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关于”网购的优点“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Advantages of online shopping。以下是关于网购的优点的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Advantages of online shopping


1、The research of online consumer trust has been a hot issue one-commerce development.


2、It has a point-to-multipoint architecture and provides multi-services based on Ethernet. It combines the advantages of PON technology and Ethernet technology.


3、If it uses the money to acquire a major rival like Tudou, which is reportedly up for sale ( previous post), then so much the better.


4、The main advantage of the method is coarse-grid-correction free, and as a result it can be viewed as a one-way multigrid method.


5、The benefits of JIT purchasing include small lot sizes, frequent deliveries, consistent high quality, decrease in inventory levels, lower setup cost and ordering cost, and close supplier ties.


6、Optimzation of the network cost can reduce network resources consumed by communication while optimization of the delay can reduce the delay from source to receivers.

注:请点击网页下方“图录订购地点”获取更多信息。 如有任何问题,请与我公司联系。

7、Note: Please click on "Location for catalogue" for more information, If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.


8、Everyone knows the virtues of the internet and, at this point, can even harmonize its praises.


9、Ivy: Not at all. In fact, I prefer shopping online to going to the mall.


10、Maggie Xiong senior director of international acquisitions at Youku the streaming service said the show "brought Korean content to the mainstream. ""


11、It says snakes cgreby visiting't hear.


12、An Jie has several hundred express mesh points and national dozens of outstanding network alliance business in Shandong Province.


13、E-finance is offered quickly and conveniently. Along withe-finance development, risk fore-finance services is increasing.


14、High speed backbone network is important in campus network construction, its success or failure affects the network performance and investment effectiveness.


15、Welcome to love to buy network.


16、By planning in advance, you can often take advantage of internet shopping specials, coupons, and free shipping offers.


17、It deals with lots of factors from the process of networks modeling, node demand calculation, initial flow distribution, and the optimal design to the drawing of pipe networks and isopiestic line.


18、She obsessively scours group buying websites for the latest deals, focusing on neighborhood restaurants and Japanese lingerie.


19、Not surprisingly, 30 to 39-year-olds are the most active online shoppers.


20、I can visit a virtual store and put what I want in my basket at the click of a mouse button.

21、What is the character charming you to go to Wellcome shopping?惠康有什麽优点吸引你去购物?。

22、An optimal layout model of tree pipe network for irrigation water distribution and its solution approach are proposed.根据树状输配水管网的特点,提出一种简化的灌溉输配水管网优化布置模型及求解方法。

23、This algorithm is based on the Bisection acceleration technique.算法结合了格子方法和网格加密型高效算法的优点。

24、Current, network business and net buy what center most is and other places of river, short for Zhejiang Province, Shanghai, in these areas ripely the site enclothes villages and towns almost.目前,网商和网购最为集中的是江、浙、沪等地,在这些地区圆通的网点几乎覆盖到乡镇。

25、The shopping season's biggest online holiday was more popular than ever yesterday as consumers rushed to the Web for exclusive Cyber Monday deals.购物季最大的在线节日比起往年来更为热闹,消费者们都为了独家的网购星期一特价冲进网络。

英文句子26:,26、In conclusion, the merits of traditional schooling far overweigh those of learning from the Internet, though the latter form cannot be neglected neither.总而言之,传统学校教育的优点要远远超过跟互联网学习的优点,尽管第二种形式也不能被忽略。

27、The performance is optimized by using a pyrotechnic igniter as described in the Igniter web page.性能优化,使用烟火点火器中所述的引爆器的网页。

28、The optimal strategies can be obtained by solve the model with binomial lattice method.用二项式网格方法求解该模型,即可求得各阶段的最优订购策略。

29、Based on it, an optimization model is presented by fairing of the mesh.在这一基础上,利用曲面光顺的网格能量法,给出了计算网格顶点的优化模型。

30、S3 inherits advantages of P2P network and discards its disadvantages such as temporariness, instability.S3继承了P2P网络的优点并且摒弃了诸如文件时效性和不稳定性等缺点。

31、An optimal model is important to public transit networks optimization.公交线网优化模型和方法是公交线网优化的关键。

32、M&A and strategic alliance are the most effective short-cuts to expand the scale of the enterprises, though they have different strengths and weaknesses, and have a high failure rate.并购和战略联盟是实现企业规模扩张最有效的捷径,但是联盟与并购具有不同优缺点,且失败率都很高。

33、The optimum node numbering order corresponding to the minimum number of wavelengths required can be found with a genetic algorithm.为了得到网络最小所需波长数所对应的网络节点编号,首次利用遗传算法对节点编号进行优化。

34、Just click on below web links & start shopping oversea now!请点击以下购物网马上开始到外国寻宝去吧!

