实数用英语怎么说 实数英语翻译

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实数用英语怎么说 实数英语翻译

实数的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为 REAL,还经常被译作 net amount,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到38个与实数相关的翻译和例句。



实数翻译为 REAL 。

示例:但不能使用实数,只能使用整数。 However, you can't use real Numbers, only integers.


2. net amount

实数翻译为 net amount 。

示例:使用空格分隔字符串、整数和实数。 Blank Spaces separate the string, integer, and real Numbers.


3. Single

实数翻译为 Single 。

示例:在标准的十进制中,几乎所有实数都不能用有限小数表示。 In the standard decimal representation, almost all real numbers do not have a terminating decimal representation.


4. [数] real number

实数翻译为 [数] real number 。

示例:A real human being, And a real hero A real human being, And a real hero



1. extended real number(广义实数)

2. irrational real number(无理实数)

3. nemn( 实数)

4. number plane(实数平面)

5. rational real number(有理实数)

英语短语&俚语, adjusted actual ( 经调整的实数 )

isreal isreing isrehas ( 若是实数则为真 )

adjusted actual adjudication of insolvency ( 调整后的实数 )

realpow reingpow rehaspow ( 在实数域内计算乘方 )

realsqrt reingsqrt ( 在实数域内计算平方根 )

real number system ( 实数系 )

verify a digital signature ( 核实数码签署 )

fact table faktataulukko feitentabel ( 事实数据表 )

isreal isreing ( 若是实数矩阵则为真 )


1. We can't introduce real data until we're sure that the program won't abuse it.

译文:在提供真实数据之前 我们得保证程序不会滥用数据。

2. in the standard decimal representation, almost all real numbers do not have a terminating decimal representation.

译文:在标准的十进制中,几乎所有实数都不能用有限小数表示。 。

3. Floats in Erlang are used to represent real numbers, and can be expressed naturally, as shown in Listing




4. But the range of exponential values is still not clear although it seems that all exponents are nonpositive real Numbers.

译文:尽管猜想这些指数“似乎”都是非正实数,但对指数范围的实情并不明确。 。

5. Many of the familiar algebraic rules for Real number arithmetic do not always hold for floating-point arithmetic.


6. You may know that not all real numbers -- that is, not all the numbers on a number line -- are fractions.

译文:你也许知道用分数没办法表示所有的实数 ──也就是那些数线上的数。 。

7. Center of Mass Crossover , CMX


8. This is from real data in California, looking at wind data and solar data.

译文:这是来自加利弗里亚的真实数据。 请看风能和太阳能的数据统计, 。

9. And this is the real picture of all the connections between public and private sector databases.

译文:这是包含了真实数据的图片, 显示了公有和私有部门 数据库间的所有连接, 。

10. iabsolutely summable sequence of real numbers.


11. if you want, you can give me the real numbers, and we can get back

译文:如果你愿意,你可以给我 实数,我们可以取回。

12. So they take the data, and they use it to measure progress.

译文:那么他们就要实时监控数据, 他们根据时实数据测量进度,。

13. The supremum axiom of the reals refers to subsets of the reals and is therefore a second-order logical statement.

译文:实数集的上确界公理用到了实数集的子集,这是一种二阶逻辑的陈述。 。


20 koku bespoken for a net of 30.



15. This is from real data in California, looking at wind data and solar data.

译文:这是来自加利弗里亚的真实数据。 请看风能和太阳能的数据统计,。


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