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关于”常见的基本句型“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Common basic sentence patterns。以下是关于常见的基本句型的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Common basic sentence patterns


1、Very often, these mostly all-male bands will attempt to look as feminine as possible (to the point of dressing in drag).


2、In humans, the most common form of free radicals is oxygen.


3、Global hypomethylation and regional hypermethylation are common mechanisms of aberrant expression of gene.


4、Common heat exchanger models are based on the theories of line heat source and column heat source.


5、The composite soil-nailing retaining wall are adopted to shallow foundation excavation at depth of 4-6m in the mollisol.

我还发表了一篇 常见问题解答解释了Web3S的基本设计原理。

6、I also published a FAQ that explains the design rationale for Web3S.


7、WD is a common autosomal recessive inherited neuropathy, whose only pathogenic gene is ATP7B.

因为处理基于文本的数据是很常见的,所以,您可能想知道 Python 如何处理基于字符的数据。

8、Because working with text-based data is a common practice, you might be wondering how Python deals with character-based data.

样式化基本语言以使 DSL 更加可读的行为在内部 DSLs 中是很常见的。

9、It is common in internal DSLs to stylize the use of the base language to make the DSL more readable.


10、Presents the basic concept of dose, main routes of CBW agents invading people, and common parameters of dose.


11、Move away from large text documents to visual representations, and use scenario-based requirements definitions (see Figure




12、AIM: FLT3/internal tandem duplication (FLT3/ITD) in transmembrane region is most common in leukemia related FLT3 mutation.


13、Butin Japan it is a popular form of punishment.


14、Results Clinical examination showed that the superficial sense was normal but the deep sense was abnormal.


15、It has been shown that fractal modeling often provides powerful tools for characterizing underlying spatial distribution structure of geological quantities and objects.


16、The fundamental homomorphism theorem is very important consequence in group theory, by using it we can resolve many problems.


17、Frequent asked questions about Haoren Education Fund.


18、Mutational activation of the BRAF oncogene is the most common genetic alteration in cutaneous melanoma.

本文中,Brian Goetz 探讨了线程池的动机、一些基本实现和调优技术以及一些要避免的常见危险。

19、In this article, Brian Goetz explores the motivations for thread pools, some basic implementation and tuning techniques, and some common hazards to avoid.


20、Vague atypical chest discomfort is also common in those with isolated atrial tachycardia in the absence of significant underlying heart disease.

21、The architect chose to design with gable roof which is the common use of basic house structure suited with the tropical climates.建筑师决定采用双坡屋顶,这是一种常见的适合热带气候条件的基本建筑形式。

22、Objective: To investigate the BCL-6 gene alterations in B-cell Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas( B-NHL) in Chinese populations and its clinic-pathological significance.目的:系统性地研究中国人B-NHL常见类型中BCL-6基因的异常,并探讨其临床病理意义。

23、On top of that, the 在此基础上,本文中的

15 tips in this article can help you with common XML-specific performance aspects.

15 个提示可以在一些常见的与 XML 有关的性能方面为您提供帮助。

24、It often leads to fundamental biological insight into sequence-structure-function relationships of nucleotide or protein sequence families.它通常导致对核苷酸或蛋白质序列家族的序列-结构-功能关系的基本生物学见解。

25、Inscribed copies of Beckett's works are very uncommon.有贝克特题辞的作品版本是非常罕见的。

英文句子26:,26、Plasmodium vivax malaria which is the second most common type of malaria also responds well to most ACTs.间日疟是第二个最常见的疟疾类型,且对大部分以青蒿素为基础的联合疗法敏感。

27、The most common mechanism is methylation.最常见的机能是甲基化。

28、High slope is one of most familiar and basic nature geologic environment in human life and engineering action.高边坡是人类生存及工程活动中最常见最基本的自然地质环境之

29、The risk of death from something so common as strep throat or a child’s scratched knee virtually vanished.链球菌性咽喉炎或孩子划伤腿等常见病患造成死亡的风险基本上已不复存在。

30、These levels of naturaland background radiation is normal.这种程度的自然本底射线是很常见的。

31、This new species is unique in having pulvinate petioles, a feature not known in any other species of Begonia in China.本新种叶柄基部具叶枕,此特徵非常独特,未见于中国其他秋海棠属植物。

32、The most basic parser functionality doesn't support a wide array of data types; therefore, irregular or unusual data, which is common, is a primary source of difficulty.最基本的解析器功能支持的数据类型不多,因此处理不规则或少见的数据(经常会遇到这种情况)成为最主要的困难。

33、LCD: An acronym for Liquid Crystal Display, an extremely common model of display, found in laptops and TVs, as well as displays on alarm clocks and microwaves.液晶显示器的缩写, 最常见的商业显示器类型, 多见于笔记本和电视,以及闹钟和微波炉上的显示屏。

34、Sclerotic dentin is a special substrate we must treat in the process of restoring tooth, whose histological structure and mechanical properties are different with normal dentin.在实际的临床工作中,牙颈部楔状缺损作为临床常见症状,其粘接基体——硬化牙本质也是我们常常需要处理的粘接对象。

35、At CA repeated sequence, the gene sequencing was normal.CA重复序列基因测序未见异常。

36、Some common opportunities for cost savings (both project-based and non project-based) found in a typical IT organization include在一个典型的 IT 机构内一些节省成本的通常机会(包括基于项目以及非基于项目的)包括

37、Fibrotic specimens fragment more often and more extensively.纤维化标本的碎片更常见,并且更广泛。

38、Chapter 错误分离最小化是机器学习中很常见的问题之一,本文给出了分离错误最小化数学模型的一个近似模型。

3 is about an approximal algorithm for misclassification minimization , which is one of the common problems in machine learning.

