八年级英语下册单词第二单元 英语_八年级重点词汇79个

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1、 all aboard

中文翻译: 请上船或者登机

例句:The lady got a loose caboose, all aboard, the lady got a loose caboose 翻译:The lady got a loose caboose, all aboard, the lady got a loose caboose。

2、 On abolishing bigamy

中文翻译: 浅论重婚罪之存废

例句:Bigamy shall be prohibited. 翻译:禁止重婚。 。


3、 abound d

中文翻译: 富于 多 充满 大量存在

例句:Oh, they abound. They do abound. 翻译:哦,有太多可能了。



例句:Sent by the Lord, here and abroad 翻译:Sent by the Lord, here and abroad。



例句:And, er, deal with it accordingly. 翻译:deal with it accordingly.。



例句:He's not accountable What's accountable? 翻译:他不够负责 什么是负责?。

7、 acidic oxide

中文翻译: 化学 酸性氧化物

例句:Zucchini will grow, but the soil is too acidic for beets. 翻译:but the soil is too acidic for beets.。

8、 admirable advice

中文翻译: 令人钦佩的意见

例句:i really don't know anymore, Ben. 翻译:Or advice?。



例句:- You're such an adolescent. 翻译:- 你还处于青春期啊。。

10、 Adorn article

中文翻译: 饰品 男士配饰 饰 配饰

例句:Now, sir, as you can see, this jacket is the real article. 翻译:this jacket is the real article.。

11、 Adversarial Mode

中文翻译: 对抗模式

例句:Don't get adversarial with me, Teri. 翻译:Don't get adversarial with me, Teri.。

12、 airspace cable

中文翻译: 空气绝缘电缆

例句:As soon as she flies into California airspace, 翻译:As soon as she flies into California airspace,。




例句:This is the Anglican Cathedral, in the Ghanaian capital, Accra. 翻译:这是位于加纳首都阿 克拉的圣公会大教堂。。

14、 anorexia nervosa syndrome

中文翻译: 神经性厌食综合征 又名神经性厌食综合征 又名神经性厌食分析征

例句:She developed anorexia nervosa. 翻译:发展成了神经,性食欲缺乏。



例句:- i can get the appropriation. 翻译:-我可以搞到那些錢。

16、 But Arguably

中文翻译: 但可以争论地

例句:And the material is arguably inflammatory. 翻译:材料也相当有感染性。

17、 Passion Armchair

中文翻译: 休闲椅 时尚椅 经典椅 会所椅

例句:Before the tides of passion 翻译:Before the tides of passion。



例句:i am the chess champion after all. 翻译:you're too arrogant!。

19、 baseline drift

中文翻译: 基线漂移

例句:"iF, iN THE SKYLARK TONGUiNG AFTERNOON A DRiFT OF HAiR, 翻译:"If in the skylight, tawny afternoon a drift of care。

20、 Bathroom vanity

中文翻译: 浴室盥洗台 浴室洗手洗脸台 浴室柜

例句:i don't want and i don't need your help. - But, i need Gramoo. 翻译:Did this happen in the bathroom?。

21、 beautiful lady

中文翻译: 美丽的女人

例句:She is a lady and very beautiful. 翻译:She is a lady and very beautiful.。

22、 My Phone Beeped

中文翻译: 我电话插进

例句:My cell phone beeped. 翻译:我的手机嘟嘟响了。 。



例句:No, Boov liberate and befriend. 翻译:波星人解放人们 和人们交朋友 No, Boov liberate and befriend.。

24、 behave law

中文翻译: 显现规律

例句:That is, if the Krug behave the way they're supposed to behave. 翻译:if the Krug behave the way they're supposed to behave.。

25、 bench scale n.