35、Visit John Pezzullo's excellent site dedicated to Web pages that perfom statistical calculations.访问 John Pezzullo 的优秀站点,该站点专门提供执行 统计计算的网页。

36、The shopping at network is the newtype commercial activity of times of Internet.网络购物是互联网时代的新型商务活动。

37、Growth is slowing for purchases of network equipment, software purchases, and IT consulting and outsourcing services.网络设备、软件采购及IT咨询、IT外包的采购增长率也下降了。

38、We are talking about the advantages and disadvantages of these days Internet shopping.我们正在谈论的这些天网上购物的优点和缺点。

39、A new deployment method based on fish-swarm algorithm was proposed for WSNs consisting of many mobile and stationary sensor nodes.针对由固定节点和少量移动节点构成的无线传感器网络,提出了一种基于鱼群算法的网络部署优化方案。

40、Mesh corrugated packing is punched lot of diamond-shaped tiny holes at metal thin slab. It keeps the prop…网孔波纹填科是在金属薄板上冲出菱形微孔同时拉伸成网孔,该填科兼有丝网和 孔板波纹填料的优点。

41、Characteristics and realization method of performance driven and net optimization are introduced.首先介绍了性能驱动和线网优化的特点与方法;

42、Concrete-filled steel tube with formwork composite construction combines the beneficial qualities of both steel and concrete and has unique advantage.模网钢管混凝土将模网混凝土和钢管混凝土的优势有机结合起来,又具有二者不具备的独特优点。

43、That boosts e-commerce, of course.这当然大大促进了网购。

44、A new web image format named SVG and its advantage are introduced.介绍了一种新的网络图形格式SVG及其优点。

45、There are not obstacles of conversion of photoelectricity, but advantages of the going network not owning in all-optical network .全光通信网络,没有光电转换的障碍,具有现行网络所不具有的优点。

46、At present, more integral fracturing design research focus on five - spot well network and nine - spot well network but little on rhombus anti - nine- spot well network.目前,在整体压裂优化设计方面,人们对五点井网和反九点井网的研究较多,而对菱形反九点井网的研究较少。

47、Surrounding a large, chain business and service organizations have joined the network members to work together to provide convenient Internet service.周边的大型、连锁商业和服务机构陆续加入了购物网会员单位,共同为网民提供便捷优质的服务。

48、Finally, the six-point recommendations for further optimizing the well-network are presented.最后提出了井网进一步优化的六点意见。

49、Humanization of E-Learning courses, cultivation of creative thinking and security of education network have become the focus of hope to excellent E-Learning courses.网络课程人性化、创造性思维培养和教育网络安全成为人们对优质网络课程期望的焦点。

50、Drop-Call rate is a key point and difficulty in PHS network maintaining and optimizing.也正因为如此,掉话率优化也成为PHS网络日常运行维护和优化的重点和难点之

经典英文句子51:网购的优点,51、There are such merits as high precision and easy to plays network for the plane control survey on GPS techniques.基于GPS测量法建立的施工平面控制网具有精度高、布网方便等优点。

52、This article specifies the advantages of the combination printing of screen with flexographic, offset and digital printing process.阐述了组合印刷的优点。详细介绍了网印与柔印、网印与胶印、网印与数字印刷的组合印刷工艺。

53、Analysis and experiments demonstrates that the mixed network model has advantage of generating less selecting messages and cutting down the total costs on maintaining information of node.分析和实验表明,本文提出的分域式混合网络搜索模型具有结构化网络产生查询消息少的优点,同时也具有非结构化网络节点维护开销小的优点。

54、Strengths and weaknesses: What are his strengths?优点和缺点:他的优点有哪些?

