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关于”两个单词“的英语句子52个,句子主体:Two words。以下是关于两个单词的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Two words


1、The lengths of the lexical entries varied from two characters to eight characters. See Appendix A for distribution of word lengths.


2、Two pronouns and a vehicle was Icarus with wings.


3、They can learn to understand new words in two different languages at an incredibly fast rate.

然而,当人们将这个单词一直追溯到其源头——日耳曼语族——的时候,就会发现,它原来是一个由两个词所构成的词组,大概有“面包管理员”(loaf warden)的意思。

4、But back in the Germanic languages that the word grew out of, it had been two words that roughly translate as “loaf warden.”


5、He keeps the first two words — “without horses” — as a springboard, and starts improvising.


6、The Oxford English Dictionary refers to two guys— Pliny and Nicander—in its etymology for the word magnet.


7、Teacher: Billy, name two pronouns.


8、Phoneme: the smallest unit of sound in a language which can distinguish two words.

9、 比如以下两个词汇 as sharp as a razor adv。


10、If you compare the two words, you can tell the difference between them.


11、He also filtered out references to baseball and football and changed his writing style.


12、Those words are not interchangeable.


13、we are going to have a funny day


14、What jumped out at me immediately were the words time and world, in both wordles.


15、Her thoughts lingered over the lasttwo words as though she sang them.


16、Oh, they are two homonyms.

记住 every day(每天)是两个单词,必须要分开写。

17、I've (already) retired and spend every day resting at home.



12 is a basic example using our text1 file, which contains three lines each having two words..

12 是使用我们的 text1 文件的基础例子,它包含

3 个行,每行只有两个单词。


19、Could it be that this image combined with the similarity of the sound of the words influenced their coming together as synonyms?


20、Remember, for a 2-minute speech, we recommend 230 – 250 words.

21、If you insist on two years you can live 3650 words, equivalent to six years in the middle school, including two years of vocabulary.如果你坚持两年你就能住3650个单词,相当于中学xx年包括本科两年的词汇量。

22、So, "Dogs" and "Complained" are one word, but two morphemes and what this means is that you make the word by putting together two morphemes.因此,"狗狗们"和"抱怨的",都是由两个语素组成的单一词,这也就意味着,你将两个语素组合在一起成为了一个词

23、In compounds, the two lexical morphemes can be of different word classes.复合词中,两个词汇语素可能是不同的词类。

24、I'm sorry, Ma'am; I forgot to tell you there's a five-word minimum.非常抱歉女士,我忘记告诉你了,最少要五个单词,可你只有两个

25、What is a possible anagram of the phrase THE EYES? Hint: Two separate words.提示:两个分开的单词。

英文句子26:,26、These two words don't go together.这两个词搭配不当。

27、Africom pulled out “Dawn” for its second word and the resulting combination, “Odyssey Dawn, ” is devoid of any intended meaning, Elliott insists.非洲司令部采用了“黎明”作为第二个单词并这两个单词进行组合后,产生了此次的行动名称“奥德赛黎明”,不带有任何既定的隐喻,埃利奥特坚称。

28、Of course we call that shape of moon a crescent moon and of course the words crescent and croissant are really two flavors of the same word;当然,呈现出这个形状的月亮常常被我们称为一轮crescent moon。而单词crescent与croissant的确是同一个单词的两种表现形式;

29、Because of these two foundations, the pairs of single sound antonyms gradually become compound words and continue to change.有了这两个基础,才使得成对单音反义词逐步凝固成词。

30、It is safe to suppress a warning from this rule if both parts of the compound word are recognized by the spelling dictionary and the intent is to use two words.如果复合词的两部分都被拼写字典识别,而目的是使用两个单词,则可以安全地禁止显示此规则发出的警告。

31、He obliterated two words in ink / with a pen.他用钢笔把那两个单词涂去了。

32、This Wiki allows you to create pages with a single word as a name, but try to use at least two words - we don't want to exhaust the name space :-).本Wiki允许你创建只是用一个单词作为名字的页面,但是请尽量使用至少两个单词- 我们不想把名字给用尽:-)。

33、这两个词搭配不当。These two words don't go together.

