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关于”浅谈商务的语言特点“的英语句子42个,句子主体:On the Language Features of Business。以下是关于浅谈商务的语言特点的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:On the Language Features of Business

All these are supplied to the guests.特设专用酒廊,让您可安坐其间浅酌小谈; 同时备有功能设施完善的行政商务中心,会议室及热情周到的管家服务。

1、The quiet wine corner, the complete-functional administrative and business center and meeting rooms, and the hospitality of the property keeping service…


2、Speech may be silver but "Silence is Golden". Traders with the golden touch do not talk.


3、Different distributions of tone particles in different languages can also be significant in the linguistic typology studies.


4、Different sizes of conference rooms and business rooms are where you hold your business conferences and negotiations.


5、Moreover, the people who spend their lives creating new logos and brand names have a peculiar weakness for management drivel.


6、Business English Discourse refers to the business activities used in various official and unofficial documents, with practicality, diversity and industry-specific features.


7、More and more business people are required to speak Eglish as it is the most widely used international business language.


8、Business English majors may be likely to become business persons who are proficient with the language tool.


9、A higher level of practicability and practicality features business English courses in comparison with traditional English courses.


10、We'll talk about what languages share, we'll talk about how language develops, and we'll talk about language and communication in nonhumans.

商务英语测试题: 我们准备了几个不同主题的词汇自评测试题,主题覆盖了银行,商务谈判,货币,跨国商业文化等…

11、Business English Quizzes: self-grading vocabulary tests on a number of topics, Banking, negotiations, money idioms, money talk, business across cultures and many more…


12、Use conversational language.


13、The Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) has become the de facto standard language for describing business processes and business interaction protocols.


14、Come to that, what about all the words that English picks up abroad?


15、Cambridge BEC preliminary is a examination that mainly focuses on the practical use of language skills in business-related situations: Reading, writing, listening and speaking.


16、Business negotiation is a key component of electronic commerce.

BizTalk 业务流程是基于商业流程执行语言(BPEL)定义的流程。

17、Orchestrations are processes that are defined in the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL).


18、Discuss the skills and relief the characteristics of relief, hope of the useful.


19、Business negotiation is a key component of electronic business.


20、We'll talk about what languages share, we'll talk about how language develops, and we'll talk about language and communication in nonhumans.

21、Do not put it too blunty. Negotiation is an cooperate art. Business negotiation always comes to terms. The employ words are characteristic reflectes in negotiation language.要当令运用含糊言语。会谈,说到底是一门妥协地艺术。


22、A domain-specific programming language (DSL) is a programming language designed to be useful for a specific set of tasks.特定于领域的编程语言(DSL)是一种对特定的任务组特别有用的编程语言。

23、All these are related to language mentality and language features.这与语言心理、语言特点有关。

24、Next time, I'll talk about domain-specific languages and their role in Ruby on Rails.下一次,我将谈谈领域特定的语言以及它们在 Ruby on Rails 中的作用。

25、It aims to improve listening and speaking of learners at or above ILevel in Business English.有别于传统的商务英语教学,该商务英语培训课程每一课都由相关名言引入,形式新颖;

英文句子26:,26、Euphemistic Expressions are a frequently used pragmatic strategy of politeness language in the international business negotiation.委婉表达是商务谈判中一种常见的礼貌语言语用策略。

27、The pegenius tingks foundered on a significould like lack of trust.由于短缺根本信赖,商务本。和平媾和搁浅。看着商务。

28、The article put emphasis on rich and colorful vocal language, diverse body language, particular and vivid whistle language Besides, physical teaching language is also a perfect, united, and mut.文章通过对体育教学语言的分类,即丰富多彩的有声语言、千姿百态的形体语言、独特生动的哨音语言,对“三重”语言的特点及其运用方法进行论述。

29、Most students in these private schools take business, secretarial or English language courses.大多数来私立学校学习的学生都修习商务、秘书或英语语言之类的课程。

30、I discuss Baidu to promote the business entirely. (E) in the commercial building to do.本人业务全靠百度推广洽谈。(电子商务)在商务楼做。

