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关于”给建议的句型“的英语句子54个,句子主体:Suggest sentence patterns。以下是关于给建议的句型的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Suggest sentence patterns


1、I am getting crazy, please give me some advice.


2、Can you give advice to students who are studying English?


3、I gave the bride an elegant Classic Dresses worn by models proposed are: princess, queen type, A-Line or Zhitong Qun type.


4、What kind of advice did the moonfish give Dory?


5、He gave good practical advice when (he was) asked.


6、Could you give us some tips for studying English?


7、"Do you advise them often?" Jonas was a little frightened at the thought that one day he would be the one to advise the ruling body.


8、What advice do the callers give Erin?


9、Listen to the advice given by those with experience.


10、Maybe you can give me some advice.


11、What advice do you have for Erin?


12、A CPA client gave me great advice.


13、Some examples, the advisors, for example, J & J and Tylenol, the advisors give the CEO bad advice, while in other cases, the advisors give good advice.


14、Christina, could you please give me some advice?


15、Follow the instructions given in the chapter on FAITH.


16、Five tips for ultramarathon runners


17、French novelist Colette giving advice to her daughter.


18、Noone can give you better advice than yourself.


19、He'd handed me his card, suggesting I email him for more information.


20、Can you give us some advice on how to study English?

21、BNot yet. Can you give me some suggestions?还没有。你能给我一些建议吗? ?。

22、Read the letter to Aunty Chan's advice column读写给陈阿姨的建议专栏的信

23、This is probably the best advice I can give.这可能是我能给出的最有用的建议了。

24、I knew that she could give me some beneficial tips.我知道她能给我很多有益的建议。

25、All I can offer is a change of perspective.我能给的建议就是要改变我们的观点。

英文句子26:,26、Who gave you the best business advice?谁给了您最好的商业方面的建议?

27、No doubt the big banks will be commenting.毫无疑问,大银行将给予建议。

28、But can we, instead, give him some useful advice?但我们能给他一些有用的建议吗?

29、Can you give us some advice about how to study English?你能给我们一些学英语的建议吗?

30、Second, give the little guys a chance.第二个建议是,给小作坊们一个机会。

31、Could you give them some advice?你能给他们一些建议吗?

32、I also can’t advise you on injuries.关于受伤,我依然不能给你建议。

33、Save I can give you some advice.也许我可以给你一些建议。

34、I'm going to give you some advice, Jone.我想给你一些建议,乔。

35、Can you advise on the best child-friendly blinds?你能给儿童使用的窗帘给出最佳建议吗?

36、A brandy!“给这个可怜的人一杯白兰地吧。” 一位女士建议。

37、Can you give me some advice for people like us?你能给我们这类人一点建议吗?

38、Zhang's mother, Chen Chen, said she could see the point of the teacher's advice but suggested a different approach.张晓的母亲陈晨(音译)说,她理解老师的用意,但建议老师换一种方式给出建议。

39、I want to go to a driving school, any advice?我想报驾校。能给我点建议吗?

40、Why doesn't Zig Zag suggest nail-waxing service?为什么这个那个不建议给指甲打蜡?

41、What personal advice would you give to Tianying?你个人会给田莹什麽样的建议呢?。

42、For example, FIPS makes recommendations on password policies.例如,FIPS 在密码策略上给出了建议。

43、The water supply and drainage equipment on the 24 type, 25A type passenger cars in our country and several high speed passenger cars abroad are described in detail.详细介绍了我国24型、25A型客车及国外几种高速客车的给排水装置,提出了我国高速试验列车给排水装置的选择建议。

44、I suggested getting a room for her at my hotel.我建议给她在我的旅馆开个房间。

45、He watched how I skied and offered advice.他观察我如何滑雪,然后给出建议。

46、My advice for investors is to stay the course.我给投资者的建议是放长线,钓大鱼。

47、The two experts offer advice on rehydrating and refueling after workout.这两位专家给我们提供了关于训练后的能量补给的建议。

48、You will get assistances from study consultant. You can also look through the feedback suggestions and test advices from study consultant.寻求学习顾问的帮助,查看学习顾问给您的回访建议及阅读测评建议。

49、Can you give us some tips about learning English?你能给我们一些学英语的建议吗?

50、Give us your best advice in the comments.在评论里给我们你的好建议吧。

经典英文句子51:给建议的句型,51、What advice would you give these couples?你会给这些夫妇什么建议呢?

52、Total hip replacement can give excellent results and is recommended in medium to large breed dogs that can accommodate the implants.全髋关节置换可以给优秀成果,在中建议大型犬,可容纳的植入物。


标签: 建议

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