疾病类的英语单词大全 英语

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疾病类的英语翻译是" fever match cough headache sudden",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到41个与疾病类相关的释义和例句。


1. fever match cough headache sudden

疾病类翻译为 fever match cough headache sudden 。

示例:出现了新职业:巫医。巫医可以召唤宠物,精神控制敌人,施放疾病类法术。 New Witch Doctor class can summon pets, control minds of his enemies, and cast diseases.



1. disease(疾病


2. illness(疾病


3. malady(疾病


4. sickness(疾病

5. nosos(疾病)

英语短语&俚语, ICD International Classification of Diseases interntionl clssifiction of diseses ( 国际疾病分类 )

Class prediction ( 亦可进行疾病类别预测 )

Han dsass ( 人类的疾病 )

Variety of Disease ( 疾病的种类 )

nosology nosonomy nosologies ( 疾病分类学 医 )

disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs DMARDS ( 疾病类抗风湿类药 )

classification of diseases Disease classification ( 疾病分类 )


1. So much illness exist otherwise


2. There are many kinds of sickness.


3. All OutWorlders carry the disease.


4. Mrs Owen suffers from female neuroses.

译文:欧文太太患有女性精神类疾病 Mrs Owen suffers from female neuroses.。

5. And you've heard of serotonin, of course, in the context of diseases like depression and anxiety.

译文:你们肯定听说过5-羟色胺 它与忧虑、焦虑一类的疾病有关 。

6. The gland tends to expand in an area that doesn't expand with it, causing pressure on the urethra, which can lead to urinary problems.


7. To remedy which, there was a sort of people bred up among us in the profession, or pretence, of curing the sick.


8. These four groups of diseases account for around 80% of all NCD deaths.

译文:这四类疾病占所有非传染性疾病死亡的大约80%。 。

9. Depression is the leading cause of disability in the world.

译文:抑郁症是造成全球残疾类疾病的主要原因 。

10. The subgroups of composites include polymer based, metallic based, ceramic based, cermets, and others.


11. Cancer is just a synonym for a large number of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth.


12. Anger has now been implicated in a whole array of illnesses that are casually dismissed as "women's illnesses."

译文:现在,愤怒与 一整套疾病有关 这些疾病随便被视为 “妇女疾病”。 。

13. There's disease on the liver.


14. Grey Clustering Analysis can be classified into Grey Relation Clustering and Grey Whiten Weight Function Clustering.


15. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy(BSE) is harmful to the health of bovine, the BSE subvirus can infect to human being.

译文:疯牛病是一种严重危害牛类健康的疾病,它的感染因子可以传染给人类。 。


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