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关于”表建议的高级句型“的英语句子40个,句子主体:Table Suggested Advanced Sentence Patterns。以下是关于表建议的高级句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Table Suggested Advanced Sentence Patterns


1、There are no big buildings, no supermarkets, no freeways.


2、Recommedations: The AEMLs should be formulated at the provincial level and according to different levels of medical institutions;


3、It is suitable to study inclusions in the major type of gold deposits in our country during exploration.


4、Users are advised to upgrade to these packages.


5、Suggestions on Design of R. C. Highrise Core and Outrigger Structure.


6、Add the series type to the chart


7、It is expected that these suggestions mentioned above may be beneficial for cultivation of wider-caliber talents of electrical engineering in the future.


8、Chapter IV: the problems and policy recommendations of the human capital investment for the advanced course of China's industrial structure.


9、Create and process Advanced Forensic Format (AFF) images.


10、Club Room, no extra cost. Highly recommend the highest floor possible; you can't truly understand how high-rise the city is.


11、I am Mira from the Pleiadian high council.


12、Elegant designed provides practical solution to you, available in dark walnut, rosewood and walnut veneer is the best choice for the executives.

根据 Red Hat 的建议,升级一个 RPM 软件包的命令是

13、The command to upgrade an RPM package, according to Red Hat's advisories, is

杜思曼跑来向校长建议教学生自己做面包,周耀光高兴的同意了她的建议。 。

14、DuSiMan came running to the President suggestion to teach students to make bread, ZhouYaoGuang happy agreed her suggestion.


15、The result shows that MC-MAC gives a better performance than IEEE802.11, and EOLSR also turns out a higher behavior than OLSR.


16、Her advice to middle-class families: Pull the plug.


17、It is proposed to be exploited and utilized as bottled mineral water or processed mineral water beverage series products. It is also poss…


18、The role of superdelegates often is debated, Barone said.


19、The conference halls of the people's congresses at or above the county level and their standing committees;


20、The President shall be an ex-officio member of the Officers in the event of any Officers' meeting.

21、But Intuit will not “enter into the types of broad nonsolicit agreements that are prohibited by the settlement, ” said Laura Fennell, Intuit’s senior vice president and general counsel.但Intuit高级副总裁兼法律总顾问Laura Fennell表示,Intuit将不会签订反垄断协议所禁止的各种禁止挖对方员工的协议。

22、Following are some high-level recommendations you can use to ensure that your Business Events solution is performing optimally; each of these recommendations is covered in detail in this article.下面将提供一些高级的建议,它们能够确保实现 Business Events 解决方案的最佳性能。 本文将详细介绍这些建议。

23、Rep Been is a member of Boss Nass's Gungan High Council.比恩议事是纳斯头领的冈根高级会议的一员。

24、This options make sessions slower so I'd recommend to use it during transition to new sessions table only.这个选项会使会话变慢所以我建议只要在升级到新会话表的时候才使用。

25、We value citizens' views and suggestions very highly.我们高度重视市民的意见和建议。

英文句子26:,26、For more advanced help, see the topic Create a select or crosstab query.有关更高级的帮助,请参阅主题创建选择或交叉表查询。

27、I would recommend that you upgrade this if you can.这里,我建议你尽可能的将振奋宝石升级为强袭装甲。

28、Grade 304 stainless steel is recommended for inland areas and Grade 316 stainless steel or titanium is recommended for coastal areas or other highly corrosive environments.于内陆地区,建议使用304级不袗材质; 于海岸地区或其他腐蚀性强的区域,建议使用316级不袗或钛金属材质。

29、Alderman sat in municipal councils .高级市政官在市议会主持事务。

30、Further refinement is possible by ranking the proposals or simply excluding individual proposals in examining the gap.通过将建议分级或简单地排除缺口检查中的个人建议来更好地改进是可能的。

31、This version may contain tax table updates necessary for accurate payroll calculation, we recommend that you upgrade as soon as possible.此版本可能包含准确计算工资表所需的税收更新,我们建议你尽快升级。

32、Advised on hypersonic activities for other divisions, the High Speed Civil Transport, sonic boom, ozone environment, and rocket SSTO concepts.建议对其他部门,高速民用运输,爆音,臭氧环境,和火箭的单级入轨概念的超音速活动。

33、This kind of transition is primarily from the feudalistic landlord rank philosophy to the " new learning" of the propertied class.这种嬗变与转型主要是封建地主阶级哲学向资产阶级哲学——“新学”的转型。

34、To combine deeply with the natural ecologic environment, Mingdu International Conference Center becomes the first high-grade convention hotel with international ecologic standard in Changzhou.与自然生态环境的高度融合,使明都国际会议中心成为了常州第一个具有国际自然生态水准的高星级绿色养生型会议酒店。

35、All results indicate:(结果表明:①掌叶木种群径级和高度结构呈纺锤状,为衰退型种群。

1) The structure of diameter and height shows spindle shape belonging to decline population.