31、In addition, the thesis expounds some functions of the five language strategies, such as leading function, proceeding function, transitional function, adjusting function and defensive function, etc.本文讨论了这五种语言策略在跨文化商务谈判中的实际应用。

32、Abstract: : Students majored in business English in polytechnics should acquire language competence, business skills and cross-culture communication ability.摘要:高职商务英语专业学生需要具备良好的语言能力、熟练的商务业务能力及较强的跨文化交际能力。

33、However, scripting languages have distinct advantages, too.然而,脚本语言也有自己独特的优点。

34、CASC is described, the features of formula manipulation language are researched.本文阐述了CASC语言、并研究了公式推演语言的特点。

35、In business negotiations, civility of the language, implicit and euphemistic expressions, and courteous behaviors are essential factors to reach favorable agreements to both sides.在商务谈判中,为了达成有利于双方的协议,文明礼貌的语言,含蓄委婉的表达,彬彬有礼的举止都是谈判成功的必要因素。

36、The non-negotiable element is that our conversation be in French, so I opt for Paris and e-mail his office to apologise for not being entirely fluent.不可商量的一点是我们的会谈语言必须是法语,因此我选择了巴黎作为会谈地,然后给他办公室发了份电邮,对自己法语不够流利而致歉。

37、But people's on-the-job field, the language is the tool exchanged, no language is some crowds' exclusive term, commercial English is no exception.但人在职场,语言是交流的工具,没有哪一项语言是某些人群的专有用语,商务英语也不例外。

38、Busines project design is now being introduced to polytechnic because of its guiding principles and the features of students in polytechnics.结合高职办学理念和学生的特点,提出在高职商务英语专业开设商务项目设计课程的可行性。

39、This language can also have a very important impact on teaching effectiveness. This article discussed the features of three languages and its usage by classifying physical teaching language.文章通过对体育教学语言的分类,即丰富多彩的有声语言、千姿百态的形体语言、独特生动的哨音语言,对“三重”语言的特点及其运用方法进行论述。

40、So much for corporate rhetoric about adding value to commoditized products.如此多的公司都高谈阔论着增加商品价值的花言巧语。

41、Given these similarities, it’s not surprising that language would be similar when we talk about business and sports.有这些相同点,谈论商业和运动的语言有很多相似处也就不足为奇了。

42、Shallow talk" three come on repair" import-export business.浅谈“ 三来一补”进出口业务。

43、Y. S – A stylish chamber in the business villa & delicate language classes in your flavor.商务别墅里的时尚语言会所,您会爱上的精致语言课堂。

44、Chinese teacher version of the main advantages of experimental materials include: a compact layout, language features to express interests of the students;华师版实验教材《二元一次方程组》这章的主要特点有:编排紧凑、语言表达浅显易于理解;

45、Expressions are a frequently used pragmatic strategy of politeness language in the international business negotiation.委婉表达是商务谈判中一种常见的礼貌语言语用策略。

46、Certainly, any activity requiring serious precision — legal proceedings, business discussions, diplomatic negotiations — will still need expert human translators.当然,需要语言精确表述的活动:诉讼、商务谈判、外交谈判,还是需要专家级的翻译人员。

47、The thesis discusses the practical application of these five general language strategies in intercultural business negotiations.本文讨论了这五种语言策略在跨文化商务谈判中的实际应用。

48、Speaking in a language the customer understands is key to good communication in any business.“以客户理解的语言同他们交谈”是任何商务交流的成功之道。

49、The modeling language is a proprietary one, reducing intuitiveness.建模语言也是厂商特有的,缺乏直观性。

50、Chinese word distinguishing is one of the differences between chinese processing and alphabetic writing language processing.汉语分词是汉语言处理有别于拼音文字语言处理的特点之

经典英文句子51:浅谈商务的语言特点,51、Students majored in business English in polytechnics should acquire language competence, business skills and cross-culture communication ability.高职商务专业学生需要具备良好的语言能力、熟练的商务业务能力及较强的跨文化交际能力。

52、English is now the world is a language most widely, especially in the growing today, Business English is a very popular area.英语现在在世界是一门最广的语言,特别是在日益发展的今天,商务英语是个很热门的专业。