55、"There's definitely a disinhibition affect online," he said, with people more likely to exaggerate their good points while hiding anything negative.他说:“网络具有‘去抑制效应’”,人们在网上倾向于夸大自己的优点,掩饰自己的缺点。

56、If eBay is your weakness, don't log on.如果易趣网购是你的弱点,不要上线。

57、Could not pledge that her future, can only bit by bit break off hers hand.乐购邦返利网: 承诺不了她的未来,只能把她的手一点一点掰开。

58、WAN optimization is a superset of WAFS. WAN optimization provides the benefits of WAFS while also addressing other key issues prevalent in enterprise WANs.广域网优化包含了WAFS 的优势。广域网优化在提供WAFS 的优势的同时,还可以解决企业广域网中普遍存在的其它关键问题。

59、Countermeasures to tell some face above preferential activities in the purchase of a virtual host.上面给大家讲述几点在选购虚拟主机时面对优惠活动的对策。

60、The weakness of gigabit ethernet lies within its strength: It requires physical wiring.不过千兆以太网的缺点和它的优点是共生的:需要物理走线。

61、OBJECTIVE:To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online drug purchase in our hospital.前言: 目的:探讨医院药品实行网上采购的方法及优、劣势。

62、The drop call rate as a reflection network performances important target, has been the network optimization work attention key point.掉话率作为反映网络性能的一项重要指标,一直是网络优化工作关注的重点。

63、In order to improve the quality of grid, new rule to choice grid vertex and grid optimization technique are used.在网格质量改进方面,采用新的选点准则和网格优化等处理方法,提高了网格的质量。

64、Riegl hair on the layout of the network construction development, let consumer shopping again after worry-free, can prompt enjoy fast and considerate service.格尔发重点拓展了网点布局的建设,让消费者购车后再无后顾之忧,能够及时享受到快速、周到的服务。

65、With the surging of book-store on line, purchasing books on line is gradually becoming a new form of purchase of books in this century.随着网上书店的崛起,网上购书逐渐成为本世纪图书采购的新模式。

66、The body fitted orthogonal curvilinear grid was applied in the 2D model, when has the advantages of flexible location and fitting to the irregular boundaries.二维模型计算网格采用正交曲线网格,具有网格布置灵活和贴合边界等优点。

67、The plate made of wire gauze with polystyrene is a good lightweight wallboard material with many merits.钢丝网架聚苯乙烯夹心板是一种性能优良的轻质墙体材料,具有诸多优点。

68、From the nest group, handle net group purchase enterprises seeking IPO experience, China group purchase industry exists at present three problems.从窝窝团、拉手网等团购企业寻求IPO的经历来看,中国团购行业目前存在三点隐忧。

69、Free "online" coupons and free coupon codes for furniture and home decor, at the home of the best online shops and garden centers, shopping on the Internet.免费在线免费券和优惠券代码为家具,家居装修,在最好的网上家园和园艺商店和网上购物商场等。

70、Intenet has been became an important part of our life today. But intenet also has its advantages and disadvantages.互联网已经成为今天我们生活中的一个重要组成部分,但是网络也有它的优点和缺点。

71、The wide coverage and the convenient access of powerline network grant itself a unique advantage as access network.电力线网络具有覆盖面广、接入方便灵活的特点,作为接入网使用具有独特的优势。

72、We are in urgent need of excellent shop assistants.我们急需优秀的导购员。

73、What are the advantages and disadvantages of using synchronous versus asynchronous Web services in the TSP network?在 TSP 网络中使用同步或异步 Web 服务各有哪些优点和缺点?

74、Optimize page content and meta descriptions to increase the probability of click-through.优化网页内容和元说明,以增加概率点击方式。

75、Buy the growth of the crowd as the net, ripely the site also is rolled out to the whole nation.随着网购人群的增长,圆通的网点也向全国铺开。

英文句子模板76:Advantages of online shopping,76、Analyzing self-discipline and heteronomy of network behavior during the growth of the middle school students.本文阐述了网络的优缺点,对中学生成长过程中网络行为的自律与他律进行了分析。

77、SDH, optical transmission network, network optimization.SDH;光传输网;网络优化。



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