36、The topics of Ministerial Meeting and Second Senior Level Seminar about the Cleaner Production Programme and its sequent actions were reviewed.介绍了巴黎清洁生产部长级会议暨第二届清洁生产高级研讨会的主要议题及其后续活动要点。

37、My advice is don't wear heels.我的建议就是——不要穿高跟鞋。

38、First selection of grade X80 pipeline is suggested on large size high pressure gas transmission pipe in the future.建议在未来大口径高压输气管线中优先选用X80级管线钢管。

39、Discovery: Users can find the best widgets classified by rating, thematics, recommended…愉:用户可以找到最好的部件按等级分类,主题学,建议…

40、The result shows that the non-linear model should be rather more approximate to the true bedded media than that of the linear one.结果表明,非线性模型较之于线性模型是对真实层状介层的更高一级近似。

41、Thefirst place of digital is the construction of industry class data model.数字化建设的首要问题就是构建行业级数据模型。

42、"You will see us coming early next year with new phones, " Senior Vice President Eric Cador told an industry conference.惠普公司高级副总裁EricCador在行业会议上表示:“明年年初就会看到我们推出的新手机了。”

43、DTrace is an incredible kernel-level tool to debug certain types of low-level performance problems.DTrace是一个不可思议的内核级工具,用来调试低级别的特定类型性能问题。

44、With the exception of Advanced Aeronautics , each of these protocols deals direct damage to enemy units and structures.除了高级航空学外,每一个协议都可以对敌军单位和建筑造成直接伤害。

45、Here's how to wow your C-level counterparts and prove your worth without the typical sound and lights show.无须声光俱全的展示,光凭下面的建议,你就能够证明自己的价值,让你的同级高管们赞叹不绝。

46、ICMP is used by IP as well as some higher level protocols, such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).ICMP 由 IP 和一些更高级别的协议使用,如传输控制协议(TCP)。

47、Firstly, the geometry model of WWB Impulse stepless speed variator is presented.建立WWB型脉动式无级变速器的几何模型。

48、In-Class Group Work, Presentation of Project History Proposals, Discussion and Ranking.课堂小组工作,报告历史专题的建议,讨论和评级。

49、They suggest a numerical scale, ranging from 0 to 他们建议的级别体系是数字式的,从0到



50、It is invested by Southern Great Wall Enterprise Group. It is built in accordance with international standards of four-star.酒店是由贵州南长城企业(集团)投资,按国际四星级标准设计建造,集餐饮、客房、会议、休闲于一体的政务、商务、会议型酒店。

经典英文句子51:表建议的高级句型,51、After testing in time and frequency domain, the results have indicated that the model has good output accuracy and high adaptability. This proves that this modeling method is accurate and effective.经过时域和频域测试,结果表明,超级电容模型输出精度高、适应能力强,证明该建模方法精确有效。

52、She attended Cabinet meetings and high level briefings.她参加内阁会议和高级的情况简要汇报会。

53、Use of a low priority link is also recommended to provide further redundancy.使用低优先级的链接同样建议提供另外的冗余。

54、We recommend a high-level collection of tea, so much the contents of tea and pure, easy to release Chen good taste.我们建议收藏级别较高的茶叶,这样的茶叶内容物多且纯,容易陈放出好口味。

55、Especially the rural construction college he founded has been trained a batch of practical senior talents for civilians education and rural development.特别是他创立的乡村建设学院为平民教育和乡村建设培养了一批实用型高级人才。

56、However, my doctor suggested I upgrade from CRT monitors to LCDs.我的医生建议我将CRT监视器升级至LCDs。

57、Tomorrow, we are hosting a high level meeting to rejuvenate the Conference on Disarmament.明天,我们将举行关于恢复裁军谈判会议的高级别会议。