53、A package service from overall planning, characteristic exploring, media operation to post-event service.从整体策划、特色发掘、媒体运作、商务洽谈、 后期服务等环节提供全案代理服务。

54、Sometimes people use poker faces when negotiating a business deal.有时人们也将扑克脸这个短语应用于商务谈判。

55、Does focus-on-form instruction promote learners'noticing of the specific linguistic form?焦点式语言教学是否促进学习者对语言形式特征的注意?。

56、Traders with the golden touch do not talk.有点金术的交易商稀于言谈。

57、The majors of English, Business English and Business Japanese have been listed as the distinguished major construction programs of Nanshan University.英语、商务英语和商务日语列入校级特色专业建设项目。

58、The article talks about the language performization of childrens programme presenter——a special profession and develop further discussion on the audible language and voiceless language.文章就一个特殊职业———少儿节目主持人,谈其语言的表演化,分别从有声语言和无声语言两方面作深入论述。

59、This passage is to discuss the lexical characteristics of Business English.笔者将从词汇角度,略谈一下商务英语的用词特点。

60、There are some characters that count for, and I’d like to talk a few of them, which I value much.这里有几点我很看重的特性,就来浅谈一下。

61、One of the distinctive characteristics of this novel is the easily accessible classical language, which contains the extensive use of idioms.小说的一个鲜明特点就是它那它浅近的文言,其中包含了大量的成语。

62、In chapter 我们将引入各种不同的语用学原则和理论作为我们的研究基础,讨论语言策略和非语言策略在南博会商务谈判中的应用。这一部分分为四个章节。

2 we present in detail current research survey of business negotiation and pragmatic study specifies the need of a pragmatic approach to the international business negotiation.

63、A domain specific language is a language-oriented tool designed to solve a specific set of programming tasks.领域特定语言(Domain Specific Language,简称DSL)是一个面向语言的工具,用于解决某个特定领域的编程任务。

64、The thesis examines teacher code-switching in BE classroom from the perspective of the theory of linguistic adaptation.本文从语言顺应论的角度分析研究了商务英语课堂教师英汉语码转换现象,重点探讨了其功能和顺应性。

65、Shallow speech thin language first said these.浅言薄语先说这些。

66、Members of supply and marketing, cooperation, agents negotiate business!欢迎各供销商,合作商,代理商洽谈业务!

67、Being one of varieties of English, English for business correspondence has its unique grammatical features.商务函电英语作为一种个体英语,有其独特的语法特点。

68、Business negotiation always comes to terms. The employ words are characteristic reflectes in negotiation language.商务谈判一般总是以相互妥协而告终,而反映在谈判语言上则是以措辞折中为特色。

69、The man who nod to smile apologetically is in the business in negotiating.点头陪笑的男人,是在商务谈判中。

70、Business English II-this class is for students who can already speak in depth on various business topics.商务英语(


71、Article IV combination of representative case studies of traditional ink painters Figure Painting language in the contemporary performance of the new features.文章第四章结合有代表性画家的案例浅析浅析传统水墨人物画笔墨语言在当代新的表现特点。

72、International business negotiation refers to a vide range of international business activities.国际商务谈判涉及的国际商务活动的范围很广。

73、Analyzes the definition of English and main content of business English advertising language characteristics and translation strategy is discussed.分析了英语的定义和主要内容,对商务英语广告的语言特点及翻译策略进行了探讨。

74、Pick to: many features of literary language and the fuzziness, vitality, etc. , but the image is undoubtedly the most salient feature of the literary language.摘要:文学语言的特点很多,向模糊性、生动性等,但形象是无疑是文学语言最鲜明的特点。

75、These strategies can be applied to establish business relations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit by the medium of business English correspondence.语言策略好的商务英语公函,又有利于交易双方在平等互利的基础上建立和发展商务。

英文句子模板76:On the Language Features of Business,76、Business English has very strong application and the characteristics of function, so the study of the study of business English environment very of importance.商务英语具有很强的应用性和实用性的特点,所以商务英语学习的学习环境就非常的重要。

77、Being an important means of this integration, international business negotiation (IBN) has played an essential part in foreign trade and commercial competition.在进行对外贸易和商业竞争时,商务谈判的重要性不言而喻。


标签: 商务 语言

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