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关于”表达忧伤心情“的英语句子46个,句子主体:express sad mood。以下是关于表达忧伤心情的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:express sad mood


1、Distress, as a negative emotion, displays as low mood, filled up with sorrow and sadness and easy to be negative and pessimistic.


2、Listening to sad songs, singing is not for me to say the mood.


3、A. In the sadness in a letter to the lover, Chang Shu Acacia after another bitter.


4、But when sorrow is deepest there is no 46)stint of effort.


5、At the most desolate mood only, you never know how to love, how desperate but wound cardiopulmonary grief emotion.


6、When sad, only has that one wipes the carry-over red late autumn, palpitates the heart.


7、Although moving the situation, suffering and happiness co-exist, the sad heart will still appear from time to time in life!


8、Her gaze is in the sad depth of the sky, but where are her eyes ?


9、When you do not, or feels frustration, sadness, anger, depression, sad, and so damage the health of the vicious mood will come.


10、Love let the youth is covered with a layer of gray, originally clear eyes hide sadness.


11、Were he alive today, Hippocrates might look back to his last meal to explain his cheerful (or sour) mood.


12、Also, as Proverbs says, A happy heart doeth good like medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

His spouse is in despair; With frequent sobs and mutual cries;可怜的鲁宾躺在他的病床里;他的妻子陷入绝望;频频啜泣,相对哭啼,他们都表达着忧伤。

13、On his deathbed poor Lubin lies;


14、But it expresses concern at its priorities.


15、He always shows a doleful expression .


16、He congratulates her, but has not recognized the sorrow among her words .


17、Tie event where the "Serenade" That's a deep sadness, showing the thoughts of the passing away of feelings, sincere and moving;


18、The unending yearning, like a boat with broken oars, rows across the sea of my sad heart.

帮助他人减轻负担,让忧伤的心放声歌唱。 %。

19、Help to ease another's burden. And make a sad heart sing.


20、And it only needed the habitually mournful expression of one of the dogs to deepen a little and I was round there posthaste.

21、Things may seem quiet down, but a lot of grievances remained in Lao Wan's heart. After a talk in Bai Jian's, Lao Wan sang a sad song.事情看似平静下来,老宛心中却积留了很多怨气。在佰见家的一次倾谈后,老宛高歌一曲忧伤的歌。

22、The human spirit will endure sickness; but a broken spirit—who can bear?人有疾病,心能忍耐,心有忧伤,谁能承当呢啊?

23、This test isn"t that important. Don"t take it to heart.别往心�去,别为此而忧虑伤神。生活实例。

24、One good deed a day will keep old man gloom away.日行一善, 可永远保持无忧无虑的心情。

25、Her gaze isin the sad depth of the sky, but where are her eyes ?忧伤的天空的心底有她的凝视,但是,她的眼睛在哪里呢?

英文句子26:,26、Heavy grief in the bottom of my heart diffuses to come. This autumn farewell.沉重的忧伤在心底弥漫开来。秋日就此诀别。

27、Aside from becoming ill, this dream can mean that you are emotionally hurt or are afraid of becoming hurt.除了意味着生病之外,这种梦也表明你在感情上容易受伤,或者担心受到伤害。

28、If you are sad at the moment, even it was happy in your mind , but you are dolorous. So.如果心情是忧郁的话,即使回忆的内容是那麽的开心,也是忧伤的。

29、AIM:To investigate the expression of interleukin 8(IL 目的:研究白细胞介素-8(IL-8)在狗颌面部火器伤间接损伤牙髓中的表达情况。

8) in the indirect injuries to dental pulp of dog caused by gunshot wounds.

30、John Perkins stood among the dead remains with a queer feeling of desolation in his heart.约翰·珀金斯站在这个了无生气的被遗弃了的房间里,心情不舒服而忧伤。

31、Do not smoke cigarettes, drink less, optimistic, open-minded mind mind.不抽香烟少饮酒,乐观豁达心无忧。

32、Let me happy accompany me laugh, I forget the sorrow coax behaved.让我开心陪我笑,忘记忧伤哄我乖.

