富有哲理的句子 英语(55)个

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富有哲理的句子 英语(55)个

关于”富有哲理的 “的英语句子55个,句子主体:rich in philosophy。以下是关于富有哲理的 的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:rich in philosophy


1、There will always be people who'll hurt you,so you need to continue trusting,just be careful.


2、The best wealth of man have a considerate wife.

3、Happiness takes no account of time. 欢乐不觉时光过


4、but you have ceased to live. (Mark Twain , American writer)


5、You may only be a person in this world,but for someone,you're the world.


6、The characteristics of Hardy's poetry are artless, sentimental but philosophical. These poetry make reader refreshing and initiated a new style from Romantic to Realistic.


7、Feuerbach's Materialism involves abundant dialectics thought, so we think that it is easy to go astray to name metaphysical Materialism .

8、The enemy of my enemy is my friend. 敌人的敌人就是我的朋友。


9、Advantageous geography seat makes Zoucheng rich in nature resources.


10、He is also the idea of the year, his triumph being philosophical as well as personal.


11、On the Position of Traditional Medicine of Ethnic Minorities and Building an Ethnic Medical System with Chinese Characteristics;


12、Ms. Mandy Wang is currently the General Manager of China International Fund Management Co. Ltd.


13、Don't cry because it came to an end.Smile because it happend.

14、The proper of man is to live, but not to exist.人应该生活,而非单纯生存。


15、Others have loftier philosophical objections.


16、"Never complain about what has happened, or change it, or accept it quiet.

17、Among the blind the one eyed man is the king. 山中无老虎,猴子称大王


18、The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor(Huang Di Nei Jing) is not only a medical classic, but also a philosophical one with abundant ideas of medical philosophy studied in it.


19、I love you not for whom you are,but who I am when I'm by your side.

20、Low selfesteem is like driving through life with your handbreak on. 缺乏自信,就好象没拉手刹地在人生道路上行驶

21、Before facing the firing squad in 1917, the 41-year-old Had philosophized to a nun attempting to comfort her.同年,在被枪毙前,xx岁的哈丽对前来宽慰她的修女讲了这番富有哲学意味的话。

22、In the last two years, I have learnt a lot from Lao Liang. The social experience enriched me and became a large sum of wealth to me. Volunteering helps me to grow and become mature.过去两年里,我从梁老汉那里学到了很多生活的哲理,大大地丰富了我的社会阅历,参加志愿者的工作是我生命中一笔很大的财富,它陪伴着我成长、成熟。

23、The realistic basis of SDAT are: the variable management object, the management subject with strong character, rich and colorful management practice, which are basic to modern administration.系统动态管理思维的现实依据:变化多端的管理客体、富有个性的管理主体、丰富多彩的管理实践。 这正是现代管理所具备的基本要求。

24、His Ci poems did not only express the mixture of feelings, scenery and principles, but also narrated the profound philosophic theories so as to entrust the rich meanings of life to the Gi poems.苏轼是北宋时期极富创造力的词作家,他的词不仅表现出情景理多重融合,仪态横生而又浑然一体,而且更深层次地叙写对宇宙人生的哲理感悟,赋予词作丰富的人生意蕴。

25、The "antinomy" in Kant Philosophy is the contradiction caused by the introduction of perception category to rationality.康德哲学的二律背反是将知性范畴引入理性所引起的矛盾,而理性具有无限的内涵;

英文句子26:,26、——富勒 Remember when life’s path is steep to keep your mind even. ——Abraham Lincoln 越是困难,越需沉着。

27、You just need to believe .You must believe.你所要做的就是相信,你必须完全相信。

28、Hence the "get rich quick" philosophy - the belief that hard work and a little luck would turn all things into gold.于是有了“快速致富”的人生哲学---相信努力工作加上一点点运气就能把一切都变成金子。

29、The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di Nei Jing) is not only a medical classic, but also a philosophical one with abundant ideas of medical philosophy studied in it.摘 要: 《黄帝内经》是我国古代一部医学经典著作,同时它也是当之无愧的“医学哲 学之宗”,在中国医学史上最早地研究了医学哲学问题,此书中蕴涵着丰富的哲学思想。

30、Shanghai Shuguang Hospital, with its special architectural forms abundant in humane concern, well defines the medical practice philosophy of Chinese traditional medicine.上海曙光医院富有人文关怀的建筑形体完美的体现了中国传统医学的行医哲学。

31、At the heart of Augustine’s philosophy is the belief that only through faith can wisdom be attained.奥古斯丁哲学的核心是相信唯有通过信仰才能获得理智。

32、——桑得伯格 Life always goes on. 生活总会继续。

33、A ture friend is the one who holds your hand and touchs your heart.一个真正的朋友会握着你的手触动你的心。

34、Freud's subconsciousness theory gives modern western philosophy destructive impact under the backdrop and the theory is critic to reason;弗洛伊德潜意识理论正是在此背景下给近代西方理性哲学以摧毁性的冲击,有着对理性的强烈批判性;

35、And the school instruction of Jilin Normal University has revealed the rich philosophical implication of Chinese culture and human idealistic state of a harmonious society.吉林师范大学的校训文化体现出了丰富的中国文化的哲学内涵与人类大同社会的理想境界。

36、“People say they’re afraid of a stock market crash, ” said Mr. Lynch, the former manager of Fidelity’s Magellan fund. “Well, we’ve already had a crash.“人们都说他们害怕股市暴跌,” 这位前富达麦哲伦基金(Fidelity’s Magellan fund)的基金经理林奇先生说,“好吧,我们已经遭受了股市暴跌。

37、Don't spent time with someone who doesn't care spending it with you.不要把时间花在一个不在乎与你一起分享的人身上。

