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1、Simpleminded I, am deducting my vicissitudes of life!


2、That's all -- you don't even need to recompile.


3、So, sometimes plugging in values is easier but not always.

该样例还包含被 SSB 简单调用的 servlet。

4、The example also contained a servlet that simply invoked the SSB.


5、So, you can just mount it and go.


6、It is simply to inquire into the facts and circumstances of the article.


7、The other shoe, to put it plainly, hasn't dropped.


8、We're going to also look at the irreversible case briefly.


9、In the old days, it was easy -- 'No work, no job.'


10、Yet here the dogma can be accused of oversimplification.


11、You give up transaction isolation, robustness, and simplicity.


12、That's incredible that a tree could live that long!


13、What he does care about though is the simplicity that comes after.


14、Let me qualify that lesson slightly, unless you're German.


15、Sounds simper , it just requires preparation and practice .


16、Jacquard fabrics, we usually use basic structure and Variety structure.


17、In principle, measuring code-execution time is trivial


18、Making an electromagnet at home is fun and easy.


19、If it was too easy, it wouldn’t help you grow.


20、Learn more through with Sun Wukong Xianqi that simply.

21、Skill in use of MS Office Software. -Capability of reading English document.能阅读简单英文技术文档;

22、" Simply shows a few words, "Lady Master" the strong side.简单几字显出“玉女掌门人”坚强一面。

23、It’s really easy to share a comment if you would like to.如果你想发评论,那也很简单。

24、Soup is remarkably healthy, inexpensive and easy to make.显然,汤是健康食品,不贵,而且烹饪简单。

25、This is a easy, quick-acting and accurate method.该方法简单、反应时间快、准确度高。

英文句子26:,26、In scratch, a condition looks a little something like this.简单来说,一个条件判断就像这一样。

27、The bathroom, too, could not have been more austerely furnished.卫浴设备更是简单得无以复加。

28、But the simplicity of the method belies its profundity.但是,这个方法的简单掩盖了它的深奥。

29、The evening was no longer joy, but delirium.今晚不单是高兴,简直有点要热昏了头。

30、But how can you make this more straightforward?但是如何能够使此过程变得更简单?

31、They simply aren't going to buy on your say-so.他们不会简单因为你这样说就买。

32、These setbacks should not be read as defeat, however.但是,这些挫折不能简单的看成是失败。

33、This is not like raising goldfish or guppies.但这可不像养金鱼或孔雀鱼那么简单。

34、The theory of the LC voltage-dependent birefringence is introduced;简单介绍了液晶的电控双折射特性;

35、Setting of the knife mold is rapid, accurate and easy-to- leam .刀模设定快捷准确,简单易学。

36、I will then briefly cover modeling and simulation techniques.然后我将简单介绍建模和仿真技术。

37、None of the new design principles is easy or trouble-free.没有一个是简单易行,毫无麻烦的。

38、Which, briefly, is like an explosion in a spear factory.简单地说,就像兵工厂发生了爆炸。

39、In short, the weak suffer more than the strong.简单来说,弱者要比强者受更多损失。

40、How about steamed codfish? It's quick and easy.那要不要吃清蒸鳕鱼?这道菜又快又简单。

41、We are no longer simply tracking store-level data.我们不再简单的跟踪商店层面的数据。

42、Trills are played simply by using the slide button (because it is so easy) regardless of the resulting notes and of whether they are trills or mordents .颤音仅仅是用按键简单的演奏出来(因为这是如此简单),而不管音符它们是颤音还是波音。

43、Simply put, you have to give up on earth.简单地说,也就是你必须放弃存在于世。

44、Can you tell me something about West Lake Longjing Tea?你可以简单介绍一下西湖龙井茶吗?

45、Wouldn't it be easier just to give them acetaminophen?难道给他们一些退热净不更简单么?

46、When I started to run, I was simply out of breath.当我开始跑,我简单地喘着气。

47、The issue is not as black and white as it seems.这个问题并不像黑与白那么简单.

48、Let's draw a little picture on the side here.我们在边上简单地画个图来看看吧

49、It might be sort of interesting, but it wouldn't tell us something deep about the nature of death, if people could just as easily die on Tuesday.这也许有趣,但并不能告诉人们关于死亡本质的深刻道理,如果人们就简简单单都死在周


50、Or shall I simply demonstrate the unboiling of an egg?或是,让我简单示范做一份半生的蛋?

经典英文句子51:简单,51、There's another alternative that we will briefly discuss.我们还将简单讨论另外一个替代选择。

52、Moist skin is far beyond eight glasses of water per day.肌肤保湿岂止八杯水那么简单。

53、Don't make a long speech. Just keep it short and sweet.演讲不要长篇大论。简单扼要即可。

54、"Easy, " said the young guy. "Buy me out. "“简单,”年轻人说:“把我那一半买回去得了。”


标签: 英文 翻译 简单

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