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1、Fenn was a man who had a big pond of his own.


2、The summer began with good news at home and abroad.


3、We usually hold our annual fire drill during the summer.


4、Remember that, without winter, no one would appreciate and love the summer so much.


5、In summer I can also eat all kinds of fruit and vegetables.


6、In summer the stream from the gully flows into the Baikal.


7、Kleber is keen for the issue to be laid to rest, but has admitted that he would be happy to strike a deal with a European club this summer should an opportunity arise.


8、Food notices, why summer or easy have loose bowels?


9、He retired this summer and made way to young person.


10、Chin is red, winter craze, summer is aglow and dry, how be what disease is treated?


11、We are looking for a house to rent for the summer.

12、冰茶 iced tea Tom likes iced tea and drinks every day in summer.汤姆喜欢冰茶夏天每日都喝。


13、This summer, clipper cut is preferred by many men.


14、Even in summer the temperature is subzero here.


15、We would like to go camping and canoeing next summer .


16、What are you doing this summer?---We're going comping .


17、In addition, it is very costly to heat the old hall in winter and cool it in summer.


18、I'm probably going to have to end up finding an internship for next summer,


19、A cold shower always refreshes us in summer.


20、I am currently interning at a bank for the summer.

21、In 1930 summer, we the first senior high student graduated.xx年夏天,我们高中一级的学生毕了业。

22、If a white butterfly comes, summer follows.如果飞来了一只白蝴蝶,预示着夏天来了。 %。

23、We idle the summer away swimming and playing tennis.我们游泳,打网球,把这个夏天混过了。

24、I was living in Conyers, Georgia the summer it all happened.我住在CG,那件事是发生在夏天。

25、By this summer we'll have been here for five years.到今年夏天我们在这里就满xx年了。

英文句子26:,26、The last African qualifier is June 21. They say always that they cannot organise the Africa Cup of Nations during the summer but they play all their qualifiers in the summer!他们(非足联)总是说他们不能在夏天组织非洲杯,但是他们却在夏天安排预选赛!

27、Our construction crew has been shorthanded all summer long.我们建筑队整个夏天一直人手不够。

28、In summer, the hills in rain is attractive;夏天雨水充沛,有高山“银流泻玉珠”之景;

29、This summer, I'll submit an application to McDonald!今年夏天,我会像麦当劳递一份求职申请.

30、Make temperature of air conditioner above 26 in summer and below 尽量把空调的温度控制在夏天26度以上,冬天18度以下。

18 in winter.

31、Tell me, what have you prepared for next summer?说来听听,明年夏天你准备了什么服装?

32、That summer, plane across the sea, delimit next smile curve.那年夏天,飞机越过海面,划下微笑弧线。

33、For this summer, to be here now and nowhere else, Beijing.为了这个夏天,不在他处,只有在北京。

34、I have sublet a flat to my friend for the summer.夏天我把一套公寓转租给一个朋友。

35、The ordered crypto products will be delivered by summer 2010.这份加密产品定单将在xx年夏天交付。

36、Then wait until the summer, will be very thin without wearing out.然后等到夏天,不用穿也会很细了。

37、In the summer of 1974, Mikhail Baryshnikov defected in Toronto.年夏天,巴里什尼科夫在多伦多叛逃。

38、That summer the roses flowered in unwonted beauty.玫瑰花在这个夏天开得真是分外美丽!

39、Big signing: Eric Dier is the only summer isigningi.主要签约:埃里克。迪尔是夏天独一“成果”。

40、"…I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days. "----- Henry David Thoreau.我虽然不富甲天下,却拥有无数个艳阳天和夏日。

41、I did not read books the first summer; I hoed beans.第xx年夏天,我没有读书;我种豆。

42、In the summer, thunderstorms or lightning may also cause flight delays.夏天,雷暴和闪电也会引起航班延误。

43、So don’t sweat it if you don’t have time to shower three times a day in the summer.所以不用担心你夏天没时间一天洗三次澡。

44、Lan & Tong in Else Marie's summer Hourse, Denmark, 2011王彤,蓝兰在艾西玛丽的夏天度假屋,丹麦。

45、Vivian: I can't believe that summer can be SOOOO boring!维维安:真不敢相信夏天竟如此…无聊!

46、IN THE summer of 1942, Walter Munk went to the beach.在xx年的夏天,沃尔特芒克前往海滩。

47、And then we have Beyonce and Akon coming during the summer.然后夏天碧昂斯和阿肯过来演出。”

48、When the days become longer, they fly north for the summer.当白天变长时,它们飞往北方度夏。

49、There's like a, there's street performers going on the summer.这就像……这里夏天有街头艺人在表演。

50、At one time I used to go mountain-climbing every summer.有一段时期,每年夏天我便去爬山。

经典英文句子51:夏天,51、The Ket allowed their reindeer to wander during summer and kept them close to camp during winter.偈人让驯鹿在夏天游放,冬天将其留在营地附近。

52、Last summer, we wheeled to Beijing to visit the Great Wall.去年夏天,我们乘车去北京游长城。

53、In summer, circa 1470 BC, Santorini exploded.大约在公元前xx年夏天,圣多里尼火山爆发了。

54、去年夏天我们在两周内游览了五国。Last summer we did five countries in two weeks.

55、“…I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days.”----- Henry David Thoreau.我虽然不富甲天下,却拥有无数个艳阳天和夏日。

56、In summer, more students like having salad for lunch.在食堂夏天,多数学生午饭喜欢吃色拉。

57、去年夏天,我们乘车去北京游长城。Last summer, we wheeled to Beijing to visit the Great Wall.

58、I do not want to walk in summer Qunbai let her leave.我踩着夏天的裙摆不想让她离去。

59、He has to have a fire even in summer!还特别自私! 夏天他都得要点上炉火!

60、The second critical decision is during the summer of 2001.第二个重要决定发生于xx年夏天。

61、Personally, I do not like summer, because it's too hot and the sunshine is strong.我个人不喜欢夏天,因为天气太热了,阳光也很强烈。

62、Never had leaves been more prosperous or green than this summer .树叶从未象今年夏天这样茂盛葱绿。

63、She likes to wear her hair in ponytail during the summer .夏天时她喜欢将头发绑成马尾。

64、Summer is creeping up quickly — long days with early sunrises and late sunsets.夏天匆匆而来——一天日出时分变得更早,日落时分变得更晚。

65、I think swimming is cool in summer, so I like it我觉得夏天游泳很凉爽所以我喜欢

66、In summer of 2011, single Taurians will experience unrequited love.到了xx年夏天,单身牛牛会经历单相思。

67、Last summer we did five countries in two weeks.去年夏天我们在两周内游览了五国。



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