中文翻译: 实验室规模 台秤

例句:C.N.N. is going live at

8:00 p.m. with the number

17 翻译:C. N. N.。

26、 beneficial ownership

中文翻译: 实益所有权 受益所有权 实际所有权

例句:Mick, you have zero ownership of the dog. 翻译:you have zero ownership of the dog.。

27、 Operation Billionaire

中文翻译: 惊天大贼王 片 惊天大

例句:is Phoenix a person, an operation? 翻译:an operation?。

28、 Only Non-Chlorine Bleach

中文翻译: 只可用非氯性漂白剂 只可用非氯性使变白剂

例句:Only i... survived, spraying the dead with bleach, chlorine, Lysol. 翻译:只有我活下来了 因为我曾负责播撒 氯酸盐、石炭酸、杂酚皂液。

29、 brace bit

中文翻译: 弓形手钻嘴 曲柄钻 机 钻孔器 摇钻

例句:Just brace harder than before. 翻译:Just brace harder than before.。

30、 breast line

中文翻译: 跟胸线 中央系索 横缆 腰缆

例句:This picture is called 'Half to Half ', not 'Half Breast' 翻译:not 'Half Breast'。

31、 A burdensome task

中文翻译: 护理任务项繁重

例句:Families are burdensome, no way! 翻译:一家人,互相拖累,自找麻烦。



例句:- The old bureaucratic machine. 翻译:The old bureaucratic machine.。

xx年级重点词汇表:1,33、 Its capability

中文翻译: 游刃有余

例句:Go to Cabinet with a next generation Satellite. 翻译:进行国防能力提高审议 *** capability and along with the enhanced panels.。



例句:♪ got some words on cardboard 翻译:♪Got some words on cardboard♪。

35、 baby carriage

中文翻译: 婴儿车 童车 等于

例句:Kate, have you bought the baby carriage yet? 翻译:have you bought the baby carriage yet?。

36、 Love and Other Catastrophes

中文翻译: 爱情爬虫类 爱的路上五个人

例句:You'd love each other. CLEO: 翻译:You'd love each other.。

37、 celery salt

中文翻译: 香芹盐 芹菜盐 芹子盐 芹菜籽盐

例句:Zoe, this is Celery. - Celery, this is Zoe. 翻译:- Celery 这是Zoe。

38、 graduation certificate

中文翻译: 毕业证书

例句:A certificate of graduation should be in there. 翻译:裡面應該有我的畢業證書。

39、 gregorian chant

中文翻译: 格列高利圣咏 教皇格列高利一世采用 常无伴奏

例句:in solo recitals, the pieces to be decorated, as early as the Gregorian chant in have emerged. 翻译:在独唱独奏中,对乐曲加以装饰,早在格列高利圣咏中已经出现。。



例句:Yes, this is a holy charm! 翻译:this is a holy charm!。

41、 Spaghetti with garlic and chilis

中文翻译: 蒜辣面

例句:Spaghetti Bolognaise With Beef and Tomato Ragu, Parmesan Cheese, Garlic Toast 翻译:意大利肉酱面配番茄牛肉酱,帕玛森芝士,香蒜面包。

42、 clapboard flocculation pond

中文翻译: 隔板絮凝池

例句:Pond said Upton was a smoker? 翻译:Pond说Upton是个烟民? Pond said Upton was a smoker?。



例句:May i just clarify the question? 翻译:我来理清问题好吗? May I just clarify the question?。

44、 Molecular classify

中文翻译: 分子分类

例句:Gastropod, Foot protein, Esterase isoenzyme , RAPD, Molecular classify. 翻译:淡水腹足类,足肌蛋白质,酯酶同工酶,RAPD,分子分类。。

45、 classy and fabulous

中文翻译: 妆良良 时尚和玄 时格励志减肥中 优雅和美妙的

例句:i'll say, "This is fabulous." "This is fantastic." 翻译:This is fabulous.。

46、 combat corruption

中文翻译: 反腐 惩治腐败

例句:in all-out, kill-or-be-killed combat. 翻译:-be -killed combat.。



例句:And Johnnie can go screw himself. 翻译:我们有信心 And we are confident。



例句:"Consecutive Scissoring Feet". 翻译:连环较剪脚。



例句:Constitutional protections would not extend 翻译:Constitutional protections would not extend --。