34、It looked like two words. So it kind of looked like a few words with the last few letters up in the air.看起来像两个单词,有重影,后面几个字母好像在空中飘来飘去。

35、Listing 清单

17 illustrates a way to retrieve the entire database using a two-word HQL query.

17 显示了一种使用两个词的 HQL 查询来检索 整个数据库的方法。

36、A popular CAPTCHA API is reCAPTCHA which displays two distorted images of words from old books.一个流行的CAPTCHA API是reCAPTCHA 它是显示来自于旧书的两个单词的扭曲图片。

37、In not more than 80 words write an account of the tree at Thika. Write two different paragraphs using the points and connections given below.用不到80个单词的篇幅,描述一下塞卡的那棵树,用以下要点和连词写出两段不同的文字。

38、Perhaps we will count bra, mama and dada after all. Just two more in two months and he'll be normal.或许我们还得将bra,mama,和dada也算作一个词吧,只要在下两个月内再掌握两个单词,他就在正常之列了。

39、Take the difference in minutes between the two dates and divide by the number of words you typed (which is output by the middle command) to get the average number of words per minute you type.计算这两个日期之间的差(以分钟为单位),然后使用您所输入的单词数(由中间的命令输出)除以这个值,以得到平均每分钟输入的单词数。

40、If an impure object--and you will see here these overlapping pairs, if you can imagine the lower pair sort of being plunked down on top of this pair, that will give you an idea of what we're trying to convey with this image.如果一个不纯洁的东西--看这里,这些重叠的单词,假设这两个单词,突然跑到这两个的上面,这样你就会对我们这个图示想传达的内容有个概念。

41、For each row in the table, the two words are stored in the variables $word1 and $word2.对于表中的每一行,两个单词分别存储在 $word1 和 $word2 变量中。

42、你打字有很多单词没分开.两个字连到了一起. ___so that nothing may disturb or disquiet the mysterious nosing。

43、For each word that is longer than two characters, it stores the count in the frequency map.对于每个长于两字符的单词,将统计数存储在频率映射中。

44、The synonym complex words, made up temporarily of two monotonic synonyms, are solidified and take shape gradually later.同义并列式复合词是由两个单音同义词临时组合,后来逐渐凝固形成的。

45、Brand Name can contain a maximum of two words separated by a space.品牌名称最多可包含两个单词,中间可加一个空格。

46、It's sometimes called the male menopause, or even the "manopause".它有时也叫男性“绝经期”,或者叫“manopause”(manopause是合成词,为man和menopause两个单词的结合——译者)。

47、Interspersed with degrees, also put together before and after the integration of the two words.穿插有度,也把前后两个单词整合一起。

48、Reduplicated -combination means to combine two reduplicated single-syllable words, as to get the form like AABB.中文摘要叠结是指两个单音节词重叠后再粘结形成的AABB形式。

49、The term ABEND is a combination of the words "abnormal end."术语 ABEND 是 “abnormal end” 这两个单词的组合。

50、Chaser learned one or two proper nouns a day and in time could distinguish between more than a thousand objects.察塞每天学习一两个单词,现在已经可以辨别上千物品。

经典英文句子51:两个单词,51、Both words trace back through Old English to an Indo-European root bheid meaning to split.印欧语系词根bheid有“分开(to split)”的意思。 它经由古英语,一路发展,生成了现代英语中bitter和bite两个单词。

52、Evidently many people over they years have made this association but it isn’t based on etymological fact.多年以来许多人显然把这作为联系两个单词的根据,但实际上这根据并没有词源学上的道理。

53、HUMID on a double-word score, using the D of JINXED.HUMID (潮湿的),利用JINXED 里的D,得了两个单词的分数。

54、The two words co-refer.这两个词互相指代

55、I will now put these words into my smartypants. And now, I will say a magic word, do a magic dance.现在我把这两个单词放进我的裤兜里,接下来让我念个咒语,跳个魔法舞。

56、Hint: Two separate words. The second word describes something that EYES do.提示:两个分开的单词。第二个字描述了眼睛的功能。


标签: 单词

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