39、We discuss the common complications and risk of rehabilitation method for patients with common neoplasms .本文介绍了各种常见肿瘤病人的康复方法和常见并发症及其危险度。

40、Sun Lin comes out and meets Becky who has a new hair-do.孙林走出来,遇见理好新发型的贝基。

41、It has proved to be extremely useful, and Nambu's theories permeate the Standard Model of elementary particle physics.它已被证明是非常有用,南部的理论渗透的标准模型,基本粒子物理。

42、Many of the primitive quantum operators provided by qcl are familiar from classical computing.qcl 提供的基本量子运算符中有许多在经典计算中很常见。

43、You can see that it has reached the lowest level ever.可见基本接近历史最低了

44、Women are the most common pain sufferers, and yet our model for basic pain research is the male rat.因为女性是最常见的疼痛承受者,而我们最基本的疼痛研究样本是雌性鼠。

45、Neurofibromatosis type I型神经纤维瘤是一种常见的高外显率的常染色体显性遗传病,编码神经纤维蛋白的抑癌基因NF1的突变能导致I型神经纤维瘤。

1 is a common autosomal dominant disorder with a high rate of penetrance. It is caused by the mutation of the tumor suppressor gene NF1, which encodes neurofibromin.

46、Familiar health education work, clinical medicine elementary theory knowledge and common disease, frequently-occurring disease preventing and controlling; 熟悉健康教育工作,临床医学的基本理论知识和常见病、多发病的防治;


47、After selecting the model, select the model-based test case that should be connected to the test script (see Figure 在您选择模型之后,您可以选择应该连接至测试脚本的基于模型的测试用例(见于图



48、The previous installment in this column identified some common input data types and how to check them.本专栏的前一期文章 指出了一些常见的输入数据类型以及检查它们的方法。

49、The main cleaning mechanism is basically a Bissell carpet sweeper—one of those rug cleaners that is often found in college dorm rooms.主要的吸尘机制基本上是「比斯尔扫毯器」,它是大学宿舍最常见的扫毯器之

50、This article has introduced some common basic natures of prime numbers, and has discussed other non-common natures and theorems of prime numbers.本文介绍了素数的一些基本性质,并探讨了素数的一些其他非常见性质与定理。

经典英文句子51:常见的基本句型,51、A common occurrence for the base reflectivity data is to show the equivalent of light precipitation where there is in fact clear skies.基本反射率数据的一种常见用法是显示某地区实际上晴天时的等效弱降水。

52、This is the first of a six-part series of articles intended to provide the reader with a basic, yet fundamental knowledge of common biomedical statistical methods.六部分组成的系列文章,旨在为读者提供一个基本的,常见的生物医学统计方法的基本知识,这是第一次。

53、The industry is made up of small businesses: Even “major” display companies average only 25 year-round employees.烟花行业基本上由小型企业组成,即使有所谓的"大型"烟花公司,常年平均雇用的职工也不过25人左右。

54、Results: 结果:1.正常角膜上皮细胞未见RANTES 基因表达,可见SPARC 基因的低表达;

1. There was no RANTES gene expression and minimal expression of SPARC in normal cornea epithelium;

55、Guangzhou common garden trees are 403 species, which of woody plants.广州常见园林树木与习见木本植物403种。

56、The approaching construction for two neighboring parallel tunnels in the numerous underground projects is the most normal and basic type in the development of underground space in city.在众多地下工程的近接施工中,相邻两孔平行隧道的近接施工是城市地下空间开发中最常见和最基本的近接类型。

57、Corn was a staple crop in ancient Mesoamerica, so tortillas were very common and well liked.玉米在古代中美洲是最基本的农作物,所以玉米圆饼很常见,并且十分受人喜爱。

58、The most common approach is ' cost-plus ', or calculating the basic production cost and adding on a margin for profit.最常见的方式是'成本加',或计算的基本生产成本,增加的幅度为牟利。

59、As one basic grammatical phenomenon, noun-to-verb conversion reflects human being's metonymic mode of thinking.名词“动用”是一种常见的语法现象,体现了人类基本的转喻思维模式。

60、This thesis is focused on discrimination and identification of food-borne pathogens by using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.本论文基于MALDI-TOF质谱分析技术对常见的五种食源性致病菌的鉴定检验进行了系统研究。

61、In line with the development of the high-class and heavy-traffic highways, the design theory and method of cement concrete pavement ha…本文探讨了水泥混凝土路面常见裂缝类型、产生原因及其防治措施。

62、That means the usual functions,substitutions,basic trig, stuff like that.包括常见函数、基本三角函数的积分,和变量替换法。

63、One potential problem: the Sonic hedgehog gene is linked to basal-cell carcinoma, a common, treatable skin cancer.还有一个潜在问题,那就是这种“音速刺”基因与基本细胞癌(一种常见的、可治愈的皮肤癌)密切相连。

64、The homozygous mutations of ASPM gene are the most common cause of MCPH and lead to microcephaly and mental retardation.ASPM基因的同型合子突变是造成MCPH最常见的原因,会造成病患的小脑症且心智发育迟缓。

65、After reading this article, you should be able to write a basic security plug-in and avoid common errors encountered when working with them.阅读本文之后,您应该能够编写基本的安全性插件程序,并且可以避免使用那些插件时遇到的常见错误。

66、Metonymy is a common phenomenon in Chinese texts.转喻是汉语文本中常见的语言现象。

67、How common are these gene variations?这些基因变异体有多么常见呢?

68、That throws out all the basics.它违反了所有的基本常识。

69、It provides a modern, standards-based language and programming model that supports common design patterns.它提供一种现代的、基于标准的语言和编程模型,并且支持常见的设计模式。



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