短元音翻译为英语可以这样说: short vowel sounds,还网络中常译为"short vowel -",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到18个与短元音相关的翻译和例句。
1. short vowel sounds
短元音翻译为 short vowel sounds 。
示例:汤姆:我认为这是一个短元音。 Tom: I think it is a short vowel.
2. short vowel -
短元音翻译为 short vowel - 。
示例:这是一个长元音还是一个短元音? Is this a long vowel or a short vowel?
3. Short Vowels
短元音翻译为 Short Vowels 。
示例:这是一个长元音还是一个短元音? A long vowel is a long sound as in the word "shoe".
4. short vowel
短元音翻译为short vowel。
示例:Alexan-- a-- Alexa, right? her name begins with a vowel, "A,""E,""A"... Alexan... A...
1. short vowel(n. 短母音\n 短元音;
2. godt( 短元音O)
3. vowel(元音
4. nasal vowel( 鼻元音;
5. pure vowel( 纯元音;
英语短语&俚语, Learning Our Short Vowels ( 学习短元音 )
recognizing long and short vowel sounds ( 识别长 短元音 )
apple edit itchy ox up ( 短元音短促有力 )
1. Ought to be against the law not to have any vowels in your name.
译文:名字里没有元音 应该是违法的。
2. A change in a vowel sound caused by partial assimilation especially to a vowel or semivowel occurring in the following syllable.
3. So the shortages are so bad over there, you even have to queue for vowels.
译文:那里资源匮乏 连元音也要排队等候。
4. Konwing the vowels and consonants.
译文:区分元音和辅音。 。
5. -Buy a vowel. -Pick up that trip.
译文:挑个元音 选那次旅行。
6. Versace without the vowels.
译文:Versace (范思哲) 中间少了个元音。 。
7. the Gaelic language being uncommonly vocalic- Walter Scott.
8. it is "froy-line"with an umlaut.
9. Velar stops are also labialized before round vowels.
译文:元音前也有元音停顿。 。
10. is a diphthong, and therefore is not divided.
译文:是双元音,故不能分开。 。
11. in articulating a Diphthong, the vowel-sound glides from one vowel to another, such as.
译文:发双元音时,从一个元音滑向另一个元音。例如。 。
12. Vowels possess greater sonority than consonants.
译文:元音比辅音响亮。 。
13. -Buy a vowel. -Buy another vowel.
译文:挑个元音 再挑个元音。
14. Otherwise, their name has exactly
3 vowels.
译文:否则,名字中会有 。
3 个元音;
15. Don't buy a vowel, you idiot.
译文:白痴 靠元音不行的。
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