个,句子主体:Short Sentences of Movement。以下是关于运动的短句的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Short Sentences of Movement


1、Usain Bolt: world-class sprinter, Olympic medals to prove it.


2、Short-running processes are the composition of services that are fully automated and completed (almost) instantly.


3、Interval training alternates short bursts of intense activity with lower intensity activity.

而此变化的短期效应被认为是运动性疲劳产生的原因之一, 长期效应则与运动性贫血导致的运动能力下降有关。

4、For short - term this change is thought as one of the reasons for exhaustion , as for long - term , it is related to the anemic induced by sports.


5、Sprinting finals, of course. The lightening speed of the athletes always excites me.


6、The filter segment with the missing plug is automatically ejected, without disrupting the production run.


7、I’m happy to report that I finished my first sprint triathlon this morning!


8、Compared with control group, the latency was shorter(P<0.05) and the frequency of crossing platform increased(P<0.05) in treadmill running group and technical movement group.


9、The short track speed skaters psychological preparation before competition can help them overcome the difficulty on own initiative and keep well mood for getting some ideal competitive results.


10、Games played with curved sticks and a ball have been played for thousands of years.


11、Results show that concept movement teaching method can shorten teaching period and improve results of performance.


12、Supersets are when you use two exercises performed back to back with minimum rest between each.


13、I just want to be comfortable, and old college sweatpants cut off at the knee and ratty exercise tops are pretty darn comfy.


14、A Jamaican sprinter has taken a very short time to rewrite two cherished world records on the track.


15、The reason the propeller shaft shortens as the angle increases is that the rear axle and differential move in a shorter ARC than the propeller shaft .


16、Methods The ventricular wall motions were observed in serial LV short - axis view.


17、It is highly suggested that the time be shortened in order to ensure the safety and athletic longevity of the players, so that they are able to be themselves in the next round of matches.


18、The modern entrepreneur can get away with wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants.


19、You should exercise to improve your health, but be warned: fiery spurts of vigorous exercise could lead to weight gain.


20、Sweatshirts and tank tops are combined with sports clubs’ blazers, tennis skirts with white blousons or polo shirts with stripes.

21、The great number of moving parts, the sliding friction, the reversal of direction at rapid intervals, and the mechanical shock involved all contribute to severe wear.大量运动部件、滑动摩擦、极短时间内运动方向的变化以及机械冲击等都使摩损加剧。

22、"World-class. " Usain Bolt: world-class sprinter, Olympic medals to prove it.尤塞恩-博尔特是世界级短跑运动员,奥运金牌可以为证;

23、In minutes, the crate appeared, carried by a small forklift and accompanied by a large group of zoo staff members.短短几分钟,托运车来了,透过透明的塑料包装泰山仅能看到小小的运载装置和一大群陪伴在它身边的动物园工作人员。

24、Of them, most are retired athletes, teaching the high-level sports team, but have short teaching service life.多为退役运动员进高校执教高水平运动队,执教年限短;

25、If you do cardio exercise such as running, cycling, rowing, or what have you …rev it up with higher-intensity intervals.如果你做类似跑步,骑车,划船的有氧运动,用短时间的高强度运动来加速脂肪燃烧。

英文句子26:,26、She was very busy at work, but she managed to stick to her exercise regime 工作很忙,但是她还坚持锻炼。

27、Thus, mobile learning, Twitter, text messaging, cultural fad, and so on have emerged.于是,移动学习、微博、短信、文化快餐等等应运而生。

28、Short race, contributes performance of warm up. It can avoid sports injuries also.短距离的比赛,暖身有助于比赛的表现,更可以避免运动伤害。

29、The shorter of interruption duration, the more obvious interruption effects, and this support the motion opponency theroy.阻断时间越短,导致特定运动方向反转的几率越大,即阻断效应越明显,支持运动知觉对立理论;

30、They take less time to load and run; acceptable start-up time is cr UCial.装载和运行的时间更短;可接受的启动时间非常重要。

31、For example, a short-running process generates an event that results in launching a long-running process.例如,短时间运行的流程会生成事件,用于触发长时间运行的流程启动。