58、Premium full grain leather straps.高级全粒面皮革表带。

59、Results show that this structure is suitable for multi-story building or high-rise building of narrow plane.结果表明:该结构适用于狭长型平面的多高层建筑;

60、Most networks combine IP with a higher-level protocol called Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which establishes a virtual connection between a destination and a source.大多数网络结合起来, IP与更高级别的协议称为传输控制协议( TCP ) ,它建立了一个虚拟连接之间的一个目的地和源泉。

61、This Recommendation also deals with all levels of PDH signals transported within SDH containers.本建议也涉及在SDH容器中传送的各级PDH信号。

62、This service is used by the next higher level protocol: the Internet Protocol (IP).高一级别的协议 ― 网际协议(IP)使用这一服务。

63、To construct high grade road in the mountainous area will meet the high filled embankment inevitably, the high filled embankment has become one main structure form of the roadbed.在山区修建高等级公路,不可避免会遇到大量的高填路堤,高填路堤已成为路基的主要结构型式之

64、We believe that a definition for advanced aseptic processing much like that proposed at the USP Open Conference in 2002 is most appropriate.我们相信一个高级无菌工艺的定义是非常适当的,就像在xx年USP开放会议中提到的建议一样。

65、Japanese advised me more than its exports of old porcelain, with a high-level packaging, can be sold at high prices shatterproof .日商建议我对其多出口旧瓷,配上高级包装,既可防碎可卖高价。

66、You can create and modify service-level agreements (SLAs) and failover configurations (FOCs) for high availability clusters.您可以为高可用性集群创建和修改服务级别的协议(SLA)和故障转移配置(FOC)。

67、BOOTP is the basis for a more advanced network manager protocol, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).动态主机分配协议(DHCP)就是在BOOTP协议的基础上发展起来的高级网络管理协议。

68、Our machine is equipped with Imported advanced conveyor belt, which low elongation and long service life.采用进口高级输送带,延伸率低,使用寿命长(建议在顶部搜索“塑料制袋机”,以便查询更多塑料制袋机厂家。)

69、The mathematical models for industrial spiral classifier are finally established.从而建立了工业型螺旋分级机的数学模型。

70、If your graphics card is a NVIDIA card, please update your driver to version 192. xx or higher. Driver version 196.21 is recommended.如果你用的是nV的显卡,请升级驱动到192或者更高的版本,建议使用196.21版驱动。

71、When it comes to a formal definition of domain models, Ganesh suggests that a "standard" XML approach is heavyweight and cumbersome. He instead suggests taking a closer look at JSON schema proposal谈到领域模型的正式定义时,Ganesh建议道“标准”的XML方式是重量级的比较笨拙。

72、It is recommended that several BIL should be prescribed for each rated voltage level to provide allowance for selection.并建议对同一额定电压的超高压电气设备应制订几个等级的基准冲击绝缘水平,以供设计选择。

73、The author suggests increasing English class hours for the new-comers and teaching by classifying them into different bands.建议增加xx年级英语学时,并开展分级教学。

74、The CHMP's recommendations for the different agents vary according to their risk classification.根据其风险分级,CHMP对不同造影剂的建议也不同。

75、It was suggested that domestic chlor-alkali industry should develop into an environment-friendly and energy-saving industry in order to face the nearing times of high price oil.建议把我国氯碱产业建设成为环保、节能型产业,以迎接即将到来的高油价时代。

英文句子模板76:Table Suggested Advanced Sentence Patterns,76、Meanwhile, ELS presentation finished. Students of three grades came to the conference hall of Administration Building to attend the Education Fair.而另一边,ELS代表的展示介绍结束,三个年级的同学纷纷来到行政楼会议室,参加此次的小型教育展。

77、The installed version of at least one of your modules or themes has been revoked and is no longer available for download. Upgrading or disabling is strongly recommended!您所安装的模组或版型的版本已经过时、不再提供下载。强烈建议您进行升级、或是关闭过时的模组或版型。

78、If you use a combination of the 如果您使用的7件类型的组合来创建超级块,那么银超级块将被创建。

7 types of pieces to create the superblock, then a silver super block will be created.

79、You can create a FOT on a new table created after conversion or on an existing table.您可以在升级后创建的新表格或者在当前表格上创建一个 FOT。


标签: 建议

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