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关于”努力刻苦“的英语句子22个,句子主体:Hard work。以下是关于努力刻苦的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Hard work


1、He succeeded in his efforts to get the champion.


2、We can change our miserable plight only by working harder.


3、As a child, I wondered why I had to struggle so.


4、The President of my task is to be like or things i will give its goal, won't give up, learn faster work never lazy, not fear hardship, horns, i always believe in rewarding, effort be rewarded!


5、I basically outworked the incumbents.


6、If you want to get like As, you have to work hard for it.


7、The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, chaussures de football, ambition and good health.


8、In less than five weeks, takers of the national entrance examination for postgraduate studies will face a defining moment — all those months of hard work will finally pay off in the exam.

为了避免这种痛苦的! 你想要开始努力工作的一刻到现在。

9、To avoid that painful A-ha! moment start working towards your desired work position right now.


10、I believe that if I am hard-working, my dream will come true.


11、With hard work, he did quite well. And, in the countryside around Cambridge, he was able to shoot, fish and collect insects.

12、They've all given out their hard work and insist on with perseverence. 仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。


13、I always work hard but I like playing, t…


14、His hard work atones for his lack of skill.


15、Self-control and sustained inner effort are required in order to diminish unhappiness.


16、The main qualities required are preparedness to ork hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.


17、Trulli (sarcastically): "Yeah, no problem! As long as we know the rules."


18、' They got to know me and realized I'm a student just like them. "Jennings took only two courses per term, she said before adding, "I went for the 'A.

父母们不能指望孩子们不经过刻苦努力就可以成才。 。

19、Parentss would not expect their children to become useful persons without working hard.


20、Parents would not expect their children to become useful persons without working hard.

21、Your hard work finally paid off2.你的刻苦努力得到了回报。

22、He was the original photojournalist, and he used incredible persistence and hard work to get precisely the pictures he wanted.汤姆森是有独创性的摄影记者,他用难以置信的执著和刻苦努力来拍摄他想要的照片,从不轻言放弃。

23、I work hard, study hard, too tired to me is the waist sour leg pain!我努力、刻苦地学习,累得我是 是“腰酸腿疼”呀!

24、His fellow moonwalker, Al Bean, never the most naturally gifted astronaut, compensated with sheer hard work.比如,与康拉德一起登月的比恩在宇航员中绝非最具天赋,但却能刻苦努力,以勤补拙。

25、Personal assessment: I study hard, love the collective activities.问题内容:个人评价: 本人学习刻苦努力,热爱集体活动。

英文句子26:,26、I'm surefooted and am an industrious, responsible person. I love translating and often enjoy the job.我是一个脚踏实地,刻苦努力,有责任心的人,热爱并且享受翻译工作。

27、The girl's earnest effort ( counterbalanced ) her slowness at learning.这女孩的刻苦努力弥补了她在学习上的迟钝。

28、The hardest working seven-letter word is "Success". Achieve it.最艰苦努力的七个字母单词是:\“成功\”。 获取它。

29、Have a strong self-learning ability and being hard working .有较强的自学能力和刻苦耐劳的精神。

30、Life is hard, so we should work harder. Life is hard, so why don't twe take it easy?人生艰苦,我们要加倍努力;人生艰苦,何不轻松处之?

31、Now study hard, love for parents a painstaking.现在努力学习,报答父母的一片苦心。

32、Wenger maintains Walcott will soon be giving defenders in the English top flight the runaround , provided he continues to work hard on his approach.温格认为沃尔科特将很快让英超的后卫们感到害怕,只要他一直刻苦努力地训练和比赛。

33、Industriousness and stamina, able to work under pressure and travel;刻苦耐劳,可在压力下工作,能适应出差;

34、Is he the strong willpower to encourage him in hourly don't give up, and every moment with his hard to pursue their dreams.就是他这种坚强的毅力在时时刻刻地勉励他不放弃,也时时刻刻地伴随着他努力地追求梦想。

35、Nevertheless, few people admitted GIA's achievements, for each had his own experience and nobody would like to be convinced.这是艰苦的、笨拙的经验主义的一次实际努力,但是,人们并没有承认GIA的努力成果。

36、I believed after the assiduous endeavor, I able to speak english fluently.我相信经过刻苦的努力,我的英语说的非常流利。

37、Luck is a gift gives by God to him who made a sincere effort.运气是上帝犒赏艰苦努力的人的最好礼物。

