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10 simple negative sentences。

英文句子模板1:10 simple negative sentences

约8~10个工作天便可完全办妥, 手续简单, 资料齐全, 费用特廉, 方便快捷。

1、The procedure can be completed within 8-10 working days. We make it hassle-free and quick, complete with an attractive price.


2、In other words, irrespective of whether you exercise vigorously, sitting for long periods is bad for you.


3、Simple peripherals like these could be five, even ten years old, and still remain current.

5 年,甚至

10 年,依然耐用。


4、Must the employing unit sign the open-ended labor contract with the long-term (more than

10 years) sick leave employee?


5、You can refer to the Data Definition Language (DDL) statements in Listing

1 to create the database and table for the sample application.

1 中的数据定义语言(DDL)语句,为样例应用程序创建数据库和表。


6、To make it easy to quickly complete the survey, all questions are worded so that answers range from

1 to

10, with

10 being the best response.

1 到 10,而第

10 个是最佳答案。


7、Although there is no certain conclusion, many studies show that age plays an important part in the acquisition of phonetics and syntax in second language acquisition.


8、Let’s see if this list of

10 things fits your qualifications.

ct 在何处生成 DDL 语句由对象创建时间决定。

9、Where -ct generates the DDL statements according to object creation time.

括号(rulesets/braces.xml)—— 检查 for、 if、 while 和 else 语句是否使用了括号。

10、Braces (rulesets/braces.xml) -- Checks whether for, if, while, and else statements use braces.


11、Him to answer to these yet to utter: "In fact, this is only a draw is not a complete full stop."


12、I assume participants didn't know the slang 'chunder', or these results might have been different!


13、RESULTS:Audition of boys developed fast from 9-10 and 12-14 years;


14、By the way, could you tell me something about the Computer Engineering Department in this university?

引号中的这句话,作为英国刑法的一块基石,常用于高希测试(Ghosh test),以帮助确定被告人行为是否诚实。

15、The phrase, a cornerstone of criminal law in Britain, is used in the Ghosh test to help determine whether a defendant has behaved honestly.


16、"I need a heart transplant." Without it, he added bluntly, he would die.


17、In other words, Wang will become a free agent once again.


18、Chen Cun is the representative of the writers of such type.

Otherwise, it writes to standard output, as shown in Listing

19、否则,它将写入到标准输出,如 清单

10 中所示。



20、Diploma in a second specialty obtained in the

10 years preceding the date of filing of the application for a selection certificate.

21、When the hacker supplies the data, the query does not check if the userid parameter is validated.当黑客提供数据时,查询语句不会检查 userid 参数是否有效。

22、The numbers are designated "RSA-XXXX", where XXXX is the number's length, in bits.此句是否应翻译成:这些数字被设计成“RSA-XXXX”形式,这里的XXXX是以位为单位的数字的长度。

23、Well, whether the techniques explored here are useful to you or not comes down to the old computer science adage: it depends.这里所述的技术对您是否有用还是归结到计算机科学中的那句老话上:视情况而定。

24、Through reading this book series we shall discover that they have adopted an open and tolerant attitude toward various visual experience, instead of a simplistic "yes" or "no".通阅本套丛书,我们会发现:他们对各类视觉经验均采用了开放、包容的姿态,而非简单的肯定或否定。

25、Now scholars have debated about whether it was originally in the text.现在学者争论,这句话最初是否存在于《路加福音》

英文句子26:,26、Resumes that are too long. Most seem to feel that general descriptions pertaining to work history for the last 大多数人似乎觉得简单描述下有关过去xx年的工作历史就足够了。

10 years is sufficient.

5 ';

27、sugar doesn't cause diabetes .答案是否定的,单纯吃糖是不会导致糖尿病的。

28、There, you are to confirm whether the final seal is doing its job.这里 你要确认是否接受了这个最终封印的任务. (译注:其实我并没翻译这一句。)

29、The talk test can measure how intensely you're working out depending on whether you can talk in full sentences, short phrases or if you're barely able to muster a few words.在运动中进行说话测试,根据你是否语句流畅、或只言片语、或很难迸出几个单词,可以衡量你的锻炼强度。

30、Based on the information about applications, locks, and SQL statements, you can easily determine the cause of the deadlock event, as shown in Listing 21.根据应用程序、锁和 SQL 语句有关信息,可以轻松确定死锁事件的原因,如清单 21 所示。

31、Metadata about a particular LSID consists of a collection of RDF statements.关于某一特定 LSID 的元数据由一组 RDF 语句组成。

32、In other words, there are prebinding validation errors and postbinding validation errors.换句话说,预绑定验证错误(prebinding)和post绑定(postbinding)验证错误。

33、And more than one out of 而且

10 said they're not even sure whether their phone runs apps.

