靠左的英语说作" keep left",其次还可以说成" Keep Right",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到48个与靠左相关的翻译和例句。
1. keep left
靠左翻译为 keep left 。
示例:我的政治观点很靠左翼。 My politics are well to the left of centre.
2. Keep Right
靠左翻译为 Keep Right 。
示例:这是为数不多的几个靠左行驶的国家之 It's one of the few countries where people drive on the left.
3. rest
靠左翻译为 rest 。
示例:现在我已经是靠左行驶的高手了。 By now I was an ace at driving on the left.
4. keep left
靠左翻译为keep left。
示例:Just turn left, then left again, keep turning left... 左转,再左转
1. keep left(靠左)
2. range left(靠左排)
3. keep the left([法] 靠左行驶)
4. Left rudder!(【航海学】方向舵靠左!(使船头向左转))
英语短语&俚语, align left JustifyLeft ( 靠左对齐 )
Keep to the left keeto the left ( 靠左边走 )
keep left ( 靠左行驶 )
Left-hand traffic ( 靠左行驶的交通 )
Call the boat to come along port side ( 通知拖轮过来靠左舷 )
alongside-port alongside port ( 靠左舷 )
1. - Take a left up here - There's no time for this .
译文:靠左边停下来 现在没时间了。
2. - lt's right up there on the left.
译文:- 就在前面靠左.。
3. Please pull in to left, a caravel is going to pass you.
4. Up the gorge to the left is the bridge.
5. More left rudder, Put down more flap,
6. Bear to the left. it's about half-a-mile up.
7. it's going to pop right out. Brooke is very negative.
译文:首先 我就得靠左驾驶啊。
8. The tiny spike on the left to the center is actually the forefather of wheat.
译文:在中间靠左的小尖尖 其实是小麦的祖先。 。
9. Let's go. Keep to the left, it's shallow here.
译文:别说了 走吧 靠左些 这里浅些。
10. Um... we drive on the left here, as you may recall.
11. in the moring he goes out for a walk. in England people drive on the left, but here they drive on the right.
12. The tiny spike on the left to the center is actually the forefather of wheat.
译文:在中间靠左的小尖尖 其实是小麦的祖先。。
13. Come on, over there. Up against the wall! Left-hand side!
译文:快点 那边 靠左边墙上。
14. Stay left! Coming through!
译文:靠左边, 我们要通过。
15. Boys' dormitory is upstairs and down to your left.
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