38、They are lovely people, all of them worked very hard. They are quite enthusiastic and easy-going. They are very easy to be with. I enjoy all the courses.他们是非常可爱的人,学习非常刻苦努力。他们充满热情,轻松悠闲。我享受所有课程给我带来的乐趣。

39、"I practiced very, very hard by myself, standing in front of a mirror, trying to enunciate without contorting my face, " he said.他说:“我刻苦练习,站在镜子前面,努力在发音时不把脸扭歪。”

40、The employee should work energetically and study hard to improve his operational skill and vocational skill. Join in training and examination actively.积极学习,刻苦钻研,努力提高业务水平,提高职业技能水平,积极参加培训和考核。

41、You must try hard to improvement your command of English.你必须下苦功努力提高对英语的运用能力。

42、Maybe you have told your children that hard work never hurt anyone.也许你曾跟你的孩子说过“刻苦努力百利而无一害”。

43、I will be more strict with myself , work hard , study hard , develop strengths, correct weaknesses, and forge ahead.今后我将更严格要求自己,努力工作,刻苦学习,发扬优点,改正缺点,开拓前进。

44、We should study his spirit of "Screw"(assiduousness and perseverance): study hard and never feel frustrated when encountering trivial setbacks;学习他刻苦钻研、坚韧不拔的螺丝钉精神:努力学习,不因一点点小挫折就一蹶不振;

45、Milan started in impressive fashion before their challenge died, and Ancelotti insisted he was still positive ahead of the crunch trip to Camp Nou.在米兰的努力消失之前,开始时的表现让人印象深刻, 安切洛蒂面临艰苦的诺坎普客场之旅仍然乐观。

46、In future work, I will be full of energy, the spirit of hard study to try to work steadily to improve their ability to work simultaneously with enterprise development.在未来的工作中,我将以充沛的精力,刻苦钻研的精神来努力工作,稳定地提高自己的工作能力,与企业同步发展。

47、"Good grades do show you've worked hard at your studies, " says Hamill.哈米尔说:“好的成绩确实能证明毕业生的学习非常刻苦努力。

48、Five hundred and eighty letters, and ten years of work was a small price to pay, Mortenson thought, for such a moment.五百八十封信,xx年的努力,这些辛苦都微不足道。 摩顿森想着,就为了眼前这一刻。

49、Not only has he a first-class brain but he is also a tremendously hard worker.他不仅有一个头等聪明的脑子,而且是一个极为刻苦努力的工作者。

50、It keepsdistressing me and makes me try to think about myself.我因此也时时煞了苦痛,努力的要想到我自己。

经典英文句子51:努力刻苦,51、This school has fine language atmosphere , the student makes great efforts assiduously , studies fervency very highly.这所学校有良好的语言氛围,学生刻苦努力,学习热情很高。

52、WARNING: Reframing painful events takes effort!敬告: 重新构架痛苦事情需要多多努力!

53、Mrs Clinton has worked hard to defuse Hillary-hatred over the past six years.为了驱散反对自己的阴云,希拉里已经苦苦努力了xx年。

54、He worked hard to perfect his craft, and before his 20th birthday, he added the tympani, marimba and xylophone to his repertoire.他刻苦努力以提高自己的技艺,不到xx岁,就把定音鼓、马林巴琴和木琴加入了他的全部器乐曲目中。

55、learning assiduous 刻苦 seeking the truth 求实 setting the ambition 立志 creating the ideal 创新

56、And I practiced very, very hard by myself, standing in front of a mirror, trying to annunciate without contorting my face.我刻苦练习,站在镜子前面,努力在发音时不把脸扭歪。

57、The practice of Wushu is a hard task; it takes time and requires arduous effort.习武是一项艰苦的工作;它耗时,并且需要付出艰苦的努力。

58、“I practiced very, very hard by myself, standing in front of a mirror, trying to enunciate without contorting my face, ” he said.他说:“我刻苦练习,站在镜子前面,努力在发音时不把脸扭歪。”

59、Just as he worked hard to reach the Moon, now he works hard to perfect his painting.正如当年他刻苦努力登上了月球,现在他又苦练提升画技。

60、He ended up being impressed with Lambert's efforts.他最终对兰伯特的努力印象深刻。

61、He worked hard to perfect his craft , and before his 20th birthday , he added the tympani , marimba and xylophone to his repertoire.他刻苦努力以提高自己的技艺,不到xx岁,就把定音鼓、马林巴琴和木琴加入了他的全部器乐曲目中。



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