咸鸭蛋用英语怎么说 咸鸭蛋英语翻译

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咸鸭蛋用英语怎么说 咸鸭蛋英语翻译

咸鸭蛋的英语翻译是" Saltedduckeggs",还经常被译作 Salted duck egg,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到17个与咸鸭蛋相关的释义和例句。


1. Saltedduckeggs

咸鸭蛋翻译为 Saltedduckeggs 。

示例:传统认为,在端午节吃咸鸭蛋有益健康,因为灼热的夏天很快就要来临了。 Tradition has it that it is good to eat salted duck eggs during the Dragon Boat Festival as the burning summer is coming.


2. Salted duck egg

咸鸭蛋翻译为 Salted duck egg 。

示例:咸鸭蛋在中国已有很长的历史。 Salted duck eggs has a long history in China.


3. salted duck egg

咸鸭蛋翻译为salted duck egg。

示例:咸鸭蛋营养丰富,对治疗中暑有一定功效。 The salted duck eggs are nutrient-rich and have some effect on the treatment of heat stroke.


4. salt

咸鸭蛋翻译为 salt 。

示例:- Luckily we have salt in the kitchen. we have salt in the kitchen.



1. salted duck egg(咸鸭蛋)

2. duck's egg(鸭蛋)

3. make a duck(得零分,得了一个鸭蛋)

4. pale blue(鸭蛋青, 淡蓝色, 粉青; 品月)


5. duck egg(na. 零分\n 鸭蛋;

英语短语&俚语, Gaoyou duck salted eggs ( 高邮咸鸭蛋 )

love u baby ( 怪味飘香咸鸭蛋 )

salty duck egg shell ( 咸鸭蛋壳 )

Roast Duck Salt Egg roast duck salt egg / mustard green ( 火鸭咸蛋芥菜汤 )

salted duck eggs with steamed minced pork ( 咸鸭蛋蒸肉饼 )

desalted duck egg white ( 脱盐咸鸭蛋蛋清 )


1. The difference in the nutritive values of pidan egg yolk and duck egg yolk was significant.


2. isolation of Duck immunoglobulin by Thiophilic Chromatography


3. You're allergic to duck eggs!


4. We can also get a 0 on the project as well!


5. i think you got zero, then altered it to 100. is that right?

译文:你考了零鸭蛋 结果自己改成一百分 是不是?。

6. Right again: Zip, zilch, nada.


7. i praised him: "Taotao, what a red duckling cake you made!"

译文:我称赞他说:“滔滔,今天你真棒,做了一个红色的小鸭蛋糕!” 。

8. Monty's going to prison. He's a donut. Big fat zero.

译文:蒙提要去坐牢 他的分数是零鸭蛋。

9. As a result, i became a duck egg.


10. The thought of this lovely face cracking open like a duck egg, no, it's just not right.

译文:这张可爱的小脸 像鸭蛋一样被打碎裂开 不,这样不对。

11. Substrate is used by the eggs, duck eggs, Edan, ostrich egg shell, and so on.


12. When the final horn mercifully blew, the score was, by Marshall's estimate, 118 to nothing.

译文:比赛结束哨声终于响起 Marshall估计比分是118比零鸭蛋。

13. Pidan is prepared from raw duck egg by alkaline treatment.


14. iF i go to bed later than usual, i usually have a midnight snack which consists of just a bowl of congee and a salted duck egg.


15. indigwe est mort. ll y a une semaine.



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