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关于”写人“的英语句子37个,句子主体:Write people。以下是关于写人的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Write people


1、New Reality Depicting Novel lays emphasis on writer's particular feeling and experience through describing social life.


2、Contemporary people should write contemporary history.


3、People cannot write without a pen.


4、Not just pregnancy, but money, men, and myths in our community.


5、Avoid abbreviations, because people tend to spell out words in searches.


6、So, why not write handling people but only write the names of handling office or department name?


7、Many people have poor handwriting , but dysgraphia is more serious .


8、Mr McLaughlin said that love letters written by today's most prominent people could become even more valuable in time than their forbearers', because people were writing them less frequently.


9、If your life story were so interesting, you'd have a book deal.


10、To be completed by Insured. If the insured is under

18 years of age, this form should be completed by the owner.


11、Show me someone who is blogging every day and also complains about someone’s typos.


12、Many people have poor hand writing, but dysgraphia is more serious.


13、And I helped other people write their books.


14、Write a thank you note to someone.


15、Literati Impressionistic Garden;


16、Not only that, but every time an Oscar's given out, someone's life is changed, usually for the better.


17、He wrote about people, people in their stressed psychic anatomies , and, as he aged, people in history and society.


18、People write wills.


19、Handwrite more letters or cards.


20、The Egyptians wrote on a kind of material made of a water plant.

21、In middle school, I had an English teacher who claimed that "writing is rewriting what one has already rewritten."在我上中学的时候,有一位英语教师说:“写作就是重写别人已经 重写过的东西。”

22、To remind candidates in writing, such as legal writing course, I will not name inscribed as written on the back.提醒考生在写作、诉讼等写作课程中,勿将本人姓名作为落款写在后面。

23、I always write letters by hand.我总是亲笔写私人信件。

24、Would you write to please just yourself? Or others? Or yourself by writing for others?你写作只是为了愉己?还是为了悦人?抑或是藉替人书写而愉己?

25、Afterwards, Chen Ran, as the representative figure of "personalize writing", has been in hot water. And the major writers of the "New realism" have "surrendered" themselves to the film and TV.后来,“个人化”写作的代表人物陈染的写作日益陷入困境,而“新写实”的干将都纷纷投诚影视。

英文句子26:,26、This letter was written by me; that one was written by someone else.这封信是我写的﹐那封是人家写的。

27、The Chinese capital account number shall be marked with the word "RMB", and the capital amount shall be filled in immediately after the "RMB".③中文大写金额数字前应标明“人民币”字样,大写金额数字应紧接“人民币”字样填写,不得留有空白。

28、If a cheque is presented undated the payee can enter a date and should be asked to do so by the cashier.如果支票未写日期,收款人自己可以或出纳要求收款人填写日期。

29、File your writing in your portfolio.存入个人写作档案袋。

30、Anyone here good at writing chinese lyrics or know anyone who is?这里有谁会写中文歌词或认识人会写?

31、But there are lots of Writing Software that can make life easier for professinoal editors, writers, copywriters or bloggers.但是,今天确有众多的写作软件可以让你的写作人生更为轻松和惬意,无论你是专业的编辑,作家,文案编写人或者博客作者。

32、These people don't have to write symphonies, paint pictures, or write books.这些人不一定能写出交响乐、懂得绘画或者写书立著。

33、You put the sender's address on the top left corner, and the receiver's address in the center.你要在左上角写寄件人的住址,并在中间写收件人住址。

34、Wives and daughters was composed by Mrs. Gaskell while Sons and Lovers was composed by D. H. Lawrence.《妻子与女儿》是盖斯卡尔夫人写的,而《儿子与情人》则是劳伦斯写的。

35、Statistically, the diarists scored much worse on health measures than the non-diarists.数据显示,写日记的人在健康指数上的得分比不写日记的人低。

36、Motley makes his villains excessively villainous and his heroes wearisomely heroic.莫特利把坏人写得过于无赖,把他的英雄写得过于英勇。

37、The applicant should complete this part and then invite a referee to complete Part B.申请人填写此部份后,须送交谘询人填写第二部份。

38、It’s conversational in tone: Blog writing tends to be a little more personal than most writing.口语化: 博客写作比其它多数写作都更个人化。

39、People write to me.人们给我写信。

40、Please do not fill in for others, otherwise, you will have to bear all the consequences caused by any incorrect information.请勿代人填写,否则一切因填写错误所引致的后果由代填人负责。

41、But you can't yet be in it yet, because when people write to us and ask how they get in the book, we sent back a postcard saying: drop dead.但我们还不能为现在的人撰写传记,有时人们会给我们写信,问怎么样才能纳入传记中,我们就寄回明信片,上面写着,活人无资格。

42、Other people's lives fascinate me whether they write the stories themselves or they are written by someone else.其他人的生活吸引了我,不管是他们写自己的故事还是被其他人写。

43、And those who produce stereotyped Party writing always seek large audiences.而写党八股的人们,却总是想写给许多人看的。

44、Human interest of news works asks to write news at peoples angle, lay stress on peoples peoples, people s effect and peoples feeling.新闻作品的人情味是要求在写法上从人的角度写新闻,突出人的活动、人的作用和人的思想感情。

45、Writing by hand can be physically painful for people who have it.对于有书写困难的人们来说书写是一种身体上的痛苦。

46、I wanted to write tense, involving thrillers with engaging characters, but then any crime writer would say that.我想写出紧张,引人入胜,有着讨人喜欢的人物的小说,但每个写犯罪小说的人都会这么说。

47、The Egyptians wrote on papyrus.埃及人书写用薄草纸。

48、The results suggest that "those who are physically attractive also write more appealing profiles, " wrote lead researcher Rebecca Brand in the study.这个研究成果暗示了“那些长的养眼的人填写的个人资料也更动人”,首席研究员Rebecca Brand写道。

49、Writing the business reported the advertisement.商人写的广告见报了。

50、It contains the facsimile production of Ecce Homo, Nietzsche's autobiography, including a transcription and commentary.《看这个人》的复写,尼采的自传,包括,抄写和注释。

经典英文句子51:写人,51、Become a blogger on Change.org.成为一个在上写博客的人。

52、It said "From the star keeper to The Gospel Church".信封上写着“发自星星灯守护人,写给福音教堂。”

53、The perplexed man could write flawlessly when dictated a message.在听写一条消息的时候,这位困惑的男人写得只字不差。

54、How to take criticism. In a writing workshop, each writer must remain silent while others discuss his work.在写作讲习班上,当其他人讨论某位写作者的作品是,这名写作者必须保持沉默。

55、He still needs help to write.他要写字还得有人帮忙。

56、The people who wrote the books had no idea what was involved.这话如何翻译?这些写书人不知道写什么。



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