10 个人中有

1 人以上甚至不确定他们的手机是否运行着应用程序。

34、Whether or not Messi spotted the message, he would have appreciated it.无论梅西是否看到了这句话,他还是会懂得它的含义。

35、Details of the stop-server task are defined in Listing stop-server 任务的详细内容定义在清单


10 中。

36、Participants will be rewarded with a $10 Amazon.com Gift Card for filling out a short survey after their stay.参与者在住店后,只需要填写一份简单的调查问卷便可以获得10美元的亚马逊礼券。

37、Under the new law, employees can sign open-ended labor contracts if they have worked for the same company for 新劳动法规定,劳动者在同一单位工作超过xx年,可与此单位签署无固定期限劳动合同。

10 or more consecutive years.

38、L/C must be opened within 签约确定后,xx日内须开立信用状,否则合约将无条件取消。

10 days after conclusion of contract, otherwise this contract shall be cancelled unconditionally.

39、In other words, if he survives, he must have an albeit involuntary stabilising effect.换句话说,如果他要生存他必定会带来无意识的稳定效果。

40、Hyper-filed Feature is the total denial of the Single- fixity .“超域性”是对存在“单一固定性”的否定。

41、When I ask my friend if she likes my new dress, I was fishing for a compliment.我问她是否喜欢我的新衣服时,其实是想让她夸我几句。fish for:摸索;

42、Whenever he spoke English, he was sure to be full of mistakes from his mouth.他只要一开口,准定是满嘴的错句。

43、Figure 图

13 shows the same PMI chart of the connection pool, this time with the data source statement cache size increased from the default size (which is

10) to 60.

11 展示了连接池的相同 PMI 表,这次数据库语句缓存大小从默认值 (即

10)增加到了 60。

44、Therefore, we can not simply deny according to location, physical and human geography of the specific cultural environment where style developed.所以,不能简单否定依地点、体具体的地理情况和人文文化环境发展起来的地方风格。

45、-- Else if n is greater than 否则如果n大于4,并且n小于-,我们叫它为中间数--否则如果n大于等于,小于等于10--我们叫它为“大数“,如果用户键入了0或者-10或20或其它的,让我们用一个广泛的else子句,只需要说,“你选了一个非法的数字“

4 and n is less than

6 --

7 let's call it medium -- else if n is greater than or equal to

7, -- less than or equal to

10 -- let's call it "big" -- and if the user typed in zero or negative

10 or

20 or whatever, let's just use the all-inclusive else block and just say, "You picked an invalid number."

46、Evaluated under open conditions, the Precision and the Recall of this solution for single sentences are 79.8% and 95.3%, respectively.在开放测试环境下,对单句的汉语时态确定正确率与召回率分别为79.8%和95.3%。

47、So, long story short after this fairly arcane syntax, the end result is completely straightforward, do the following 如此看来,这个长篇故事经过这个奇异的语法规则,简化后就立马简单明朗了许多,只需要重复做10次就OK了。

10 times.

48、A transition condition is a true or false statement that the processor may use to determine the current state of any particular activity.转移条件就是一条是或者否的语句,处理器借以判定任何一个特定活动的当前状态。

49、In other words, where the length 10---120mm, almost all textile fiber fineness in 换句话说,凡长度在10---120mm,细度在

1.5---12d, made after the top on this machine may yarn.


50、Tune high-load SQL statements, as described in Chapter 调整高负载的SQL语句,具体点击后面的英文链接。

10, "Tuning SQL Statements".

经典英文句子51:10句简单的否定句,51、Otherwise, it writes to standard output, as shown in Listing 否则,它将写入到标准输出,如 清单


10 中所示。

52、By contrast, it would be fairly easy to determine whether China was holding its total emissions below agreed-upon levels.相反,确定中国是否把他的总排放量控制在协议水平以下则要容易得多。 (译者:这句实在不知道怎么翻,望高人赐教。)

53、But even birds with maps could not have found it that way.此句翻译是否为“连鸟带著地图都找不到那边”?