50、 Conundrum Sphinx

中文翻译: 谜题史芬斯

例句:Another conundrum is this. 翻译:还有一个问题。

51、 crest factor

中文翻译: 峰值因子 水文 峰值因数 物 波峰因数 波峰因素

例句:it was mine when i was young. 翻译:lt's the Genovian crest.。

52、 degree of cure

中文翻译: 硫化程度 固化程度

例句:That you are charged with first-degree murder 翻译:-degree murder。

xx年级必背词汇:1,53、 daily production

中文翻译: 日产量

例句:First class hotels all the way. 翻译:daily departures。

54、 dead end

中文翻译: 死胡同 尽头

例句:So, how did it end, with the dead man? 翻译:So, how did it end, with the dead man?。

55、 debut album

中文翻译: 首张专辑 处女专辑

例句:"OMG debut album launch party" 翻译:什么!。



例句:Number four -- deconstruct appliances. 翻译:第四件事—拆解家电。。



例句:The foetus... there were signs of deformity. 翻译:胎儿 The foetus... 有畸形的迹象 there were signs of deformity, of abnormality.。





例句:And Mr. Dent-Head over there. 翻译:Dent的头撞到了这儿.。

60、 desire for sth

中文翻译: 渴望 渴望得到

例句:Sth Sth The pure feeling well, the Emperor! 翻译:呵... 呵... 这个纯粹感觉嘛,皇上!。

61、 Ron Destroys the Horcrux

中文翻译: 罗恩摧毁魂器

例句:Ron, Please, take off the Horcrux. 翻译:罗恩 把魂器取下来。

62、 Mutual Assured Destruction

中文翻译: 相互确保摧毁 确保相互毁灭 确保互相摧毁

例句:Mutual assured destruction is what McNarmara calls it. 翻译:两败俱伤。

xx年级高级词汇:1,63、 occupational disease

中文翻译: 职业病

例句:it's kind of an occupational disease. 翻译:那是种职业病。



例句:To the surprise and dismay of the Money Changers, 翻译:令貨幣兌換商感到驚訝和沮喪的是。

65、 barrel distortion

中文翻译: 电子 桶形失真 桶状变形

例句:This allows pin distortion and barrel distortion, as well as trapezial distortion to be corrected by remote control in the back-projection image display device ( 翻译:由此,在背投式图像显示装置( 。





例句:These will be the Divergent. 翻译:这些人就是分歧者 These will be the Divergent.。



例句:For the evolution of a diverse, 翻译:错综复杂 脆弱的生态系统的进化。



例句:is swept away by a tempest of doctrinal disputes 翻译:- 其中甚至有女先知西比尔的预言 - 这个全新的基督教世界...。

69、 Export drawback receivable

中文翻译: 应收出口退税

例句:Grammar like a hammer, information receivable 翻译:Grammar like a hammer, information receivable。

70、 in earnest

中文翻译: 认真的 诚挚地 正经的

例句:Sweet and earnest to a fault 翻译:人很好很热心 sweet and earnest to a fault。

71、 net-effecting

中文翻译: 净效力

例句:Supply, demand, gross, net. 翻译:net.。



例句:$ $ it's always our endeavour 翻译:我们总是努力去做。



例句:Could you engineer a meeting? 翻译:Could you engineer a meeting?。



例句:To occupy completely the mind or attention of ; engross . 翻译:使全神贯注完全占据了思想或注意力;吸引。。

75、 Photo Enhance

中文翻译: 照片增强 图像增强技术 相片提升

例句:"that enhance and brighten your natural hair color." 翻译:"that enhanCe and brighten your natural hair Colour."。

76、 is equivalent to

中文翻译: 全等于号 恒等于号 全即是号

例句:Well, wouldn't we if they had an equivalent? 翻译:wouldn't we if they had an equivalent?。

77、 trial and error

中文翻译: 试错 试错法 尝试错误 试误法

例句:Or was it trial and error? 翻译:还是你不断地主动尝试寻找? 。

78、 stroke of undetermined etiologies

中文翻译: 缺血性卒中

例句:You won't find that funny in a few minutes! 翻译:做风! Stroke!。

79、 external economy

中文翻译: 外部经济

例句:We're a market-driven economy, Peter. 翻译:-driven economy Peter.。



例句:- try to weaken extradition." - ...try to weaken extradition. 翻译:-来削弱引渡" -来削弱引渡。


标签: 八年级 单词 年级 词汇

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