38、The ancient philosophers, Chinese, Hindoo, Persian, and Greek, were a class than which none has been poorer in outward riches, none so rich in inward.古代的哲学家,不管是中国的,印度的,波斯的,还是希腊的,要说那身外之物的财富,没有谁比他们更贫困的了,但是他们内心世界的丰富程度却无人能比。

39、The rising of Chaos theory provided fresh and rich scientific connotation for traditional dialectics of philosophy and meanwhile poured fresh flood into the development of modern dialectic philosophy.混沌学的兴起,为哲学中传统辩证法赋予了新鲜而丰富的科学内涵,同时也给现代辩证哲学的发展注入了时代的血脉。

40、With a metaphor the complicated physiology, pathology and clinical principles are not profound academic concepts any more but something tangible. There stand out the rich philosophy of dialectical…生理病理抑或诊治法则,一经比喻就不再是艰涩难懂的学术概念,而成为可眼观手触的身边物,凸现出辨证论治的丰富哲理和祖国医学的文化深蕴。

41、SSGA Singapore is a part of State Street Global Advisors ("SSGA"), the investment management arm of State Street Corporation.道富新加坡是道富环球投资管理公司(「道富」)的下属公司,而道富则是道富集团的投资管理机构。

42、Mr. Yang Kehe is the management elite with foresight and dedicated spirit.远见卓识富有奉献精神的管理精英。

43、Research on the influence of hetuvidya on Chinese philosophy has proved to be extensive.其中关于因明对中国哲学的影响,研究成果颇丰富。

44、"Every story has an end, but in life, every end is a new beginning.释义:每一个故事都会结束,但是生活中,每一个故事的结束同时也是一个全新的开始。

45、In contrast, there is also a theory called "trickle-up effect".针对这个“垂滴效应”的理论,还有个“财富向上扩散效应”的理论。

46、A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,

47、It makes sense, and therefore these ideas will not make the rich richer, and thus will never come to pass.言之有理,但是这些主义不能让富人变的更富,所以也永远不会有人去做。

48、In the supermarket hero Ben in "sleepless, philosophical in the voice-over throughout the whole movie, but not boring."主人公Ben在《超市夜未眠》中,富有哲学意味的画外音贯穿着整部电影,但毫不沉闷。

49、Led by two wealthy brothers, Jacob and George Donner, the emigrants initially followed the regular California Trail westward to Fort Bridger, Wyoming.由富有的雅各布和乔治·唐纳兄弟两人带队,他们一开始走的是常规路线,直到怀俄明的布利哲堡。

50、Happily for him, and the prospects of his eventual fortune, his business interests align perfectly with his personal philosophy.马克很开心,不仅仅是对未来财富的预知,还有他的商业投资和他的个人哲学观的完美结合。

经典英文句子51:富有哲理的 ,51、This view is sometimes known in philosophy as idealism: all that exists, are minds and their ideas.这种观点在哲学上有时理解为唯心论:所有的存在,是心灵和他的思想。

52、effect .(William Shakespeare , British dramatist)不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。

53、A poem is usually quite short but it contains a lot of great things, such as the philosophical principles and the elegant style of expressions as well as the rich feelings.一个诗通常都是很短,但它包含了许多伟大的事情,比如哲学原理和优雅风格的表情以及丰富的感情。

54、I stayed,because I thought if anyone could change me ,could make me not ME.It was you!The greatest kungfu teacher in all of China. 熊猫有个“鸭子爸爸”,这个一直想让自己的儿子继承自己的面条生意的,阻挡在熊猫梦想之路的爸爸,也说出来平凡的“真理”。

55、It’s not just a matter of logistics. Mr. Gutentag said his choice was more philosophical.古藤泰格说,这不仅仅是逻辑上的考虑,他认为他的选择更有哲理。

56、You can't judge a book by its cover. 不能以外表来判断本质。

57、Bachelard's reverie theories have many rich meanings and spiritual value.加斯东•巴什拉的梦想理论具有丰富的理论内涵和精神价值。

58、Then, a grand distribution of monies from St. Germaine's World Trust will begin.然后,来自圣哲曼世界基金的盛大的财富分配将开始进行。

59、By the hotel management has rich experience in the domain of Shenzhen-day management of Hotel Management Ltd. consultancy.酒店由具有丰富管理经验的深圳天域酒店管理有限公司顾问管理。

60、Selfconfidence and selfreliance are the mainstays of a strong character.自信和自力更生是坚强品格的柱石。

61、II. The Philosophy of Nature: the science of the Idea in its otherness.自然哲学,研究理念的异在的科学。

62、A connotation in Ge Fei's novels most valuable but never clearly interpreted is the very revealing consciousness of historic philosophy.格非的小说中一个最有价值但却没有得到明确阐释的意蕴,在于其富于启示意义的历史哲学意识。

63、Nothing is beneath you if it is in the direction of your life. ——Emerson 只要是符合你人生方向的,什么工作都应该干。

64、Next is the construction harmonious world strategy theory thought premise, includes its detailed rich historical foundation and the mysterious profound philosophy premise.其次是建立和谐世界战略理论的思想前提,此间又包括其详实丰富的历史基础与奥妙博识的哲学前提。

65、This also represents the practical, humanistic and dialectic features of Chinese philosophy.从“实”“事”“史”“时”“势”来求“是”,体现了中国哲学富于实践性、人文性、辩证性的特色。

66、This Daoist understanding of life philosophy is an extremely rich source of potential scientific value and practical significance.这一生命哲学观蕴涵着极为丰富的潜科学价值和现实意义。

67、Be prepared, when you begin to put the philosophy of think and grow rich into action.在你准备将思考致富的哲学应用于你的行动中之前,请做好准备。

68、If the fish without water. It also can be happy?(如果鱼儿没有了水,它还能幸福吗?


标签: 哲理

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