33、A wrinkled, melancholy-looking pug - dubbed Mr Newman after Hollywood legend Paul Newman - has captured the hearts of tens of thousands of Internet users, the Daily Telegraph reported.一只满脸皱纹、表情忧伤的哈巴狗的照片走红网络,攫取了数万网友的心,被称为“世界上最忧伤的狗”。

34、Pony tries to convince himself he doesn't care if Darry worries or not.小马试图说服自己,他不关心或不达里忧虑。

35、People generally report feeling happy when hearing fast music in a major key, and sad when hearing slow music in a minor key(Gagnon&Peretz, 2003).人们在心情愉悦时如果听快节奏的音乐,通常会感觉兴奋。相反如果在心情忧伤的情况下听节奏缓慢的音乐会感到压抑。

36、Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent tress.忧伤在我心中安静下来,正如夜色降临到寂静的树林中。

37、That opened a "black city stories", I do not know why, I feel heavy, a hint of sadness enveloped in my side.翻开那一袭墨黑的《城南旧事》,不知为何,我的心情感到沉重起来,一丝淡淡的忧伤笼罩在我的身旁。

38、Behold, my servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vexation of spirit.我的仆人因心中高兴欢呼,你们却因心中忧愁哀哭,又因心里忧伤哀号。

39、More achingly, my eyes dare not touch the desperately grief-stricken expressions of the bereaved!更为痛心的是,我的眼睛真的不敢面对伤心欲绝的幸存者的表情。

40、If we don't meet each other, I can not taste loneness and worry. Some kinds of touching, accompany hot tear to sleep.假如人生不曾相遇,我不能深刻的体会孤独和忧伤,有着莫名的感动,激荡着热泪盈眶的心情入眠。

41、Let us be merry and drive all cares away.让我们尽情欢乐, 驱尽心头的一切忧虑吧。

42、Chen Jie in his works, deeply expressed this concern.陈劼在其作品中,深深地表达了这种忧虑。

43、Some people on S. S. R. I. s have also reported less of many other human traits: empathy, irritation, sadness, erotic dreaming, creativity, anger, expression of their feelings, mourning and worry.一些服用SSRI的人也曾透露,其他许多人之常情也减少了,诸如同理心、恼火、悲伤、性梦、创造力、愤怒、哀痛、担忧,以及自身情绪的表达。

44、Besides direct effect on self-harm, affection neglect has indirect effect on the self-harm by the mediation role of emotion dysregulation and alexithymia.情感忽视对自伤行为有直接的正向预测作用外,并以情绪调节困难和情绪表达不能为中介对自伤行为产生间接影响。

45、The sacrifices He accepts are broken and contrite hearts.因为神所悦纳的祭,乃是忧伤痛悔的心。

46、i will make you happy when you are depressed. i will make you delighted when you are in great sorrow!在你抑郁的时候,就是你的开心果。在你忧伤的时候, 愿作你的忘忧树!

47、No artificial I point a heart lights, no one can really to understand my inner sadness.再也没有人为我点上一盏心灯,再也没有人可以真正去读懂我内心的忧伤。

48、From the habitual gentlemen bearing, the emotional and sentimental expressions, and the gloomy-revealing eyes, I see in an Oscar winner his extraordinary skillful performance.从那一贯的绅士风度、展露心声的表情以及带着一丝忧伤的眼神中,我读出的是一个奥斯卡影帝过人的演技。

49、Suddenly the bridge doors opened and Claudia appeared behind it, with the same sad face that the Trio had.突然,舰桥的门打开了,克劳迪亚出现在门后,她的脸上挂着和三人组同样忧伤的表情。

50、Aphrodite was not calmed down yet. In grief and despair she flew to Zeus and begged Zeus'sympathy.阿芙罗狄特的心并没有因此平静下来,在忧伤和绝望心情的笼罩下,她飞到宙斯处,乞求他的怜悯。

经典英文句子51:表达忧伤心情,51、A man's spirit sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?人有疾病,心能忍耐。心灵忧伤,谁能承当呢?(箴。

