空白英语怎么写 英语

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空白翻译为英语的写法为: Whitespace,在日常中也可以翻译为"blank",在《实用英语词典》中,共找到57个与空白相关的释义和例句。


1. Whitespace

空白翻译为 Whitespace 。

示例:这个产品填补了市场的空白。 The product has filled a gap in the market.


2. blank


示例:他去世给我的生活留下巨大的空白。 His death left an enormous gap in my life.


3. 572 Compensation system is a blank area of law in China.

空白翻译为 572 Compensation system is a blank area of law in China. 。

示例:将光标放在你所要的新页边空白开端。 Position the cursor where you want the new margins to begin.


4. 197 As for the further study of benefit game in the course of the divorce it is still nearly blank.

空白翻译为 197 As for the further study of benefit game in the course of the divorce it is still nearly blank.。

示例:The domestic study on the performance of reinforced non-dispersible underwater concrete structures is still blank. 对于水下不分散混凝土结构的性能,国内的研究还是空白。



1. whitespace(空白)

2. reagent blank(试剂空白, 空白试剂)


3. field blank( 野外空白;

4. blank(空白的)

5. dummy plates(空白版)

英语短语&俚语, blank endorsed blank endorsement endorsement in blank ( 空白背书 )

blank note open cheque ( 空白支票 )

whitespace character ( 空白字符 )

blank test ( 空白试验 分化 )

supply a gap Lemale et ha'halal fill in blanks ( 填补空白 )

blanking paper blank book paper ( 空白书籍纸 )

Blthe actualk Endorsement Blthisk Endorsement Blwonderfulk Endorsement ( 空白备书 )

margin space page margin ( 页边空白 印刷 )

Space blank key ( 空白键 )


1. At the Gala All the royals

译文:空白 就在今晚,就在宫殿。

2. The pages, they're all blank.

译文:这些文件 都是空白的。

3. And she sat in the center and saw a clean white sheet of void.

译文:她坐在中央 看到—片空白。

4. Look, here are three little ponies

译文:here are three little ponies 空白。

5. i thought the books were blank.


6. He has a lot of empty wall space.


7. Your mind is just blank, horribly blank.

译文:你脑海只是一片空白 可怕的空白。

8. Those are the empty spaces.

译文:这些是空白的空间。 。

9. it's to stare at a blank page.

译文:是要盯着空白页。 。

10. - it's bloody empty. - Exactly.

译文:- 这是血淋淋的空白。。

11. Twilight is my bestest friend, whoopee! Whoopee!


12. So ... not sate, but the feeling of emptiness.

译文:所以 有饱足; 留出空白。。

13. ) i will sell them (Better hurry!

译文:空白 就在今晚,我会卖掉。

14. Everything is a blank. We have no history.

译文:所有都是空白 我们没有历史。

15. Said but i remember he said racist things.




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