54、The façade expression maximizes the use of glass within the simplicity of a 10-foot planning module.门面表达最大限度地使用玻璃的内部简单的一个10英尺的规划模块。

55、Within this routine, first a check for non-null context handle is made.在这个例程中,首先检查是否有非空的上下文句柄。

56、制定一张清单,列出你想要联络的至少10家不同的公司和10位设计师Make a list of at least

10 different firms and designers that you want to contact.

57、Fossil spores and pollen are first recovered from the Longtan Fm in the A_(通过对苏南句容A_(

10) Well in Jurong, Southern Jiangsu.


58、I know that it is my deep and fixed conviction that man has within him the force of good and the power to translate force into life.还有一句话,我相信我们善心的力量是真实的,它来自我们身外,否则我无法如此坚定地信仰它。

59、God bless you for the words, Archy Stillman!有你这句话,上帝一定会保佑的,阿其·斯蒂尔曼!

60、Easy & effective way to determine if boars are in a heat-stress situation - monitor respiration rate.简单又有效地确定公猪是否处于热应激的方法——观察呼吸速度。

61、Listing 清单

10 shows the first rule in the testRules1.drl file

10 展示了 testRules1.drl 文件中定义的第一个规则

62、WS-I Test Tools provide an easy way to determine if your services conform to these guidelines.WS-I 测试工具提供了一个简单的方法来确定您的服务是否符合这些指南。

63、I can tell you an easy action that you can do right now, and it only costs $10.我可以告诉你一个你现在就可以做的简单的事,而且只花费10美元。

64、Simple allocator Fast for small memory usage Very fast Poor Easy Very No No简单分配程序 内存使用少时较快 很快 差 容易 高 否 否

65、Ability to determine whether work order status within a hierarchy inherits parent status.允许定义工单层次中的某些工单是否继承父工单状态。

66、And a word on the pending decision of the CONI.关于还待决定的意大利裁决委员会的一句话。

67、Simply double-click the plugin.xml file and the editor will launch, providing plug-in details, as shown in Figure 简单地双击这个 plugin.xml 文件,这个编辑器就会启动,提供插件的详细资料,如图 10所示。


68、No matter the ending is prefect or not , you can not dissappear from my world .这句话是我想对你说的不管结果是否完满。

69、Body weights at 1~对浙东白鹅和句容四季鹅1~10周龄体重和10周龄体尺、屠宰性能及胸肌肉品质等性状进行研究。

10 weeks of age, body measurements, slaughter performance and breast muscle qualities of at

10 weeks age between Zhedong goose and Jurong Siji goose were studied.

70、But when you're being negative, it's:"I'm so not feeling wedges any more. " You see?在否定句中,就应该说成:“我再也不想穿坡跟鞋了。”

71、Are you providing the right tools to make sharing easy for people?你是否为他们的分享提供了简单易行的方法?

72、Check that the cache size is sufficiently large and that the cache hit ratio is high for each of the dynamic SQL statements being executed.对于每个被执行的动态 SQL 语句,请检查高速缓存是否足够大且高速缓存的命中率是否较高。

73、The straightforward answer to this is usually a question: "Is the task predictable, repeatable, and definable?解决这个问题,通常也就是简单地回答一个问题:“这个任务是否是可预计、可重复和可定义的?”

74、Running experts have recognized this problem, and long ago devised an easy-to-use 10-percent rule: Build your weekly training mileage by no more than 跑步专家已经认识到这个问题,很久以前就制定了一个简单易行的百分之十的原则:每个星期的训练里程数不要增加多于10%。

10 percent per week.

75、SAMPLE: MINIMUM 10Meters to confirm any futur order.样品:最少10米以便进一步确定接下来是否要做。


10 simple negative sentences,76、The essential principle and implementation of the bi directional detector for Fuel Handling System (FHS) in 10MW High Temperature gas cooled Reactor (HTR

10) are presented.

77、Otherwise, a single query could cascade to loading the entire database.否则,一个简单的查询就能级联地加载整个数据库。

78、It provides a quick and easy way of verifying that a transaction exists when you invoke a particular method.它提供了一种简单的方法,用于验证当您调用特定的方法时某个事务是否存在。

79、Make a list of at least 制定一张清单,列出你想要联络的至少10家不同的公司和10位设计师

10 different firms and designers that you want to contact.


标签: 简单

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