52、Objective To explore the relationship of cardiac muscular tissue injury caused by adriamycin and changes of ATPase activity and expression of NOS in rabbits.目的探讨阿霉素对心肌损伤与心肌ATP酶活性和NOS表达变化的关系。

53、Tears aren't a sign that you're simply feeling sorry for yourself but are expression of sadness or emotion that must find an outlet.―不必为此感到羞愧‖,戴尔·左珀说,―眼泪并不意味着你仅仅自我垂怜,而是表达必须发泄的忧伤或情感‖。

54、“The other day, ” she says, “someone asked me how I got her sadness.她说:“有一天,有人问我是怎么表达出她的忧郁情绪的。

55、Be mindful of your surroundings. 将注意力集中在你的生活中正在发生的事上,别为过去忧伤,也别为将来担心。

56、Has awaked in our hearts, my beloved, a sadness that may not die.我的爱人,它在我们心中唤醒了无法逝去的忧伤。

57、By virtue of something ineffable and melancholy which enveloped him, she felt the look in his eyes which she could not see.她看不见他的眼睛,却感到他的目光里有一种说不上来的难以表达和忧伤的东西把她裹住了。

58、Alas,I am afraid, ? afraid? Heavens,of what?我心存忧虑,忧虑?忧虑什么?

59、Thoughts of wine, a drink drunk, drunk all the enthusiasm to read this sad moonlight.酒般的思念,一饮就醉,醉时就用全部的热情读这忧伤的月色。

60、I've got the blues today. blue表示“忧郁的”,blues表示“郁闷,忧郁症”。

61、This test isn't that important. Don't take it to heart.Don't take it to heart.别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。

62、Let me happy accompany me laugh, I forget the sorrow coax behaved. 让我开心陪我笑,忘记忧伤哄我乖。

63、Though words cannot express the thoughts the heart would like to say, still may you know that others care and sympathize today.虽然言语不能表达我们内心欲诉情感,仍愿你知道我们今天都为你分忧。

64、But this year, their homecoming has been bittersweet.但今年他们回家的心情却是喜忧参半。

65、Let your heart acquire quietude, as if dew or leaf , as if mercy or sorrow.让你的心获得安宁,像露珠或叶片那样,像仁慈或忧伤。

66、Scientists for the Antarctica ice-melting situation, worried.科学家对于南极洲融冰情况,感到忧心。

67、be mindful of your surroundings. 将注意力集中在你的生活中正在发生的事上,别为过去忧伤,也别为将来担心。

68、"Maybe I can speak for all the drivers but yesterday was quite a sad day and we missed Felipe today, " said Hamilton.“我想其他所有车手的心情都是一样的。昨天令人感到忧伤,我们今天都非常想念菲利普。”汉密尔顿说。

69、For different types of themes, Xing style poems express respectively feelings of joy and happiness, worry and sorrow, homesickness and missing some body, etc.在题材类型上,兴体诗分别抒发了喜乐愉悦之情、忧愁感伤之情和思乡怀人之情;

70、This test isn''t that important. Don''t take it to heart.Don''t take it to heart.别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。

71、Mental coercion or too much effort shows anxiety and fear that block your answer.心理上强迫或太费心力去做则表示你存在担忧和恐惧的情绪,这些会阻挠你获得解决问题的答案。

72、Let me happy accompany me laugh, I forget the sorrow coax behaved. 让我开心陪我笑,忘记忧伤哄我乖.

73、Now I can honestly express my passion and care about my friends, without fearing to be hurt in return, like the time when Rible left me for Mars.现在,我可以诚实的表达我的热情和对朋友的关心,而不必担心到头来会被伤害,就像瑞博离开我去火星那样。

74、You mourn the loss, have conflicting emotions –but oftentimes there's a sense of relief.你为失去而忧伤,产生矛盾的情感,但时常觉的解脱。

75、One minute you're happy and the next minute you feel sad.上一分钟你心情愉快,下一分钟就感到忧伤。

英文句子模板76:express sad mood,76、And yet, love knows, it is a greater grief To bear love's wrong than hate's known injury.可是,忍受爱情的暗算,爱晓得, 比憎恨的明伤是更大的烦忧。


标签: 心情

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