32、I always keep a clean t-shirt and socks in my gym bag.我总是在我的运动包里放一件乾净的汗衫及短袜。

33、ResultsAfter the test, the duration of QRS loop was prolonged in group A, but shortened in group B, the corresponding changes were most obvious just after the exercise.结果冠心病组运动后QRS环时间延长,而冠状动脉造影正常组运动后QRS环时间缩短,两组QRS环时间变化均在运动后即刻最为显著。

34、Moving clocks run slow.Lengths are foreshortened along the direction of motion.运动中的时钟运行是缓慢的,沿着运动的方向长度是缩短的。

35、Greek sprinter Katerina Thanou was declared ineligible for the Beijing Games on Sunday by the International Olympic Committee.国际奥委会于周日宣布取消希腊短跑运动员卡特里娜萨努参加北京奥运会的资格。

36、I'd say a witty T-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes should be about right.穿一件帅气的T恤衫,一条运动短裤和一双网球鞋就够了。

37、Seeing her in just a sports bra and running shorts -- with no makeup on and her hair pulled back -- drives me crazy.(我是真的真的这么觉得的。) 看她只穿着运动内衣和运动短裤,没有化一点妆,头发向后梳。

38、I think maybe a sport or a buzz cut would work.我想或许可以剪个比较运动的发型或者短寸头。

39、After only one month with the Chicago Bulls, he made the cover of Sports Illustrated and was already considered a star.他进入芝加哥公牛队才打了短短一个月,就登上《运动画刊》的封面,而且被视为巨星。

40、Hiccup is a brief involuntary inspiratory movement followed by glottal closure.呃逆是一个简短的自愿吸气运动其次是声门关闭。

41、There are socks for special purposes: athletic socks, crew socks etc.有一些短袜子有特殊的用途,如运动袜,水手袜等。

42、Wind sprints are an anaerobic exercise.极速短跑是一种无氧运动。

43、It suggests that exercise does not increase but reduce Q-T dispersion in healthy aged, while myocardial ischemia induced by exercises might increase Q-T dispersion of myocardium in aged.提示运动缩短健康老年人心肌复极离散度,但运动诱发的心肌缺血却使之延长。

44、Kirsch says that any exercise is beneficial, no matter how little.克尔士说任何的运动都是有益的,不管时间长短。

45、Electric Stacker is a industrial handling vehicles, it is with electric motor as the driver, and use the battery as the energy. it used loading, stacking, and short transportation goods.电动堆高车以电动机为动力,蓄电池为能源的一种工业搬运车辆,是指对成件托盘货物进行装卸、堆高、堆垛和短距离运输作业的各种轮式搬运车辆。

46、We should take exercise to build up resistance to disease 我们应该坚持锻炼以增强对疾病的抵抗力。

47、Compared with control group, reaction time was shorter(P<0.05) and error hits reduced(P<0.05) in treadmill running group and technical movement group.跑笼运动组和技巧运动组较对照组反应时间缩短(P<0.05),错误次数减少(P<0.05)。

48、The population of netball boosted and we are looking forward that netball would become one of the main sport for females within our country.短短xx年半的时间篮网球运动就有惊人的成长,有朝xx日将能成为国内女性主要运动项目之

49、Sports Law: short-term void, because a pound of fat burning exercise at least 4500 kcal, which needs to run 运动法:短期无效,因为燃烧一斤脂肪至少需要4500 千卡运动量,这需要跑

15 hours or more.

15 小时以上。

50、B I suppose you are right. It’s quite a short walk. And it’s good exercise!B 我想你是对的。路程是挺短。同时,这还是很好的运动。

经典英文句子51:运动的短句,51、Based on the biomechanics basics and the knowledge of the track and field, the essay argued on the sprint skill periods and the term of "leg drive", "the buffer after landing", and so on.运用运动生物力学的基本原理,结合田径运动理论知识,对短跑的动作周期划分为“后蹬”、“着地缓冲”等问题进行了剖析。

52、The Formotion also includes mesh11 inserts in the underarm to reduce the weight of the suit and ventilate that critical heat zone.“福摩星”短跑服还在运动员腋下设计了网孔衬垫,以减轻运动服的重量,并有利于身体这一高温区的散热。

53、Such exercises as weight-lifting are anaerobic , which require brief spurts of intense effort. They improve muscle strength or build up speed.比如举重无氧运动,他需要短时间内用力屏气,这种运动增强了肌肉的力量,加快了运动的速度。

54、South Africa both legs amputated man Sprinters Pistorius and swimming athletes Natalie Dutuo Hitt become Olympic champion no less favourable than the star athletes.南非双腿截肢男子短跑运动员皮斯托留斯和游泳运动员纳塔莉·杜托伊特成为不逊于奥运冠军的明星运动员。

55、If your sport's suddenly being taken seriously, how come we're wearing long pants and you guys are still wearing shorts?如果你突然对运动动真格的,为什么我们都穿长裤了,你们还穿着短裤?

56、Outward-bound is an exotic form of physical education. It has been rapidly expanding in the last few years.拓展运动是一种外来的运动形式,在短短的几年中,得到了迅速的发展。

57、Friction wears away metal in the moving parts,which shortens their working life.运动部件间的摩擦力使金属磨损,这就缩短了运动部件的使用寿命。

58、The functioning of the gates is also autonomous. That is, once we trigger a computation by adding the input to the solution, no more human intervention is required.逻辑闸的运作也是自动的,换句话说,一旦我们将输入物滴入溶液中,启动运算,就不再需要任何人为干预。

59、The length of the lever of bone that the Achilles tendon pulls on also differed, being a quarter shorter in sprinters.他们还发现,跟腱拉伸时所产生的“杠杆长度”也有差别,短跑运动员的“杠杆长度” 要短四分之

60、Aerobic exercise may make you tired in the short term.有氧运动会让你短时间内感到疲倦。

61、Together with the IOC, we have co-constructed this very first Youth Olympic Games in these short and eventful two and a half years.在短短的两年半里,我们与国际奥委会一起筹备了第一届青年奥林匹克运动会。

62、The puffiness is generally short term and releases through movement.身体虚胖通常是短期的,并通过运动而消除。

63、If necessary, plus a sports shorts only.如果有需要的话,只许加穿一条运动短裤。

64、The evaluation criteria of the special psychological abilities are made.制定了少年短道速滑运动员专项心理能力的评价标准。

65、insist on building up your body,and do more exercise 希望帮到你!

66、Applying trigonometry, only a few measurement datum are needed to confirm the status of the emitter, so it is a fast means of passive location.运用解三角的方法,只需要少量的测量数据即可解得目标的运动状态,可在较短时间内实现被动定位。

67、Regular physical exercises can strengthen one’s resistance against illness 经常锻炼身体,能够提高人体的抵抗力。

68、Water-based stretch/resistance cords are great tools for sprinters.对于短距运动员来说,水中阻力绳是一个非常棒的工具!

69、"World-class . " Usain Bolt: world-class sprinter, Olympic medals to prove it.尤塞恩-博尔特是世界级短跑运动员,奥运金牌可以为证;

70、The event requires both speed and endurance. I personally consider him as a sprinter . Other people consider him as a middle distance runner.这个项目既需要速度又需要耐力,我个人认为他是短跑运动员,而有人认为他是中距离跑运动员。

71、My ideal fantasy is to be running on a hot dusty road just wearing running shorts and some kind of top that wicks away sweat.佩林说,“我的梦想是在炎炎烈日下的一条灰尘漫天的路上跑步,身上只穿一条运动短裤和速干运动上衣。

72、Walking is also a form of exercise.运动中的物质

73、The correlativity between woman sprint race and woman long jump athletes' height and special program is very strong, but man's are weak.男子短跑和跳远专项运动员身高和专项得分之间相关性较弱,女子短跑和跳远运动员的身高和专项得分之间则均呈强相关。

74、She fixed the exercise time for Saturday afternoons 她把锻炼的时间固定在星期六下午。

75、With few exceptions, table-tennis champions compete in baggy shirts tucked into elastic waist-bands.除了少之又少的特例,桌球好手多半穿著宽松的运动衫,塞进松紧带裤头的运动短裤里。

英文句子模板76:Short Sentences of Movement,76、When the short-running process started, a transaction was opened.当短期运行流程启动时,一个事务就打开了。

77、With the rising speed, the duration of the two-foot-support reduces;随着滑行速度的提高,运动员双脚支撑时间缩短;


标签: 短句

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